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Member Avatar for shahab03

I believe I can read string using li $v0, 8 syscall how can I take what was read and check if it was a specific value. e.g. if input was Y then jump to loop label. if it was N then jump to exit label. thanks

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for shahab03

I have write a assembly program using SPIM simulator. Wondering if someone can guide me on how to start on this. Program will take number from 1 to 365 as input and print month and date. For example you input: 2 program will say : its January 2 if your …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for geno93n0

Is there a code to set the font color for all outputted text in a86? I have to combine the following two programs, using the background from SIEGE and the content of FTCONV. My problem is that I'm working on a limited timeframe and I'd really like to know if …

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Member Avatar for Dewey1040

I honestly don't fully know where to start with this program but this is what i have Write a MIPS program which read one line at a time from console. For each line that you read, print two lines on the console: echo print of the line and types of …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for jingo1126

ive been wondering why wont codes make a file [code] .model small .stack 100h .data buffer db 10,?, 10 dup(' ') .code start: mov ah,1 int 21h cmp al,"1" je input jne finish input: ; will input string i.e "qw.txt" mov ax,seg buffer mov ds,ax mov dx, offset buffer mov …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for ov3rcl0ck

I'm extremely new to assembly and was wondering if there is a speed difference between 16, 32, and 64bit registers.

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for jingo1126

guys need help says when executed.The syntax of command is incorrect.. i dont where i went wrong..here is my code.. [code] .model small .stack 100h .data file db "TEST.TXT",0 ; File name new db "Rename.txt",0 ; New name dir db "D:",0 ;Current directory .code start: mov ax,seg dir mov ds,ax …

Member Avatar for Nathan Campos

Hello, I use Nasm as my default Assembler, but with a couple days i was testing MASM and now i want to know how many users here use this Assembler. Thanks, Nathan Paulino Campos

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for blerina12

Hello guys. I am having a problem with the following code. When I try to run the program the instruction int 21 causes an access violation. Can someone tell me how to fix this problem? [CODE].386 .model flat .stack 100h .data message db 'Hello World', 13, 10, '$' .code _start: …

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Member Avatar for maria azhari

i need coding assembly ic 8051 for my project scrolling led. led clock and time for update one years...help me plz.... tq

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for punchinello

Excuse me but isn't this program going to display "1" on the screen? Thank you very much! [CODE].8086 DATA SEGMENT CHAR DB 31H DATA ENDS STACK SEGMENT STACK STACK ENDS CODE SEGMENT ASSUME CS:CODE,DS:DATA,SS:STACK MOV AX,DATA MOV DS,AX MOV AX,STACK MOV SS,AX ;--------------------------------- START: MOV DL,CHAR MOV AH,2 INT 21H …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for punchinello

:$Hi! Please excuse me if this is a stupid piece of programming code I wrote. I just started to learn how to program in x86 assmbly and apparently it's gonna be quite a while before I get the hang of it. Well with this program I want to convert the …

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Member Avatar for jingo1126

guys? im creating my own program..first im using tasm.. my problem is i have the code for cursor.. [code] ;set cursor location(dh,dl) mov dl, 16 ; column. mov dh, 16 ; row. mov ah, 02h int 10h ;symbol of cursor mov al, 'x' mov ah, 0eh int 10h [/code] my …

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Member Avatar for pokerstar

I am trying to convert this for loop in C++ to ASM: [CODE] for(x=y; (x>=y) && (array[x-z]>temp); x=x-z) { array[x] = array[x-z]; } [/CODE] This is what I have so far: [CODE] mov ax, y mov x, y for_loop: mov ax, x cmp ax, z jl exit_for_loop ........... .. Array …

Member Avatar for pokerstar
Member Avatar for Alex_

Hey guys. I want to read from a file created by me from a specific position. But i don't know how to move the file cursor. [code=ptasm] TITLE ep1 .MODEL SMALL .STACK 10h .DATA text DB '1234567Start:7890.end',13,10 text_length equ $-text dir db 'D:\myfile.dat',00h buff db 17 dup('$') f_handle dw 1 …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for shopnobhumi

I need to find the IPC(instructions per cycle) for each processor, the clock rate for p2 that reduces its execution time to that of p1 and the numbers of instructions for p2 that reduces its execution time to that of p3. processor ____ clock rate__ no. inst._____time p1_____________2ghz____20*10^9 _____7s p2____________1.5 …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for NotNull

Load a user generated character set, should work on computers equipped with VGA cards. Assembles with 16-bit NASM as an absolute binary image (.COM). [code] bits 16 org 100h jmp word drip0_start char_set: times 416 db 0 msg db '0o l0^d user char generated',0xd,0xa db 'bitmaps can also be used....',0xd,0xa,0x24 …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for shahab03

so here is what my program does Please enter a number: (lets say I enter 5 store in $01) Please enter a another number: lets say I enter 3 (store in $s02 next condition is beq $s01,$s02, end bne $s01,$s02, loop and loop needs to provide user upto five opportunites …

Member Avatar for shahab03
Member Avatar for shahab03

hi there.. wondering if someone can provide me a sample that takes a number from the console as user input and prompts the user to enter another number. if the second number matches the first one then prints something if not then let the user try for another 5 times.

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for rvaiksaar

Hello, sorry if this is a stupid one, I recently started learning assembly and I have read many different tutorials, most of them start with " cpu has 8 main purpose registers... " bla bla you all know that. Ok so cpu has a few registers for programs to use, …

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Member Avatar for mgyucht

I have been having trouble with assembling a program, and I would really appreciate any help. The program is as follows: .model small .stack .code start mov ah,2h mov dl,2ah int 21h mov ah,4ch int 21h end When I build it I get a "error a2008: Syntax error: start" error. …

Member Avatar for jingo1126
Member Avatar for jingo1126

ok i can inverse the code like 1234 to 4321..but when i applied jmp and cmp i dont know what goes wrong with my data.. code without loop [code] .model small .stack .data .code start: mov ah,1 int 21h push ax mov ah,1 int 21h push ax mov ah,1 int …

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for dharen

help me pls i have a project its DEPRESSION TEST using Assembly Language i need to know how to create a new screen after entering a character and tally all the answers that user gives on the questions pls help me i dont know the codes to be used tnx …

Member Avatar for dharen
Member Avatar for maricel91

help me about this: A program that ask your name and display it. we're using msdos.. thank you..

Member Avatar for jingo1126
Member Avatar for JasonL220

when i use this function of my library on windows everything works perfectly, but when i tried to port the port to compile with gcc on linux, it compiles and links to the rest of the library fine but it cause my app to crash. i think i might be …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for markfisher

Dear Programmers, Hi I wrote a simple asm program to output a char on STDOUT in windows (MS-DOS) Here is my code: ------------------------------------ .386 .MODEL FLAT .STACK 256 ;Reserve 256-Bytes .DATA char BYTE "a" .CODE _main: MOV AH, 02h ;Sub-function 02h -> Output STDOUT MOV DL, char ;Char to output …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for eniwe

When a CALL instruction is executed, the address of the current instruction is pushed into the stack. Then, the execution makes an unconditional JMP to the address specified as the parameter of the call instruction. [CODE].code Test: call delta delta: pop ebp sub ebp,offset delta mov esi,[esp] and esi,0ffff0000h push …

Member Avatar for eniwe
Member Avatar for codeguru_2009

i've copied this code from net but this is not working. Only blank output. can anyone help. i'm new to assembly. [code][ORG 7C00h] ; This is where BIOS put me ; --------------------------------------------------------- ; Main program ; --------------------------------------------------------- mov si, msg ; Print message call putstr hang: jmp hang ; Hang! …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for jsuvrat

Hi All, I am working on the Nohau Emulator with a POD having 68HC11E9 controller in Expanded mode. It was working fine with my target board a couple of months back, but now a days I am facing a problem with it. When I do external memory mapping in the …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for shopnobhumi

.txt .globl main main: # f= (g+h)-(i+j); li $s0,0 li $t1,0 li $t2,0 li $s1,4 li $s2,5 li $s3,6 li $s4,7 add $t1, $s1, $s2 # sum of s1,s2 is stored in t1 or temporary variable t1 contains g+h add $t2, $s3, $s4 # sum of s3,s4 is stored in …

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The End.