13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for mythi

Hi I need to pass the co ordinates of the image present in one web form to another i tried it by using seesion variables but its not getting transferd help me with some suggestions

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for manikandanpk

Hi, I m new to this site . Im new asp.net. I want to know how to convert private assembly convert to shared assembly. Can u tell me anybody with good practical example. Advance thanks to every replier. Regards Mani

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for brightline

I've developed a setup project for my web project,but when trying to browse it from IIS the following error comes up: [COLOR="Red"]No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it[/COLOR] Line 582: public JudgmentsIndexes[] getParentIndexes() { Line 583: [COLOR="Red"]object[] results = this.Invoke("getParentIndexes", new object[0]);[/COLOR] Line 584: …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for Samjonz
Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for Narasimhan

HI Frenz, I need to know how to write coding for a button that checks the availability of the user... Can anyone help me with the coding?? Thanks....... Cheers Lakshminarasimhan

Member Avatar for SelArom

I have an xml documents that I need to bind using a repeater. This is to be a "preview" of a few rows of data with a "view more" link to see them all. Is it possible to do this using just one xml document? the xml file has about …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for ryanlcs

Hi There I used to develop C programming some 5 years back using Visual Studio. Now I am on my way to develop C++ using Visual Studio .Net 2003. I started of to create new project, there are numbers of different type to choose (Win32 Console Project, Console Application (.Net), …

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Member Avatar for sudhakary_rao

In my aspx page.background image should be static whereas my remaining functionality(i mean controls or anything) should be scrolling.How to apply this.

Member Avatar for sudhakary_rao
Member Avatar for nada fouad

i have a Project and in it i have Application Form u must fill it in the internet . it have many fields to put data in , and i want to take these data to my DataBase but in many tables . am going the Application Form with ASP.NET …

Member Avatar for nada fouad
Member Avatar for queenc

hi i am new to php i have a javascript function [code=JavaScript]function delayer(){ var useri = document.getElementById('userid'); var passwor = document.getElementById('passwords'); window.location = "https://website.com/login.aspx?OPFirmID=86&UID=useri&PW=passwor"; }[/code] below i have a html code for textboxes for getting tat value,i want to pass them to aspx page

Member Avatar for Nithya.G
Member Avatar for mythi

Hi While i am adding an new uer to my application it need to check with the database for the availability of that user name can anyone help me with the coding

Member Avatar for mythi

Hi I am new to the dot net field i need to do my login page in which i need to give specific home pages for admin and other users i dont know how to do it kindly help me with some code for authentication for different users

Member Avatar for mythi
Member Avatar for painthu

Hi, I am trying to create a custom web control that inherits from System.Web.UI.WebControls.Gridview I would like to add a custom template field which has label control showing serial numbers, i am able to add a serial number column during run time in a normal grid view, but i could'nt …

Member Avatar for painthu
Member Avatar for priyamsc

hi, I am working in Asp.net 2005 with c#. In that new datas will be entered in a web form. then tat datas will be shown in administrator form. so when ever the new entry(data from database) is coming in admin form that time beep sound or alarm should come …

Member Avatar for icarium

Hi all, i've been studying asp.net lately in order to built a website (obviously). and then i started to be aware of the php vs asp.net battle, the thing that most concerns me is the cost issue that all php users talk about. could someone tell me what costs are …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for toton

Hi, I want to save and retrieve ListBox selected Items in Cookies...................... I can do this for single selection............... Can anybody help me to do it for multi selection...........ListBox contains multi selection facility.................If an user multi select from a particular ListBox the selected values should be strored in Cookies.And also …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for RandyRich

I'm new to asp.net and I have an oracle stored function with 3 input parameters that returns a string. The function is one that validates a user. I want to validate my users from Oracle. I'm trying to use the sqldatasource component to interact with my stored procedure but I …

Member Avatar for bala24

Hi guys, I got this strange problem which I can't seem to solve. I have this Iframe within a webpage and I am opening another page within this. This nested page contains two drop down controls. The selection of the first dropdown populates the second with some values. The selection …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for plusplus

I am looking for a visual studio tutorial, can you suggest one? I have expirience working in visual basic and was asked by my boss to learn asp.net. So I got visual studio installed, and read a few sites about asp.net. the idea of visual studio looks very much like …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for sudhakary_rao

Hi i am having listbox,i want to open a new window after doubleclick of particular item in listbox in asp.net

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

In Vb.net, I do it in the foll. way-- Dim value as string [U]Button_Click[/U] For each value in combobox1.items combobox2.items.add(value) Next But it is not working in ASP.net. Plz de reply back.

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for toton

I have several listboxes in 1 page and there is a "search" button.Whenever user select any values from the listbox's and click search button the query fires and it is showing the desired results.But I want 2 more button on this page "save Query" and "Load Query". Requirment is: After …

Member Avatar for toton
Member Avatar for Nithya.G
Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for eswapna

Hi All, I am new to .Net. can anyone please tell me how to create loginpage in detail with steps and code. Thanks, Swapna

Member Avatar for vmadhu_ece
Member Avatar for Nithya.G

iam having "users" as root node and some name as childnodes . how can i load that into dataset. xmlfile: [code=XML]<users> <gg>hgjhgs</gg> <nithya>ggsg</nithya> </users>[/code] i need to load it into a dataset . or i want to countthe childnodes

Member Avatar for pranav_jog

How to add new row with columns containing data in asp.net table control. plz help me out. waiting for quick response. & how to store that data in database

Member Avatar for evios

Erm, how to split a string using comma separated into a table? Below is my code but the output seems weird: Lets say the row has 40 elements and 30 rows: [code] For Count = 0 To UBound(MyArray) For a = 0 To UBound(MyArray) Dim celNew As New TableCell() 'Dim …

Member Avatar for evios
Member Avatar for dskumar_85

hai friend's , have anyone have the idea that how to create the wesite like youtube ,matecafe and etc , that is how to design the page's , if any idea do u have or any link do u know please reply to me ... Thank's in advance...

Member Avatar for ardeezstyle

Hi! I've used these codes in my aspx document <script runat="server"> Sub change(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) lbl1.Text="You changed text to " & txt1.Text End Sub </script> And inside the HTML <body> tag I used this... <form runat="server"> Change text <asp:TextBox id="txt1" runat="server" text="Hello World!" ontextchanged="change" autopostback="true"/> <p><asp:Label id="lbl1" …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for dheeraj mittal

Hi Friends, i am having a problem in create directory on local machine through Asp.net source code and coping file from website folder to my local machine through source code . by using File .Copy(DPath, savePath, true); that code generating Error : Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, …

Member Avatar for majestic0110

The End.