13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for chrispaul8676

Hi, there, i have come up with a dropdownlist that takes data from database. A gridview with checkbox to select and a button to submit the selected rows in gridview and selected data in dropdownlist. i am getting errors. I don't know what is the cause. The dropdownlist will have …

Member Avatar for nccsbim071
Member Avatar for bbxrider

pretty much copied the basic tutorial from w3schools, [url]http://www.w3schools.com/ASPNET/aspnet_events.asp[/url] into my visual studio 2005 but its not working. you can see it not working at [url]http://job1data.com:8098/default5.aspx[/url], you can see the source .aspx in the attachment? this is pretty basic can't image what is going wrong here

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for kralco626

I have a gridview on my "second" page with a SqlDataSource. The data source is configured to take the qurry string "arg" from the url and run a stored procedure with it. On the "first" page i have a gridview and one collumn is links. Click on this link and …

Member Avatar for dsweb1017
Member Avatar for chrispaul8676

hi, there, i am trying to work out selecting rows in gridview using checkbox and button submit after rows are selected. Please guide me. i have time till 11am today. the errors: dsnews- unused local variable CheckBox1-String constants must end with double quote -Not declared IsChecked- not declared Dropdownlist code …

Member Avatar for sonia sardana

I want that when i check or uncheck the checkbox state,accordingly in label text is changed. If i check the checkbox,then in label text is checked else unchecked. [code] protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckBox1.Attributes.Add("oncheckedchanged", "javascript: return CheckboxState"); } <script language ="javascript" type ="text/javascript"> function CheckboxState() { var …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for Ana D.

Hi, I'm trying to populate my TreeView based on my Directory Structure. Actually, what I need is just the files and directories present in one folder. I found a lot of pages, blogs and posts about this, but all the solutions require the TreeView to be inside a form. The …

Member Avatar for Ana D.
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

Hey Guys, I have added a DetailsView to my page and i have enabled editing but when i click on update all the fields are editable. I want only only one row to be editable and all other rows to be ReadOnly. Please suugest some ideas on how to make …

Member Avatar for nccsbim071
Member Avatar for laghaterohan

i have calendar placed on my form i have one textbox n a button("Show date") When the user enters date in the textbox say 29/07/2008 and click on the show date button the calendar should show / reflect that date.. how to achieve this...i knw...it ll b simple but am …

Member Avatar for laghaterohan
Member Avatar for adamdk

Hello I want to nest one listview inside another one, with the inner listview's data source taking a bound value from the parents as a parameter. Both DataSources are Stored Procedures. For example, imagine I have a database with two tables for car information, MAKE and MODEL. I want to …

Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

Hey Guys, I have a template field in a DetailsView. In this field i have added another SqlDataSource and a textbox. I want to displat the result of the sqldatasource in the textbox. Is there anyway to do this??

Member Avatar for chrispaul8676

hi, there i am coming up with a dropdownlist, where the data will be in the sql database. The data then is retrieved from the database using dropdownlist. I am not sure if this codes are right. please help. [ICODE]<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server"> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:CourierSystemConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT …

Member Avatar for chrispaul8676
Member Avatar for nivielan

i have a doubt in validation control (i.e)..the validation controls are executed at client side..but why the validation controls are using the runat='server' attribute..if any boby knows the answer clear my doubt as soon as possible..

Member Avatar for anuj_sharma
Member Avatar for krokodajl

Hi, I have a class with some methods. Application which uses this class and its methods should be secured by login controls. How can I deny access to method for some users. For example user AA has access(can invoke) to method a() and user BB has access(can invoke) to method …

Member Avatar for Slade

Anyone got any idea's for a hit counter for a webpage in asp .NET, using the VB code behind? Any help would be really appreciated.

Member Avatar for amitpathak
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

Hey Guys, I have a databound dropdownlist which has the following data items: Select Approved Disapproved I want that if the user selects "Select" then he should not be allowed to submit it. Plkease help.

Member Avatar for kameswari
Member Avatar for shailesh_singh

i am making a web site that is based on online examination in that i have pro is that how can i imlement the time when a student click on start button after his login.

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for sivasankarp

Hi I have a gridview with data and checkbox. I want to Move selected to rows into another table(DB) when Dropdownlist is changed.(Just like a Yahoomail moving the selected mails to Folders) Please help me Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for kirank28
Member Avatar for mohankumar554

hi.. how can we do the web hosting with asp.net (using C#).what is the process . can u tell me some free webhosting sites. i am trying to run my application with the help of url. and the client system contains only dotnet framework.how can we do that?plz help me..

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for amar_interface
Member Avatar for mansi sharma

Can somebody tell me how to create a User Control that consists of two textboxes & button..On button click,i want to show just the msg textbox1.text & " " & textbox2.text,, Tell me how to use the user control on two forms!!!

Member Avatar for madcour80

Hello all, I have a web form with a submission confirmation message that I would like to display for 10 seconds (after the page returns from the "Submit" event) and then hide after the 10 seconds has elapsed. I decided to use the System.Web.UI.Timer object, set it's interval, enable it, …

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Member Avatar for nava123

Java vs .NET Which platform is better according to your opinions, Java or .NET, Post your reply here

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Ana D.

Hi, I'm binding a TreeView using the SiteMap Data. Near to each node, I have a checkbox so that the user can select the node he wants. I need to iterate through the tree checking if the node is checked and if so, write something like: Home - Node1 - …

Member Avatar for prakash.s

hi, I am using .net1.1 and IIS 5.0. I need to redirect the .aspx urls. For that i found a solution that [url]http://urlrewriter.net/[/url] in that they have used the Intelligencia.UrlRewriter solution. I have added the web reference to my project Intelligencia.UrlRewriter.dll This worked fine for me in local machine(in my …

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Member Avatar for kralco626

current code: [icode]Response.Redirect("DeviceInformation.aspx?arg=" + e.CommandArgument);[/icode] which redirects to a page with a data grid. The argument is passed into a stored proc on a database and the infor is returned in a grid. What i want, is the same thing, but, open it in a new page. So something like: …

Member Avatar for kralco626
Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

HEy Guys, I have made a details view and enable updation and paging on it. But when the updation takes place the detailsview does not refresh. I have given DataBind() function but still it does not refresh but the entries are updated in the database. Please Help.

Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

Hey Guys, I have a DetailsView on my page with updation enabled.When i click on the edit button all the fields int he DetailsView become editable but i want only one field to be editable and all other fields to be ReadOnly. Please suggest some ideas.

Member Avatar for anuj_sharma

Hey Guys, I have a textbox in which a ID is stored. ID has type int in the database. I want to compare this Textbox ID with the ID in the databse. I tried to use: int ID=Convert.ToInt32("TExtboxID.text") I got an error: NullReference Exception was handled by Usercode Please help.

Member Avatar for anuj_sharma
Member Avatar for chrispaul8676

hi there, i am coming up with a form. i have to insert data into the sql database. i am able to do that. The problem is that, when i insert, the data i entered one shows twice in the table. i just click once and there are the same …

Member Avatar for chrispaul8676
Member Avatar for arny1

Hi there, I have to export some images to excel, To center the images I use a table and colspan=4 to merge four columns of excel file, when I write a text to excel file it is easily get centered, but for image I tried every possible scenarios, like <img …


The End.