2,888 Topics
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A company by the name focus computer system has a standard rate of 1.6% of the salary of every employee Write a c program that accept employee salary as to display the rate amount after it's application | |
So, this is the structure. **** *** ** * * ** *** **** | |
Could you please find an assembly tutorial or reply with a [link](http://www.example.org) to it? Also, I'm new in here. | |
According to my assignment requirement I wrote this program, but still doesn't work......can someone help.....please Here is my exercise: "Write assembly code in ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE to read a password from the keyboard. Display the message ' Enter Password: ' and echo each character that the user types as an asterisk(*). … | |
here is my code... JnS Print Halt Print, HEX 2 PrintString, Load PrintName Skipcond 800 JumpI Print Output Clear Load PrintName Add Increment Store PrintName Clear Jump PrintString PrintName, DEC 0 HEX 043 HEX 048 HEX 045 HEX 041 HEX 048 HEX 030 HEX 030 HEX 030 Increment, DEC 1 … | |
I want to make a timer that will countdown from a number that a user will give such as 20 min. If it is easier I could use the timer as a set amount each time. I want the timer to countdown from 20:00 down to 00:00 (min:sec). I want … | |
INCLUDE asmLib.inc .data Bank DWORD 10 rNum DWORD ? welcomeMsg BYTE "Welcome to the dice guess game. it costs $1.00 to play. " , 0dh, 0ah, 0 contMsg BYTE "Would you like to continue? (y/n)", 0dh, 0ah, 0 prompt1 BYTE "Please enter your guess for the next roll. It only … | |
Write a program that asks the user to guess the next roll of a six sided die. Each guess costs $ 1. If they guess correctly, they get $ 10.00. The player will start out with a $10.00 bank. Each time he (or she) guesses incorrectly you will subtract $1.00 … | |
Error 1 'AdvoDiary.DataSet' is a 'namespace' but is used like a 'type' D:\AdvoDiary\AdvoDiary\ReportViewer\rptBilling.cs 25 9 AdvoDiary namespace AdvoDiary.ReportViewer public partial class rptBilling : Form Common sCom; DBHelper myDB; string sOLE; clsGlobalVar objGlob; OleDbConnection cn; OleDbDataAdapter sDA; DataSet sDS; OleDbCommand cmd; | |
So i have to create a programm that reads 7-49 numbers and makes all posible combinations (6 number each) from the given numbers. Do you know how can i do this? I dont ask for the code ready but i cant think of a way i can create the combinations. | |
Currently trying to understand how to convert some C into mips. Is a "return func" different from "return"? Both C codes are very similar yet im unsure how they will both look in code once completed. Are both of these codes the same? The second code is from another thread … | |
int my number [10]; void fun(int input, int* addr){ if (input %2 == 0){ *addr = 1; } } int main (){ int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i+=1){ fun(number[i], &number[i]); } return 0; } | |
Write a Python function maxaceregate(!) that takes a list of pairs of the form (name score) as argument, where name is a string and score is an Integer Each pair is to be interpreted as the score of the named player For instance, an input of the form [CKohir 73) … | |
I'm having trouble coming up with the concept for parsing an LC3 assembly string. I want the user to input a string: "4 + 3 = " or "22 * 33 = ", and have the program run it like a calculator. I need a space in between each operand/operator, … | |
Would anyone be able to help me, I am trying to make a C++ program which reads values from csv file and prints them(there are going to be three 4 rows, 3 columns). I want to know how can I add the rows (like the sum of the first row … | |
I need help with my coding and I need to know how to configure my text for my button, Here is my code so far: class EyeSprite(Sprite): def __init__(self, game): Sprite.__init__(self, game) self.images = [ PhotoImage(file="C:\\Users\\John Magana\\Desktop\\Python Projects\\clicker game folder\\eye1.png") ] self.current_image = 0 self.current_image_add = 1 self.last_time = time.time() … | |
Java is necessary in every field. | |
Can you help me decrypt the message with the given information. I figured out the first line is using Xor ciphers but how do I figure out the rest? Y[ZU[XZWZ\XXZjZ[[WWVWU Ogaqkxpgbqbfiof! Cyw'ss bun! Zqksxl cywd lnepwvs uozneh. Qjc mgabiy nfx vmz-djrhkfalfq. Xnjfx ai qjvi viqi uat pgw odjwp. The radio … | |
https://payloadz.myshopify.com is my new site, im a computer science student i started it to showcase the vulnerabilities in linux | |
![]() | I have three problems the first one is to count the letters in a string in Assambler in MIPS. the string that should be counted is "My bird is a happy bird and he like to sing" .data ANTAL_TAL: .word 11 TAL_ARRAY: .word 1, 3, 6, 9, 2, 4, 6, … |
I am currently working on a python program that takes the numbers from a large file and averages them. Currently I can't seem to find a way to add the numbers without using the sum function. I am a beginner and am just trying to grasp the basics of Python … | |
#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; int main() { int sitution =0; cout<<"SECURITY SYSTEM"<<endl; cout<<"1. Police"<<endl; cout<<"2. Fire Brigade "<<endl; cout<<"4. Earthquake "<<endl; top: cout<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"Press The Button for Help \n "; cin>>sitution; if (sitution ==1) { for (int i =0; i <10;i++) { Beep(1000,400); cout<<" … | |
How to integrate Suprema BioMini device into Excel Time & Attendance application for biometric login? | |
Write a complete C++ program for WorldParking Sdn Bhd. to perform the following: a. Write a return-value function named calcCharges() to calculate and return the parking charges for the customers. The company charges a RM1.00 minimum fee to park for up to one hour. An additional RM0.50 will be charged … | |
Write a complete C++ program for WorldParking Sdn Bhd. to perform the following: a. Write a return-value function named calcCharges() to calculate and return the parking charges for the customers. The company charges a RM1.00 minimum fee to park for up to one hour. An additional RM0.50 will be charged … | |
So i need to make a program to my final year of college which will count on the grades and it is obligatory, im doing a program to search for recipes in a access database trough its ingredients, what i mean by this is selecting some ingredients and in a … | |
I have to make a program that reads the number of seats and stores it in a two dimensional array. The empty seats is hashtag and if the user buys a seat it becomes *. The odd rows have 15 seats and even have 20. When I purchase a seat, … |
The End.