13,153 Topics
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| Hi - I need some help. I have upgrated my server, webserver, ... to windows 2008, IIS 7.0 and ASP.NET 3.5. That gives me some problems. I have a page where people can upload and download documents. Upload works fine but download doesn't work. The documents is downloaded by using … |
Hi friends......... Am using a one Textarea and Text box and a Button in my application.. whenever i write a text in textbox and click on the button . textbox value is copied to Textarea... This logic i have written in Button_Click event. Now in an situation i dont want … | |
hi, there, i came up with thisd login page. i came up with username , password and result textbox. i have included the C# behind code. i want to use roles and membership, but don't know how. i am not suppose to come up with any dropdownlist or textbox for … | |
so far i've implemented virtual terminal & Hosted order page module.. remaining is silent post, Legacy SCMP api, Simple order API, Soap toolkit api... my question is it necessary to implement Legacy SCMP api, Soap toolkit api....if yes then why...? | |
Default1.aspx [code] protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { Session["name"] = TextBox1.Text; Response.Redirect("Default2.aspx"); } [/code] Default2.aspx [code] protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sBeforeAbandon; string sAfterAbandon; sBeforeAbandon = Session["name"].ToString (); Session.Abandon(); if (Session["name"] != null) { sAfterAbandon = Session["name"].ToString(); } [/code] Hey frnds Session.Abandon clears all the session … | |
i am trying to make a simple login form using OleDb i am getting a single error that the "dr" does not have a constructor default.aspx.vb [code] Imports System.data Imports System.Data.OleDb Partial Class _Default Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim cn … | |
I have an ASP.NET application that generates Excel files that should be downloaded by user. These files contain some VBA code that is added with oWB.VBProject.VBComponents.Item(i).CodeModule.AddFromString(s). The "Trust access to Visual Basic Project" in Excel > Tools > Macros > Security is checked. The "Network User", "ASPNET", "IUSER", "IWAM" users … | |
Hi, In asp.net I am using ODBC connection with dsn. I have some experience on VB6. In VB we used to append records in database with command; connection.addnew databasefieldname=somvalue connection.update my query is - can we do something like this in asp.net? Alok | |
I have been developing a asp.net application in which i have to mail to large number of user an email. I used the classes in System.Net . Every thing is fine, there are no errors in the page. But while sending mail i get an exception: as follows: [B][COLOR="Red"]SPAM Score … | |
My question is simple: i wrote a program that will allow my user to enter some text and it will produce a wav file based on the input and allow them to download it. I am now in the stage that writting the redirect code to redirect the user to … | |
Hi Friends ........ how to popup a browser window when pageload event occurs. | |
Hi I have been developing a website. I need to hide the page extension of the pages while user is browsing my site. for example: Home.aspx should be displayed as Home only. How can i do this. Please help Thanks | |
Hi, I am using below code to hide a column in Gridview. But it display an error. My code:: [code]protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { e.Row.Cells[7].Visible =false;//error generated on this line }[/code] Error:: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values Parameter name: index Please help me. … | |
I have need of some help...i am working on a form in javascript and am wanting to create a function to total the value of checkboxes when they are checked. i have found many examples, and have a little bit done but it won't total up the values. this is … | |
Here is the scenario: I have pages that we can add items to "shopping cart",here is the code: [code]List<string> shopingCart = (List<string>)Session["shopingCart"]; if (shopingCart == null) { shopingCart = new List<string>(); Session["shopingCart"] = shopingCart; } shopingCart.Add(Request.QueryString["ID"]);[/code] I store the ID of each product in Session state(which is unique), then I … | |
Hello, I have written a javascript function for email validation . On the click event of the validate button am calling the function however, the function is not called and returns nothing....so please help me out....plz help me out and do let me know where am going wrong...! here is … | |
I want to pass for example to instance of my employee class to the next page , I use CONTEXT CONTEXT>ITEMS>ADD. .... and then SERVER>TRANSFER(); but it doesn`t work properly and if i set the properties of these instances to the same class objects in the next page I get: … | |
plz tel me how to resolve that error my code is [code=asp.net]<asp:GridView ID="gridView" runat="server" Style="position: relative; left: 299px; top: 69px;" PageSize="5" OnRowCommand="gridView_OnRowCommand" AllowPaging="True" OnSelectedIndexChanged="gridView_SelectedIndexChan ged1" > <PagerTemplate> <% if (gridView.PageIndex > 0) { %> <asp:ImageButton ID="imgBtnPrevious" runat="server" Style="vertical-align: middle;" ImageUrl="pre.jpg" OnClick="click1" CommandArgument="Prev" CommandName="Page" /> <% } %> <%=(gridView.PageIndex * 5) … | |
Hello I apologize because my English is not good. I Have a webpage by asp.net that contain one treeview ,xmldatasource,one xml file that related to xmldatasource and one iframe. When user click on a treenode a webpage will be shown in iframe. Now I want when treenodes clicked , my … | |
Ok. so i'm not quite sure how to do this. I have searched many of website but cant really find too much. I have a database in MS ACCESS that holds user information. I have the insert function working on this. I have used VB.NET CODE. What i want to … | |
hi there snake.. i've implemented AIM & SIM...in authorize.net... but i'm facing a new problem... which is automated recurring billing.... i've used the codes from authorize.net... but things don't work out.... i've used the soap code...which has a web reference.. and i'm working in the test account so if you … | |
hello all, I would like to create a menu named "Category" for word, which has other sub menu's. The user can install this addIn in his word and use it. I know that Visual studio provides AddIn support for word 2003, 2007. But don't know how to code this. How … | |
can you provide the code for event updating the row in gridview? | |
hello, am doing an application (c#.net)wherein i need to add the Fileupload control one below the other on the click of the Attach more files button; just as we have in the E-Mails. How can the control get added to the form ? can ne1 help me out ? cya … | |
hello every one, I am new in asp.net. I am tring to run update query with odbc data connection but it is not working [code] Dim CON As OdbcConnection Dim CONSTR As String = "Dsn=sdata" Dim DA As New OdbcDataAdapter Dim DT As New DataTable CON = New OdbcConnection(CONSTR) CON.Open() … | |
Hi, I wrote a query statement in SQL server to take paramaters, and generate then run a sql statement based on which criteria were provided. The tables got pretty massive so I need the query only filter when the value to filter on was provided. When I tried to bring … | |
hi I have to add nodes and subnodes to a tree view from sql database in asp.net(VB.Net) 2.0 How to do this i have 3 tables i want to add nodes from first table and respective childnodes from the 2nd table subsiquent child nodes from the 3rd table how to … | |
Hi everyone! I am developing an accommodation reservation system in ASP.Net. And it's my first project in this area. So my question is how can I implement online payment into my ASP.Net form? So that the users when booking a room should be able to pay for the accommodation online … | |
Hi, there, I am trying to come up with a createuserwizard with a role checklist. I am getting this error. [COLOR="Green"][B]Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Source Error: Line 30: Line 31: ' Bind the set of roles to RoleList Line 32: RoleList.DataSource … | |
Hi I need help to solve minimzing IE windows. Bascially, I have 2 IE windows, let's name it ieA and ieB. When user click a button on ieA, I need to minimize ieA and show or display ieB. for minimzing I have tried calling script function [code]function Minimize() { window.innerWidth … |
The End.