2,888 Topics
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In python how to write a program which takes a number of days from now - 100 days, and find in which month that future day is. | |
; Data section .data extern printMSG extern exitNormal extern printRAX extern printRBX extern printRCX extern printRDX extern getByteArray extern printByteArray extern printEndl startPrompt db "Welcome to the amazing dice game, press enter to start " startPromptLen dq 54 rerollPrompt db "Enter any numbers you want to keep " rerollPromptLen dq … | |
to input a number and store it in x y equal to x-z y>0 , display the value of y and x using org 300 with x , dec 0 y , dec 0 z , dec 5 | |
a) Write MARIE code to: 1. Input a number and store it in X . 2. Y will be equal to “ | |
I am doing a project that must convert each string in X to an integer and save it in the corresponding location in Y. A dollar sign is used to mark the end of a string. I have 90% of the code, but it only works for the first string … | |
It converts only one number into binary. When 2 numbers are entered, I want them to translate and write them as binary.This is very important for me, I have been dealing for 2 days I made the code here, but I couldn't do it after that.Can someone who knows help … | |
![]() | section .text global _start: _start: mov esi, array ; get pointer to array mov edi, arraylen ; edi = number of array elements loop: mov edx, 2 ; print 2 bytes mov ecx, [esi] ; get current array element add ecx,48 push ecx ; push to stack since we need … |
Dear All, From the below codes, I can get the values of text boxes x1,x2 in the Textbox1 of form2. (when I write x1 or x2 in the textbox 2 of form2.) But when I write c1 or c2 in the Textbox1 of form2 then it gives error. Pl. help … | |
Using mars (mips simulator) write a program using spim assembly language to read 20 integer numbers (positive and negative) store them in an array of 20 elements rnd compute the following on these numbers. 1. The count of positive numbers 2. the count of even numbers 3. print only numbers … | |
Hello,i learned how to used the C++ but i have problems to analysis the problem in my project. Write a program to process monthly paycheck for all contract workers of an organization. Each worker will have the following information: Identification number (at-digit integer), the worker's name, hourly pay rate, and … | |
MARIE program to calculate some basic statistics on a list of positive numbers. The program will ask users to input the numbers one by one. Assume that all numbers will be in the range 1 to 1000. To terminate the data entry, the user will input any negative number. Once … | |
Hi, I am a newbie here, Recently I was working with H3LIS331DL 3-Axis Linear Accelerometer I²C Mini Module Here is code for the X, Y, Z-axis. #include <Wire.h> // H3LIS331DL I2C address is 0x18(24) #define Addr 0x18 void setup() { // Initialise I2C communication as MASTER Wire.begin(); // Initialise Serial … | |
[org 0x0100] n1: db 1 n2: db 2 largest: db 0 mov ax, byte[n1] mov bx, byte[n2] cmp ax,bx jg next mov [largest],bx jmp endrtn next:mov [largest],ax endrtn: mov ax, 0x4c00 int 0x21 error in line 6 and 7 error is mismatch in operand sizes | |
[org 0x0100] num: db 0 factorial: dw 1 VUID: db 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 mov bx,0 jmp start fact: mov ax, byte[num] fact_loop: mul word[factorial] sub ax,1 cmp ax,0 jg fact_loop ret start: mov bx,0 mov cx,[VUID+bx] add bx,1 shr cx,1 jc start mov [num],cx call fact mov ax, 0x4c00 int 0x21 | |
[org 0x0100] num: db 0 factorial: dw 1 VUID: db 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 mov bx,0 jmp start fact: mov ax, byte[num] fact_loop: mul word[factorial] sub ax,1 cmp ax,0 jg fact_loop ret start: mov bx,0 mov cx,[VUID+bx] add bx,1 shr cx,1 jc start mov [num],cx call fact mov ax, 0x4c00 int 0x21 when … | |
i'm really struggling with this pseudocode to convert it to MARIE Input a number Assign this number to x if(x <y) x = x + y; z=z+w; else y=y-w; Print the value of the accumulator. x, Dec 0 y, Dec 2 z, Dec 5 w, Dec 1 | |
Hi, I apologize if my english is bad, I need some help printing the value of a variable in the code that I show below, I'm using emu8086 and I need that this works in this code example that is the same that comes in the examples of emu8086 (PrinterDemo.asm) … | |
Has been looking at different methods like using a look-up table or double-dabble, but have up to this moment not found any algoritm that do the work most effectively. The 64 bit value is delivered to the routine in two 32 bits registers (upper,lower). I am writing a larger project … | |
A friend and I are talking about taking our hobby of printing funny T-shirts into a living, and start our own website in Sydney. And then we need to find a cheap marketing company who can provide support and have experiences in helping start-up companies. Anyone who knows a marketing … | |
Enter your answer: Cucumber You got the wrong answer... but it should be correct answer Data Segment input db "Enter Your Answer: $" g db 20 dup('$') ; strlen1 db $-g str2 db 'cucumber','$' strlen2 db $-str2 streq db 10,13,'You got the correct answer','$' struneq db 10,13,'You got the Wrong … | |
I am trying to figure out why my answer still wrong even though I type the cucumber... .model small .stack 100h data segment str1 db "Enter Your answer: $" after db "Your answer is: $" answer db "Cucumber$" input db 20 dup("$") newline db 10,13, "$" correct db "Your Answer … | |
How to put a time limit to the input function in assembly | |
Hey guys, I need some help with a Marie simulator...I need to write a program that takes numbers from 0-100 and then prints F(fail) if the number is <50 and P(pass) if the number is >49 and <101 needs to stop at 10 results. If someone can help me I … | |
I'm just starting out with Assembly languege, having installed NASM on openSUSE 13.1, i386 family processor yesterday. My worry is that a simple program like "Hello World!" has flagged a warning when linking...see line 3 below: 1. coker.mu@linux-jm54:~/nasm> nasm -f elf helloWorld.asm 2. coker.mu@linux-jm54:~/nasm> ld -m elf_i386 -s -o helloWorld … | |
Hello; can anyone help me with creating a stack in wombat machine simulator. I don't have any Idea of how it should be implemented. | |
I was wandering aimlessly on google, I found [ReactOS](https://www.reactos.org/). It's interesting. I tried this OS, many windows applications are running well on it. But some latest applications are unable to run like **Firefox 65.0.1** I have few questions, * How worth is using this OS? * What is future of … | |
I have questions: 1) Program to get input from user till 'z' or 'Z' is inputted the program will check for the chars, and print (new line) small chars (new line) big chars (new line) numbers [without 'z' or 'Z'] can't use variables. only Stack. example : input: ASdf154sdgdf123vcvbz Small … | |
I have to get from user up to 8 letter to string, and print the string in reverse. There is my code : STA SEGMENT STACK DB 100H DUP (0) STA ENDS DATA SEGMENT MSG1 DB 'ENTER STRING (Maximum is 8) : $' MSG2 DB 'REVERS IS : $' ISTR … | |
Hello everyone : ) i'm working on : [quote]Write a program that takes an input sentence from the user and on next line display the number of capitals letters in the sentence. Note: · User is not allowed to enter a sentence with more than 9 Capital letters. [/quote] what … | |
I am having problems with this program. It assembles but will not run. it will not even start - anyone see the error? global _start section .data $STR00000 db "hello world",0 section .bss $u_exitcode resd 1 section .text extern _iwbstrcpy extern _iwb_finish extern _iwbprint _start: push rbp ; set up … |
The End.