13,153 Topics

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I have a datasource on my page, the select query of which creates a pivot table. The complexity is that the columns in the pivot are determined by records in another table (the users table). So I have to use a prepared statement to build and execute the pivot query, …

Member Avatar for |-|x
Member Avatar for Maha Sh.

Hi all, I am using DataReader for the first time and i faced more than one error and this is the last one ((Index was outside the bounds of the array.)) and it's point to this line Dim result As Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader = dr(Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection) I think I have problem with closing …

Member Avatar for Maha Sh.
Member Avatar for super123

I am using the following code for receiving information from users, **is it possible to get all the information as a PDF attachment ?** protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient(); MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); message.To.Add("admin@domain.com"); if (CheckBox1.Checked == true) { emailadd.Text = employeenameDropDown.SelectedValue; …

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Member Avatar for coder389

In my web.config file I have to add a key, but I want that its value should be relative to the location of the folder. How can I get it? I have: `<add key="FilePaths" value="c:\Folder1\Folder2\"/>` But I want that I only mention "Folder2" and its starting path is get dynamically. …

Member Avatar for preeti anand

...............................<asp:ListItem>Indian</asp:ListItem> ............................<asp:ListItem>Foreign</asp:ListItem> ............................</asp:DropDownList> .............................</td> ............................. <td class="style3" align="right">

Member Avatar for preeti anand

......................<asp:ListItem>Indian</asp:ListItem> .........................<asp:ListItem>Foreign</asp:ListItem> ..................</asp:DropDownList> .....................</td> ......................<td class="style3" align="right"> ............................Website:<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox11" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> ............................</td> ........................... </tr> ....................... <tr>

Member Avatar for lhsunshine

How set image size in the gridview? I m using asp.net with c#... Tq in advance....

Member Avatar for mustaffa hasan
Member Avatar for NuGG

Hi there, I am trying to combline results form a query into one variable/string without drastically changing the sites current code. Bacically I have been trying to add **rs2("name")** for each record into one string. For example, say the customer has "item1", "item2", and "item3" in their basket, well I …

Member Avatar for jazz1011

Hi guys i am new for ASP.net application, so guide me to learn more in this programming language. Well i have my own login form. Now the problem is, i want to create a session for all pages. Which means if user does some changes in some of the field/pages …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for LaxLoafer

I recently dispatched a newsletter via email. Each link in the newsletter pointed to a page on our website, and each link contained a query string that identified which newsletter a subscriber was responding to. The query string uses Google Analytics tracking code, so the links looked something like this... …

Member Avatar for LaxLoafer
Member Avatar for GFX010

Hello, I have an image in one of my project folders: Lets say its in: ~/App_Themes/Default/images/SomeImage.png I want to load this image into a System.Drawing.Image, how do I do that? If I try using the FromFile method of the Image class: Image img = Image.FromFile("~/App_Themes/Default/images/SomeImage.png", true); I get a "FileNotFoundException". …

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Member Avatar for nduduzo

Hi Guys please help, i've places a asp:button with a code behind on a slideshow and it doesn't work; i've set my slideshow*** Autoplay:false;*** but everytime clicking my button it doesn't fire the code behind, instered it disables **Autoplay to True** please help This is my vb.net Code behind the …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for cyberdaemon

how can i save multiple record in single click using user define data type in SQL i am having problem in selecting the value in gridview using checkbox here my code View // View LAyer protected void imgbtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dtTable = new DataTable(); DataRow dtRow = …

Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Day ALL I have tried something and i am not sure what is the problem. i have inherited the an asp.net app. So i want to add the custom Error Handling. I know there are two methods i can do this. 1) Web Config 2)Global.asa So i started with …

Member Avatar for geniusvishal
Member Avatar for cent91

hello everyone. i am at such a stage where i need to make a decision. i have gained enough basic programming skills withn c++ and now i want to start with something a little professional. i dont like web programming and i would love to do system programming or game …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for coder389

I am making a book reader. It takes input files in PDF format. I have to show them in EPUB format. But I don't know how to convert PDF to EPUB format. Please help by suggesting some valuable methods.

Member Avatar for xiiopao

Good day guys., im new with vb .net and im currently developing a simple information system for an agency .. im almost done with it but there seem to be a problem with my update statement for the change password code here's my code.., Imports System.Data.OleDb Friend Class login Public …

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Member Avatar for bilal_fazlani

I using listview on an asp.net form.. It has item template and edit template... I want to add ajax slider in both the templates.. I just used on script manager as suggested my many people,, but for reason i can only see one single slider in the top row.. and …

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Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hello everyone, I am developing a WPF application in which there is a **header (user control)** with some buttons as "Home", "Upload", "Log Off" etc. What I want is to add this header user control in a page and when I **click the "Upload" button** of this header user control, …

Member Avatar for KushMishra
Member Avatar for vaishnaviS

Hello, I am final year student and I am currently doing a website project on resort using asp.net 3.5 and vb.net and backend as sql2005. I have modules like Room reservation, membership, events and packages. Can I get any Sample Project.

Member Avatar for pakistanman
Member Avatar for emilio

I'm having doubts about a need to use a singleton pattern in a web service. I'm building a web service that is acting as a server side for multiple clients. I was thinking about making my business logic classes a singleton classes but i'm having doubts because of the following …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for syd919

Hello guys, I just deployed my site and when I try to view through the browser I get "403 - Forbidden: Access is denied." error. this does not happen when I replace index.aspx in the wwwroot folder with index.html. I would really appreciate any advice on this thank you.

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for rogelioz

Hi, I've tried several combinations of commands like the following to finish a session: [code] Request.Cookies.Remove("cookie1"); Request.Cookies.Remove("cookie2"); Request.Cookies.Clear(); Response.Cookies.Remove("cookie1"); Response.Cookies.Remove("cooke2"); Response.Cookies.Clear(); [/code] But after that I go to another page that checks for the existence of the cookies, and it still finds them. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for sandybarasker
Member Avatar for mani508

hello i want to do autocomplete with jquery and ajax from database without using webservices. i want to do with ajaxhandlers not using webservices. how can possible.? Tell me as soon as possible thanks in advance... my final year project is web discussion forum i want to post topic in …

Member Avatar for mani508
Member Avatar for jazz1011

Hi guys i am new for the ASP.net world so help to understand new stuffs. I want to add an image as a background in my <div>. As an example, when you create a new asp.net web site. You will get few default stuffs like in this [image](http://i1.asp.net/asp.net/images/whitepapers/aspnet40/ASPNET4B1-image13.png). Now what …

Member Avatar for jazz1011
Member Avatar for syd919

Internal Server Error 12 minutes ago|LINK Hello Guys, I need help deploying my little website I am designing. I have my index.html file in the wwwroot folder and my web.config file is there too. the contents of the web.config file are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <configuration> <system.webServer> <defaultDocument> <files> <add value="index.html" …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for jateshs1007

Guys i am niew for the .net site development. I have a small question. I have my personal login page created in jquery. I am not using login form of ASP.net. Now the question is how to create a session for the user. I have 4 web pages (Below are …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

Hi, I'm trying to create my own numeric textbox that will handle decimal as well as whole number values. The concept is, unlike the regular textbox, this one will accept a value of 'Double' data type and show it with proper formatting e.g. Leading Digits, Digit Grouping etc. When the …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for GFX010

Greetings to all, I have two functions: Function 1: ImageToByteArray: Is used to Convert an Image into a Byte Array and then Store in an Oracle Database, in a BLOB Field. public byte[] ImageToByteArray(string sPath) { byte[] data = null; FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(sPath); long numBytes = fInfo.Length; FileStream …

Member Avatar for rushikesh jadha

can anybody send me list of asp.net sdk along with download link I have .net framework 4 installed on my pc. thank you.

Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.