13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for Traicey

Im new to ASP and would like to know which one is the best when coding to ASP between VB.Net and C#.Net Thanx in advance

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for sandip250382

I want to design a real time file download button. Can anyone here provides the code? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for nandhinijp

At the time of login Redirect to one page particularly.In my site Users can view some of the pages without login. My question is If i am in x page.At that page i want to use login page.After login I want to return that x page.But its constantly navigated to …

Member Avatar for nandhinijp
Member Avatar for evios

Basically i am having a big project, my idea is like this: From a text file, i need to rename the .txt extension to .csv, so that i no need to split line by line. Then, from the excel file, i need to select several fields that i needed to …

Member Avatar for Fungus1487
Member Avatar for ardeezstyle

Hi I've a query to ask...... The Page_Load subroutine runs EVERY time the page is loaded. If we want to execute the code in the Page_Load subroutine only the FIRST time the page is loaded, we can use the Page.IsPostBack property. If the Page.IsPostBack property is false, the page is …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for ardeezstyle

Hi, In ASP.NET submit is the default button control. Having said that, I want to use command button control. Please show me the way of using the aforesaid with an example.

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for Nithya.G

iam having some elements in xmlfile , and i want to fill tat element's values in aspx file's dropdown. how to do. Ex: iam havin <font>Times New Roman</font> in xmlfile. now i should fill "timesNewRoman" in a dropdownlist . how to do.

Member Avatar for Nithya.G
Member Avatar for ansari.wajid

Hi I have 2 tables in database as follows: table1: id name state id 1 aaa 1,2 2 bbb 1,3 table2: id state 1 ak 2 ny 3 jk so the problem is that I want to display all the data of "[B]table1[/B]" in a gridview and in place of …

Member Avatar for ansari.wajid
Member Avatar for kaushik259106

Hope i am posting in the right place. Any pointer will be helpful. Am a learner so pls bare with me.. Thanks for that :) I was just wondering if i want to make a simple web apps (Say a user data will be saved to sql db) which of …

Member Avatar for kaushik259106
Member Avatar for DeepakDotnet

Hi This is .NET webservice related query .. How to get virtual directory url (to which webservice is configured) inside webservice class ? I have webservice running.I want to get virtual directory url say "http://localhost/CaseWork " within webmethod of webservice. is there any API to fecth the url ? Thanks. …

Member Avatar for sudhakary_rao

I want to develop a chat application using asp.net.i have searched for many applications where i can send message to multiple users but noy for specific user.Is there any application just like yahoo or gmail.

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for nandhinijp

Hi, I want to add comments in mysite.That means in my site i have the photos,user will leave the comment for that photos and also I want to reject some comments.How to create comments..Now i am using database to store the comments like their msg and name posted timings.But i …

Member Avatar for nandhinijp
Member Avatar for brightline

My web page contains a treeview. when the user select a node, how can I reset the selection to nothing i.e, making that no node is selected. thnx in advance.

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for Narasimhan

HI Friends, I am doing my project in a Web Application... Its about the tracking system.... I am actually very new to it.. So I need ur guidance... I am using 2 listboxes in a form for displaying the reports... In that one listbox will contain the details of the …

Member Avatar for Narasimhan
Member Avatar for ardeezstyle

Hi ! This is Me.... I want to start learning ASP.NET. I have done ASP and know the basics. So I just want to share the views of all the other members of this forum so that I actually learn the aforesaid subject very nicely.... Thanks Rupam 06/may/08

Member Avatar for ardeezstyle
Member Avatar for Nithya.G

iam having usernames and user id in an xml file and iam having a .net apllication , when i give the username and password it should check with xml file and it should login if it is a correct user, otherwise it should not login. i need code for this …

Member Avatar for raj416
Member Avatar for mjzammit

Hi i am getting the following error when running my web application Server Error in '/' Application. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (TextBox1="<html><head><meta ht..."). Description: Request Validation has detected a potentially dangerous client input value, and processing of the request has been aborted. This …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for Narasimhan

Hi, I hav got 1 more doubt.... I am trying to save the state of the page in c#......i am loading an image....after i vil be placing the image over that and save the coordinates of the moved image.....once i click save button...the page is getting refreshed...but the page should …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for brightline

I have a web page that contains a treeview. The problem: when the user expand a node the treeview height increases and so the positions of the controls below the treeview goes down. I want to solve that problem by butting the treeview in a panel or by any other …

Member Avatar for vikramrsingh
Member Avatar for manjusaharan

Hi all, I m new to asp.net . I am getting problem in using a dll residing on webserver from webservice. I m getting the following error. "Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {83767D91-FAC8-471D-935A-1A3D04D779C0} failed due to the following error: 80070005." Though the DLL is registered on …

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Member Avatar for Oxiegen

Hi! It's been a while since i last posted, and now I'm in need of some expert assistance. I've found this Control written in C# with .NET 1.0 on vbAccelerator and wanted to use it with my current project. I decided to convert the entire code to VB.NET but one …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for evios

to make it easier, i need to loop through all the radio buttons so that it is more manageable, i use the code below: [code]Me.Controls("RadioButton" & i).Checked = True[/code] However, i get this error message: Checked is not a member of System.Web.UI.Page Anyone know what is the problem? Thanks....

Member Avatar for sierrasoft
Member Avatar for Soteriologist

I have a datatable that I'm trying to use for storing a matchup between two columns of dynamic controls (a span holding data on the left is matched up to choices from dropdownlists on the right). I want the datatable to save and store the data between postbacks but it …

Member Avatar for sierrasoft
Member Avatar for successalways

hello i am Anand kumar .. the below is the error discription after hosting my web page.. [url]WWW.rxthirdeye.com[/url] is the webaddress... i hope u will provide me suggestion to clear it... Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details …

Member Avatar for sierrasoft
Member Avatar for acwbrat

I am very new to ASP.net and never used this feature before. I am trying to generate a code that will generate random numbers. The numbers must be in the range from 10-100. This is what I have generated. However, I am still running into some difficulty. [code] // test.aspx.cs …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for ericstenson

Hi - This is really annoying. For some reason, the Find & Replace window no longer displays in VS2005. It seems to be locked in the toolbar. Any ideas on how to get the window back?! Thanks, Eric

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for fujilec

erm, i am learning on how to make the data table. Hence i get a complete source code from the internet together with the files needed, this include the.aspx file and . aspx.vb file that need to be executed. However, when i run it using browser, it show nothing. May …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for soniataneja

Hello, How to call a webservice developed in asp.Net to and ASP page. Im actually trying to display some data which is on other website is there anyother way to do it.(if u have worked with google maps API using the maps in your own website somthing similar to that …

Member Avatar for soniataneja
Member Avatar for jituraj

hi, I have to make complex report. i have to join many tables in single report. & when i will click on 1 button that time it should be export to excel. each tables should display in individual grids. in excel within field. is it possible.plz help me

Member Avatar for fujilec

Anything wrong with this code? [code]If DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text = "xxxxxxx" && RadioButton1.Checked == True Then.....[/code] problem solved, however, how can i make the radio button can only be checked once, and then unchecked? Because once i already checked it, it cant be uncheck again..help..thanks

Member Avatar for ericstenson

The End.