13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for j0Hn.rEy_08

Hello! I would like to ask..if its possible to convert the codes form vb6.0 into vb.net web application? If there's a way what is it? Thank You Very Much!

Member Avatar for sonakrish
Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for bharanidharanit

Hello sir, I am using VisualStudio2008 Platform. In registration form, I am having Firstname,Lastname, UserName, and Password Fields. I have connected it to the AccessDataSource. When i click the submit button i want the details to be added to the access database. What is the procedure to do it?

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for minigweek

Hi all!! I am planning on developing a Image Hosting service for fun!! I have prelimenary knowledge of ASP.NET and am sure to learn loads of new stuffs in this process!! Could you guide me on to how to go about doing this ? Thanks and Regards!!

Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for NiravVyas

HI I had been in trouble from last three days.Here is my problem:I allow user to upload a image of his/her choice, then I resize it to a 45 X 45,Then make a copy of that in transparent.Till here all things were going fine. Now I want it to cut …

Member Avatar for Slovig

Hey. I'm pretty new to ASP.NET and coding it in VB. I'm working on some tutorials on how to view and edit data from a SQL Data Source. I'm using the GridView feature, but I'm getting some errors. The major one, is that it requires me to declare a scalar …

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb
Member Avatar for pavithraram

hi . how to refresh a particular control. I want my control to be refreshed for every 10 sec. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for sedgey
Member Avatar for dhpatil1

hi , I am working in aps.net website using c#. I develop one site this site after 3 hrs wiil be lost or some application level exception occur . To solve this problem we have to manually restart the worker process. My question is How to restart the worker process …

Member Avatar for sedgey
Member Avatar for maltova

Hi all, i want to disable caching of my web page on the client side. For this, i am adding a cache-control:no-store header to the out going response in my asp.net page. It is working fine in IE but with a limitation in Firefox. what i learnt is Firefox is …

Member Avatar for sedgey
Member Avatar for ikerbera

Hello, I don't know if this is even posible, as it has to be done in client side when the file has been downloaded. When I download a file with the save as or open dialog openning it ,it opens correctly and everything works nicely. But, lets say is a …

Member Avatar for ikerbera
Member Avatar for ricksvoid

I have a large backup database file and I am having trouble opening it. I tried renaming it from database.BAK to database.MDF. I hope that this did not permanently destroy my hopes of ever recovering the database by changing the format. Does anyone out there know how I can open …

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for surekhavk

i amusing server.transfer to transfer values frm one aspx to another my values are in array. i want to reatin the values on post back so nned to use viewstate how do i use it at present i have it in request.form method x = Request.Form(listi(i).Trim + "sel")

Member Avatar for surekhavk
Member Avatar for pavithraram

hi...am doing a job portal proj it s lik a web development wit project scheduling and proj progress pls suggest me wat al i can do wit dat...also i need code wit c sharp and asp dot net for sms from mob to sys....pls help me.. thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for vasanth.kanna

Dear All, I have developed a web site using asp.net and C#, Iam using Microsoft enterprise library - DBfactory for establising connection with sql server 2005. Now i want to implement the application to connect to different databases for different users. For example Client A should connect to database DB1 …

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for cob027

Hello all. I need to have a specific column in my DataGrid be read-only (which it currently is) most of the time, but I would like to set it to read/write when I update (as to allow for changing a certain field's data) and then promptly set it back. Any …

Member Avatar for doleh
Member Avatar for chombe

Hi there I get the following error message while displaying a page DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name 'f'. I have a FormView control which is bound to an sqldatasource when it is loaded, it displays the above error msg here is the formview ItemTemplate code …

Member Avatar for chombe
Member Avatar for tiger86

I have been reading up on ASP, ASP.Net, and wmlscript. I still am not sure which one to use for mms uploads and need some advice. With my bad luck I most likely posted in the wrong forum *sigh*.

Member Avatar for doods

wuz up guys, didnt know where to post this topic. Well here is my problem how can I change a varchar to number in crystal report the value has a "-" dash in it and I wanted to convert this to number so I can display the number to arabic. …

Member Avatar for Kusno
Member Avatar for bharanidharanit

Hello sir, I need to create a ASP.NET Website. What are the basic steps in involving in that? I know to create forms, asp page? But i dont know the initial things.

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for Clawsy

I'm building a website in asp.net and c# and I want to have ONE PAGE and to change content of a div -> section. So I used innerHTML for this and it works fine fot HTML pages (one page for each section), but I want to reuse aspx file (asp.net …

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for agrothe

I'm in the process of building a new menu editor for someone at work. I don't know if I've been at this too long or just can't see the forest for the trees.... The database structure's menu items like id, title, parentid, listorder, link, etc I'm trying to write this …

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for web4

first of all i am new to asp.net but i am familiar with vb.net my question is how could i edit some values in datagrid?? for example i have a database some of these values should not be hidden and in that way,i want to set up some value in …

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for thunderman

hello, I 'm still a noob at programming in vb.net I have a little problem. I 'm trying to get my selected rows to another page. I already can select my rows with checkboxes but I don't know how I can pass them through a session to another page. hopefully …

Member Avatar for sada.umesh
Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m

Hi, I have web page containing 4 ImageButtons for get new id,delete a record,edit the record and save a record.The three of them worked correctly. But when clicking on the save button, a message of microsoft internet exolorer displayed like this: The Web Page you are Viewing is trying to …

Member Avatar for ssreevidya.m
Member Avatar for sierrasoft
Member Avatar for love_dude1984

hello frendz.. Well, im a beginner in Asp.Net.. im using a win vista home premium & also installed IIS,Visual studio 05. I created a new web site using a Location as HTTP. my prob is whenever i try to run the website, it gives me the error shown in the …

Member Avatar for love_dude1984
Member Avatar for Potato.Head

Hi to all I'm trying to change the headers of a request, I'm trying to simulate a request from different browsers, languages... The problem is when I try to change the headers I receive an exception(see below), this is the code I'm using: [code] HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); request.Headers.Set(HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent, httpRequest.ServerVariables["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]); …

Member Avatar for Potato.Head
Member Avatar for its.romi

I am currently working in asp.net, I m all new to web programming. I have to make a website for our clients, we will give them a user id and password of thier equipment and the details (given by the clients) will be entered in the database. My questions is …

Member Avatar for its.romi
Member Avatar for ansari.wajid

I have created a user control with name menuUserControl with menu control in it. I have created a user defined property for the user control(menuUserControl) as groupid and when ever I pass groupid to the user control(menuUserControl) in a page, it should use a theme based on the groupid I …

Member Avatar for joelsmith
Member Avatar for dhakshina moort

The End.