2,888 Topics
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Hi; How can i see the output in assemply (Textpad prog. )? i jnow that to check flags , we go to commend prompt , But where to go to see the output of the programe for example if we have a pro. ton ask the user to enter his … | |
Hi guys, Does anybody know how could I enlarge text in both sides not in one side by changing the resolution from 25x80 to 25x40.. best regards, eeeraser | |
I need to write a program in MIPS that will find the saddle points of a 4x4 matrix. It will print the value of the saddle points and if there is no saddle points it will print a message that says so. A saddle point is a value which is … | |
[COLOR=#000000]Your assignment is to write an assembly program that takes a series of characters from the keyboard until a '$' character is entered. These characters must be saved in a stack. Then the program is to print all these characters backwards.[/COLOR] | |
Hi all, I am using a testing utility to diagnose my memory. when i am running it hangs in random places. If i am disable the USB legacy support its working fine. Let me know the reason why USB legacy support enabling giving problem in memory diagnosis. Thanks Siva | |
[code] TITLE Proj2 PAGE 56,90 ; I used your Lab05 as a template for this ; ---------------------------------------- ; ; ; This program will take a name entered by the user ; and display it backwards. It will also tell the ; user whether the word is a palindrome or not. … | |
Hi, I want to write a code that displays a single character at 100 random screen locations. the thing is that I have to use a command "CALL RandomRange" that I've never heard about or have any clue on how to use. Please reply with a code that gives me … | |
what i have to do is Write a program that reads a sentence from the keyboard and counts the number of words and characters entered. Terminate the sentence with special character (of your choice). Display results on screen. and this is what i have so far: TITLE Read Sentences (ReadSentences.asm) … | |
08048cf9 <phase_5>: 8048cf9: 55 push %ebp 8048cfa: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp 8048cfc: 53 push %ebx 8048cfd: 83 ec 14 sub $0x14,%esp 8048d00: 8d 45 f4 lea 0xfffffff4(%ebp),%eax 8048d03: 50 push %eax 8048d04: 8d 45 f8 lea 0xfffffff8(%ebp),%eax 8048d07: 50 push %eax 8048d08: 68 cc 99 04 08 push $0x80499cc 8048d0d: … | |
I have been asked to explicitly convert a decimal number to hexadecimal (radix sixteen) number in 1s complement...how the heck is that done? I can convert to a binary number using 1s compliment...do I just take that and convert to hex after the fact? | |
This is my code: [code][BITS 32] .section text global start start: xor edx, edx ; Avoids NULL byte push edx ; MsgBox type push edx ; MsgBox body push edx ; MsgBox caption push edx ; Owner hWnd mov eax, 0x7E45058A ; Addr of MessageBox, USER32 should be loaded call … | |
How would one construct a Hamming code that can correct up to 4 bit errors in the resulting code words? | |
I need to Write, assemble, and test a program that reads 2 integers [B]n[/B] and [B]m[/B] from the keyboard and than calculates the sum of all "divisible by 4" numbers from the range [n,m]. [I]This exercise requires usage of subroutine. Calculate sum in the main procedure; Check if the number … | |
hi to all readers; i want help in mips assably language , in making programe that sort 20 numbers ; by using bubble sorting technique. regrads farrukh | |
Hi guys again, If I have an infinite loop for example: [code] MOV CX, 240 MOV DX, 320 HERE: MOV AH, 2CH INT 21H CMP DH, 1 JE DOT MOV AX, 0C00H INT 10H DOT: MOV AX, 0C04H INT 10H JMP HERE [/code] In the example I have an infinite … | |
Basically I have to take in N and bring it to power of K so N^K i have the c++ i have the basic assembly but something is wrong the math doesn't come out right .386p .model flat .code _func proc near push ebp mov ebp, esp mov eax, [ebp+12] … | |
Hey, I'm new here and I need a bit of help with the LC-3 Assembly language. Basically I need to write a program which takes a string and only displays the uppercase characters in it. So for example, I give it the string "This is a Sample String", it prints … | |
T=Φ while((T contains less than n - 1 edges) && (E not empty)) { choose an edge (v,w) from E of lowest cost; delete (v,w) from E; if ((v,w) does not create a cycle in T) add (v,w) to T; else discard (v,w); } if (T contains fewer than n-1 … | |
hi again .. Does anybody have any idea how could I draw a line between two points using assembly language? e.g. if you have the first point DX1, CX1 and DX2, CX2... I wanna draw a line between them, simply, I wanna program that I give him two points and … | |
Hello. This is my first time posting and i hope i'm not going against any rules. I got an assignment where i had to translate High level programming language (Turing) to low level language (Assembly). The following was the Turing code: [code=assembly] var x, y : array 1 .. 20 … | |
I got this question wrong on my final.. Just wanted someone to help me understand it..... Convert the decimal value 99 to hex digits representing the ASCII Characters for the value. i put the letter c.... and i got it wrong.. any help? | |
i have managed to hard code data and read and write from a text file. However i now want to modify it so that i can type in the data and store it to a text file.I am using asm and writing code using the emulator in assembly language | |
![]() | Hi all, I've been trying to understand how an assembler assembles the JMP command. Consider the following code: [code]AGAIN: OUT 0,AL JMP AGAIN[/code] The assembler turns this into the following hex: [code]E6 00 EB FC[/code] The FC at the end corresponds to a displacement of -4. I would have thought … |
[COLOR=red]I need help with a program that enables a user to enter a series of numbers, calculates the total, transfers the total to memory and displays the result[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][/COLOR] [COLOR=red].:'( im stuck!![/COLOR] [COLOR=red][/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]thanks 4 ur help[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000][/COLOR] | |
so i have to write a procedure that generates a number between two ranges. The upper Range is in ax and the loewr would be in bx. For example if ax contains 10 and bx has 10, then the procedure should generate the number between +10 and -10 i have … | |
[COLOR=#000000]Write a program that will input a positive integer and print out the list of its prime factors. Comment on the run time of your algorithm and state any limitations that you have imposed on the input integers[/COLOR] | |
Hi.. This is my fist time, I need your help guys to figure out what is the problem with my code. My program is to show time in this format " TIME:Hours : minute : seconds : Hunderthseconds" , but , the problem is that it didn't show correct numbers, … | |
Hi everyone.I m a newbie in Assembly language. I m now trying to write a PIC16F873a program that calculate the number in fibonnaci array. I have aldready set up the code put the results come out didnt like i thought. Here is my code: Temp EQU 0x20 F1 EQU 0x21 … | |
Hello everyone, I'm a new to this forum, and my post here is to ask for help about assembly language of PIC16F873A. How do I check/compare a value of a particular variable? Let's say, if variable x = 5, then do this... this...this... Is there any way to do this? … |
The End.