13,153 Topics

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Member Avatar for game4tress

Hi, I'm trying to print a document in landscape, but i'm only being able to print it in portrait. I've searched for the problem but i haven't found a solution to the problem. Can you, please help? Here's the source code: public void btnImprimir_Click() { try { PrintDialog pDialog = …

Member Avatar for Maha Sh.

Hi all, I'm trying to get some values from my database using data reader. Its my first time in using dataReader and I have this error "Value of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader' cannot be converted to 'String'." My code Public Sub LogIn(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim …

Member Avatar for Maha Sh.
Member Avatar for Jake.20

Greetings guys i just want to ask on how to update the gridview at runtime. I set the AutoGenerateColumn to true but nothing happens. I appriciate every idea. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for ShaggyDogg

I wonder if someone can point out where I'm going wrong with this code. My aim is to control the visibility of an UpdatePanel with a CheckBox. The CheckBox is located on the same form, but not adjacent to the UpdatePanel. ScriptManager is present, but when browsing, checking the CheckBox …

Member Avatar for Philippe.Lahaie
Member Avatar for sagngh8

Does the Application_Start in global.asax called when the new published code is kept in IIS web root for the project, Thanks S.

Member Avatar for andarivaadu1

Hi, I don't have any idea about regular expression. Can some on please suggest a good website for regular expression Tutorial. Also 1.Can some one please help me to generate a regular expression meeting all these requirements * A strings minmum length must be 3 charcters, and maximum length must …

Member Avatar for seslie
Member Avatar for Shwetha Dali

Hi, I have created a widget inside dashborad using the following link. But i'm not able to move the widget to desktop. Can anyone tell me how to do it. **I'm using Windows XP operating system and Visual studio 2008.** Here is the link. http://demo.dynamicdashboards.net/Pages/About/tutorial.aspx Thanks in advance, Shwetha

Member Avatar for rushikesh jadha

when i execute asp.net script in ie it shows blank page but when i execute simple asp or html page it display output,why?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Jake.20

Greetings everyone, I'm having a problem on displaying my picture on the image box. Instead it displays the picture on the image box, it opens a web page and displays it there. Here's the code conn = New SqlConnection("Server=Jeiku-shin-pc;Database=EnrollmentDB;Trusted_Connection=True") Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand( _ "SELECT * FROM …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sdevanab

Hi. I am having connection issue while connecting to using below string provider=IBMDADB2;Data Source=XXXX.XXXXX.COM:5000;Database=C2RCU0;Uid=s858;Pwd=cccc Getting error like database not found. But What i found was connection to mainframes it self was not happenning. Do i need to provide any other information or what i am missing here.. sConnection As String …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Jake.20

Good evening guys, I'm having a problem on my web page. I'm trying to store a data on my mssql but it's not saving anymore. but it was working perfectly this morning. it doesn't display any error so i don't know what happened. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Jake.20
Member Avatar for minbor

Hi everyone, I have a web page where a fields needs to be validated if another is not empty. e.g. 'date' needs to be checked if 'quantity' has a number in it. I’m not exactly a pro with .net and am fiddling with compare and custom validators. All help on …

Member Avatar for absb
Member Avatar for zemzela

I got error ProfileCommon could be not found , in my code. I don't know how to fix the error. I put namespace using system.Web.Profile, but error still does here. Could someone help how to do that? Please help me if you know. Thank you public partial class UserProfile : …

Member Avatar for zemzela
Member Avatar for Jake.20

Greetings, Can someone tell me on how can i call a certain textbox from web.aspx to another web.aspx in visual basic windows form application we use Me.lastname.text = Profile.lastname.text what is the equivalent code in asp.net? btw i'm using visual basic asp.net. Thank you in advance guys :D.

Member Avatar for Jake.20
Member Avatar for Ashfa

Hi, I have a grid view having images and text.. i used handler to display image. but after implementing the code to display image,,, autogenerated edit/delete options are not displaying Data Fields........ mpId...int(Text), mpName.... varchar(Text), mpLocation... varchar (dropdown list), mpImageF.. image , mpGender... varchar(radio button list) **Please Guide me how …

Member Avatar for Ashfa
Member Avatar for Hakoo

Hello all, I am trying to validate my ASP.NET page in W3C validator. I am getting following errors. Can anyone help with this? No DOCTYPE found! Checking XML syntax only. The DOCTYPE Declaration was not recognized or is missing. This probably means that the Formal Public Identifier contains a spelling …

Member Avatar for mikev2
Member Avatar for nice_candy

hi, i am using a div tag inside an update panel. the div tag contains a gridview which will update after some time. i have added a timer inside the update panel to update grid view. now when ever the timer of update panel gererate tick event the scrolls of …

Member Avatar for KushMishra

Hi all, I have recently designed a WPF application with some user controls and I want to code behind a user control to redirect to another window or invoke another user control however I am unable to do the same. The problems I am facing presently are as follows:- 1.When …

Member Avatar for Sahil89
Member Avatar for Verygoodguy

I have a gridview(Gridview1) that has 5 columns as below: 1. The 1st column is databound. It binds to a “CustomerID” column of SQL Server customers table; 2. The 2nd column is databound. It binds to a “CustomerName” column of SQL Server customers table; 3. The 3rd column is databound. …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Verygoodguy

I have a gridview1 that displays customers with their codes. The gridview contains 3 columns: The 1st contains an item tamplate with radiobutton(radioButton1) in it. The 2nd is a bound column that binds with CustomerID column of sql Customers table. The 3rd is a bound column that binds with CustomerFullName …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for mani508

how to restrict size and restrict format of fileupload control in asp.net? how its possible....??

Member Avatar for mani508
Member Avatar for jakeb1989

Hi I currently have a username and password stored in the web.config file of my website, I want the user to be able to change his password whenever he wishes. Is there any way to update the password held in th web.config file using a text input box and a …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for pavankumarr

Hi, I want to download file(pdf) using save dialog when user clicks a link from Html Page. There is html page where i used anchor tag to open a PopUp window(aspx form) where user will enter his details and submit the details which will save in database.After submitting the details …

Member Avatar for Maha Sh.

Hi all, :) I am creating a log in form and I connected to my database and when i run my form I keep geting this error "NullRefrenceExeption was unhandled by user code" Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I'm getting the error in this line …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for olegb

I have the following dilemma. We have developed a sophisticated system in VB.NET that takes in a few parameters and then generates result files as an output to those parameters. We want to be able to to "feed" these parameters to this "engine" from the web (preferably some ASP page), …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Oxiegen

Hi! Ok. So I've got this problem. I have a reference to a WebService that provides a whole bunch of classes representing a table in a database. Now, it's a simple thing to retrieve a list of all those classes and store them for future use. What I would like …

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Member Avatar for SyncMaster170

Whats up Daniwebbers, heres my issue: I gotta .asp file, opened it up in VS2010. The report is having an issue with totaling up a column and displaying it. The report generates perfectly, but when I look at the USED TOTAL cell at the end of the report, it is …

Member Avatar for SyncMaster170
Member Avatar for php_noob
Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for oldSoftDev

Hey guys, I am trying to use TextInputPanel for passwordbox but since its part of WPF it does not allow us to use TextInputPanel. I followed the following link http://interactiveasp.net/blogs/natesstuff/archive/2008/10/01/ink-in-wpf-using-textinputpanel-for-text-input.aspx this works fine with the textbox but not with passwordbox, I modified the class to accept password boxes but when …

Member Avatar for bilal_fazlani

I am creating an web application which uses abcpdf to convert an html page to pdf. the html page uses javascript to for some dynamic parts.. I have already tried setting the UseScript bool to true as follows : theDoc.HtmlOptions.UseScript = true; It renders static text and omits javascript content. …


The End.