13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for brightline

I have a gridview in my web application this gridview contains a select button I want when clicking on this button, a [COLOR="Red"]popup window [/COLOR]appears showing some infrormation about the selected row. I am using asp.net 0.2 Thanks in advace.

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for mjzammit

Hi i am working on a project, ASP.NET Web Application and i want to highlight a number words which would have been found programatically from the textbox. To find a string in the textbox i managed to do, my problem is to highlight the text found in the TextBox. I …

Member Avatar for kheat

Hi All, My company runs an old custom built classic ASP web site with oracle as the database. Recently they hired a few developers to build another asp.net application with odp.net10. Now we are unable to run both applications at the same time on our web servers because of …

Member Avatar for evios

Hi everyone, i am a newbie in ASP.NET. I currently working with tonnes of data obtained from the machines, by means to categorize it and display it in the form of graph and chart. The data source will be just the text files generated by the machine each hour, so …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for migsyandoc

hello to everyone i have a program that can update the data that you've edited in the gridview design the problem is whenever i have 3 records in my database and i edited one of them in the grid view all of them gets updated.. can anyone help me with …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for priyamsc

hi, I have gridview in my application . in tat i have some fields as wel as 2 template colum which has linkbutton and check box. i have written coding in GridView1_RowCommand() so it fires for link button properly but when i check the check box it wont fire..where as …

Member Avatar for priyamsc
Member Avatar for RandyRich

I'm just getting started with asp.net. Currently I'm using visual web developer express and sql server express. I've created a small project but find when I run it in debug mode it works great. When I try to access it from another browser window I can as long as I …

Member Avatar for akpaga

i have a progress bar and export to excel button on the same page. after the progress bar response is being flushed, the excel content is not being sent. both are conflicting with the http headers and i am getting the error "server content cannot be reset after http headers …

Member Avatar for deryl1974

Hey Guys, I have a chat application which is a windows client / server chat. I now want a web page to interact with this chat server. Its a simple chat app. 1. The chat server waits and listens. 2. The client connects then can see all the online buddies. …

Member Avatar for deryl1974
Member Avatar for vishakha_ate

Please can anyone help me out to solve my problem. m developing one site in which i want to send one page to friend. now m using System.web.mail and using the method in that. but its not working. so Please can anyone give me the code to send the mail.. …

Member Avatar for vishakha_ate
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

[B]1)[/B] What is string name?? [B]2)[/B]Can you have two files with the same name in GAC? [B]3)[/B]What is CAS?? I know just the full form Code Access secuiry. It is used for defining permissions. Which kind of permissions??

Member Avatar for santoo

hi, how can i display the range of record being shown in the page.. i.e like "Showing 15-25 of 100 records". thanks.

Member Avatar for a4tech

Hai... How can is actually to adding hyperlinkcolumn in datagarid ? I have 2 forms which are viewtopic.aspx and viewposttopic.aspx. [U]Form_A.aspx[/U] having <asp:hyperlinkcolumn> and datagrid. the hyperlink that auto created supposely will navigate user to Form_B.aspx and display informations based on category. For example, if user click Entertainment, in Form_B.aspx …

Member Avatar for dskumar_85
Member Avatar for zoekeen

What is up everybody.... I am building a new website in ASP.net and need some inside info on building a database driven mp3 site for my sound design company. Any advise on components I can buy or tips would be awesome. Just need to have about 200 mp3's in my …

Member Avatar for zandiago
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

hey frnds, plz tell me .Net Architechture if anybody have on mine ID <snip email> Second thing,I want to ask that ADO.net Architecture & .net Architecture r same or different thing. Third thing,plz send me the interview Questions on .net FRAMEWORK on mine ID.

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Jihad

I want to know what is the best practice. I am developing a website. I think that I don't need to make any class for any object in the database. But some people say that I should make classes because this is the best practice for developing a websit, but …

Member Avatar for Hosam Kamel
Member Avatar for Jihad

I want to make a server authentication login. First I logged in with windows authentication, changed the server authentication from windows authentication mode to sql server and windows authentication mode. Then I created a login, named it jihad and changed the password for that login. Then I gave that login …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for shravan.donthul

Hi all, In my form i have listbox,file upload control and button . Using file upload control am adding the files to listbox which i want to upload to server. On clicking button, i want the files to be uploaded to server which are in listbox. Please suggest me how …

Member Avatar for shravan.donthul
Member Avatar for aout

Hello, I am pretty new to ASP.NET, I hope someone can help me out. I am having problem with list box I can't seem to get any item selected when the list coming from database, but if I manually add listitem, I could select an item. I dont understand where …

Member Avatar for thymothey

Hello!!! I want to make a web site, and first I want to make the log in page using Login control from ASP.NET and I want to take the users from a database. Thanks for helping!!!

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for dacoon

Hi all, I have two asp.net dropdown lists, one for State selection and the other for County. Both have the autopostback set to true. When I try to navigate through the states using the keyboard (arrow keys) it selects the first state and I can't navigate through the rest of …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for vkj12

can you please send me the homepage prepared in asp.net on ERP project? please reply soon

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for seysmail

Hi everyone, I have a web page in my project which shows news and press releases of my client. I m showing the news page with headlines, pubdate etc. from a Rss Feed URL. I have used skmRss reader to read the data from the linke that returns Rss output. …

Member Avatar for kaptham

Hi to all, I hav learn something in .net with c#.Nw i hav evaluate me...So nw i hav develop webapplication project using c#.Plz send me the Complete sample Project data and what r the tables created that project.Send me any project title with complete data...

Member Avatar for migsyandoc

pls help me i am using vs2005 i am creating a program and connected in a ms access database, the problem is i dont know how to save my data in my database whenever i click the save button because i dont know what code will i write.. for example …

Member Avatar for mukund_avhad

to call subroutine i have to click on image button but after postback on same page insted of single click i have to click twice on image button to call sub routine why?

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for lbob

Hi I've got a datagrid that I'm populating and depending on the data returned depends on what button I add. That all works fine until I click on the button and it posts the page and loses everything. Basically I can't get the button to fire. Please help! Lbob This …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for saadkhan

Hello, I m making a page and the material on the page is too much due to which I m thinking to make Bookmarks. So can anyone tell me how to make Bookmarks ?????? I m using VB.Net . Thanking You. SAAD.

Member Avatar for Jihad

I am uploading files to the server and I want to open them from internet. Assuming that I have a microsoft word file or pdf file on the server.How can I start those programs to make the user be able to view these files. If that was not possible what …

Member Avatar for Jihad

I am developing a website,where I am using windows authentication for my connection. I want to change that to server authentication. I want to know what are the steps needed, at what should I watch out, and is there any problems that will appear in my project due to this …

Member Avatar for ericstenson

The End.