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Member Avatar for youngstorm

I am reading "Assembly Language step-by-step" 2nd Ed. by Jeff Duntemann, using nasm and alink. Full source code is a bottom. When I linked this code I got this error "Warning - no stack". The program ran fine. I decided to add the following code, just to see what would …

Member Avatar for youngstorm

I have code that looks like: mov dl, 05 mov dh, 05 I can combine these 2 commands into: mov dx, 0505H What I don't understand is why is it necessary for '0505' to be in hex. If I make the command: mov dx, 0505 it does not work right. …

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Member Avatar for youngstorm

I'll show the code 2 different ways. The screen SHOULD scroll in both cases. Any ideas on whats going on here? Mike In this case the program works great. The start procedure is on top. [code=assembly] [BITS 16] [ORG 0x0100] [SECTION .text] Start: mov al, 3 call scrollXLines mov ax, …

Member Avatar for youngstorm
Member Avatar for youngstorm

Hi. This piece of code is suppose to scroll the whole screen 3 lines up. The clearScreen procedure is never called, yet, if I leave it in the code, the program clears the screen. If I comment it out, the program scrolls the screen 3 lines up just like it …

Member Avatar for youngstorm
Member Avatar for someb0dy

Hello guys ! I've just started to learn Assembler and I needed an assembler. My choice was nasm, because of the same syntax as masm and tasm (at least that's what i heard ^^) I used apt-get to install nasm, everything ok until here. I wrote my first script (copied …

Member Avatar for someb0dy
Member Avatar for ivatanako

[B]I have been having problems on how can I revise or if someone could me a code on emu8086 on how to convert uppercase string into lowercase[/B]..the code below converts lowercase into uppercase..how can i revise it? Thanks in advance org 100h .model small .stack 200 .data msg db 'enter …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for eeeraser
Member Avatar for schwepZ
Member Avatar for schwepZ

i have programmed in assembly for 3 years and have used a86.COM compiler. i like programming DOS programs. i can see that the assembly code has a little different structure that you all are talking about here. i know it's bacause of the compiler. So is it good compiler that …

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Member Avatar for zunnur

Could anyone help me to convert this code to 8086 assembly language. Aku wt pki MASM32 ([url]www.masm32.com[/url]) ; Build this with the "Project" menu using ; "Console Assemble & Link" .486 ; create 32 bit code .model flat, stdcall ; 32 bit memory model option casemap :none ; case sensitive …

Member Avatar for therealthing
Member Avatar for ECETiger

Hi guys. I've been working on some assembly programs for school and I'm having a couple of minor issues that are putting my progress to a halt. My first question: how does one perform something similar to a scanf function in assembly? I just need to scan a single character …

Member Avatar for mytime19
Member Avatar for Zarathu

I would like to know what is wrong with this code: [code] [BITS 32] ; Windows XP SP2 32-bit section .text global _main _main: push Command mov eax, 0xAABBCCDD ; address of system() call eax Command: db "echo whatever" [/code]

Member Avatar for Zarathu
Member Avatar for StockBreak

Hi, I recently started programming with inline assembly (I use Visual C++), but I have found a bug that I cannot solve. Why does it give an error? // C language unsigned char array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; // Assembly __asm { XOR CL,CL MOV AL,array[0] …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mablung

This program was written to program a circut that was to be used in the controll of an game, it is made fore a big show in Norway. The job is mine and I cant get it to work properly. I have put the file as an attachment and was …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for Necrolis

first off this is my first post on this board, second i have knowledge of asm and debugging but by no means am i a guru(or the such). What i am trying to find is a way to track down the powerpc equivalent of certain x86 asm instruction(or a way …

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for Silo45

Hi guys I need help debugging My program I'm not sure why it doesn't work I'm not THAT good at assembly so it might be a small bug. I wanted to post the code, But its a lot of code. Everything works fine until I need to input numbers I …

Member Avatar for RicardoDiaz

Hi, how can I use this assembler? I tried assembling a file through the terminal like this: "as Practice.asm". I got this message: "practice.asm:0:End-of-File not at end of a line practice.asm:6:End-of-File not at end of a line practice.asm:unknown:Partial line at end of file ignored" And an output file: "a.out", I …

Member Avatar for RicardoDiaz
Member Avatar for Xeon1st

Hi, I need to write a program that receives a 20 char string from the user and transforms lowercase to uppercase letter, but it should not affect any other character not included in the lowercase range (97-122, a-z). I wrote my program and the filters for the a-z configuration but …

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Member Avatar for assembly_code

hello, i need to do a program in assembly with NASM that display an BMP image file at screen but i do not know how to do that, can some one help me? the program needs to have this statements: -it may ask for the image file name -the namos …

Member Avatar for youngstorm

Hi, I am trying to write a program to convert an integer to a character. Below is my code. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? It is for the MIPS chip. thank you, Michael [code=assembly] # A test to print charactors from numbers. # Does not work …

Member Avatar for youngstorm
Member Avatar for gexecuter

Hello, i have a question of assemble using the video mode, when i run the program why only half of the screen is painted?,the whole screen should be painted, any help would be welcome please. this is the code: org 100h mov ah, 00 ; video mov al, 03 int …

Member Avatar for gexecuter
Member Avatar for R_H_B

Hello I'm a student. My teacher asked me to find a simple virus written in assembly and describe the code and what the virus do. Can someone help me? I couldn't find any virus and it's source code. Please help me or give me a clue. Thank you in advance.

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for Aleksin

Okie... So this is what i have [code] [ENABLE] 004dea6a: push [00] jmp 004DEA6f [DISABLE] ret [/code] can anyone help me figure out how to get this to return back to the original state before the jmp? I have tried many other things and still cant figure it out. I …

Member Avatar for Ryu
Member Avatar for FC Jamison

I have written a small c++ program and then output the instructions as assembly...but I have no clue what it means. The book I am using does not explain this very well. Can someone comment the code to tell me what is going on? I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks [code] …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for cgill03

So I'm a young person who has just decided I want to persue a career in programing, (I think) while surfing through my usual video sites, i discovered a tuturial on how to "make yourown harmless virus" it was simply showing you how to make a "restart your computer" shortcut …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for aserfiotis

I have a project for which I have to implement parameter passing through stack between different protection levels. The information about the number of variables needed to be passed at the function must be given through DWORD Count of Call gate For this project I have to: A) Create 4 …

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Member Avatar for ashkash

I need some help using the MIPS ISA. Given a word I need to extract the four byte values that make up the word. For example, given .word 5 if I store the word in a register, $t1, I need to need perform some operation on this to get out …

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Member Avatar for Zay

Hi; please check my code i am sure that everything and every statemnt is correct but the output is not true. this code is to show what the array a and b contain also it show their dot product . [CODE] include irvine32.inc .data a byte 1,3,5,7,9 b byte 2,4,6,8,20 …

Member Avatar for Ryu
Member Avatar for bassem

this is a code to make a calculator but it doesn't work i didn't find the error:@

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for TylerSBreton

Is there a way to recognize when a key is pressed in 32-bit masm? I know you can use interrupts in 16 bit, but how can this be done using 32-bit, since 32-bit is protected by the OS. Thanks, Tyler S. Breton

Member Avatar for JeanChenYu
Member Avatar for nikosaggel

i started learning assembly now and i have to convert a number (0,..,9999) to a word for homework. if anyone knows how , please lets show me. thanks


The End.