2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for Hazardous_Byte

I have written a bootloader in ASM (I can post code if you like) and I plan to write a kernel in C /c++ because I don't want to have to deal with a Kernel written ENTIRELY in ASM. Is there any way (Got to keep this under or at …

Member Avatar for rakesh_15
Member Avatar for Barrow_1

hi can anyone here help me to fine solution to the following question in MIPs assemble language 1. Write a program that asks the user to input a set of floating-point values. When the user enters a value that is not a number, give the user a second chance to …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Loay_1

Write a Marie subroutine that take a range of numbers and prints the prime numbers of this range.

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for user2018

Hello I want to write a mips program that collects user input, and indicates if the input is all uppercase letters or not. (self.user_2018_2019) submitted just now by user_2018_2019 Write a MIMPS program that collects user input, and indicates if the input is all uppercase letters or not. The program …

Member Avatar for user2018
Member Avatar for Andrew_46

I'm trying to convert the following C code to MIPS64 (very new to this): If Im given the addresses: (a @ 100) (b @ 200) (c @ 300) long int a, b, c; // 64-bit ... if (a < b || a == 4) c = 1; else c = …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for jay_25

Hi guys. My task is to write a wombat 1 machine language program in CPUSIM that outputs the radix(only base 2 to 8 inclusive) reperesentation of a number. We have to ask the user for 2 inputs - first is the value to convert(cannot be negative) and second is the …

Member Avatar for Carolyn_3
Member Avatar for jay_25

Hi guys, I have a problem. I'm using CPUSim Wombat 1 to write a program. The goal is to display the numbers that the user has entered in the order they've been entered. What I'm stuck on is the storages. It's currently in a loop. The sentinel value is 0. …

Member Avatar for mnstrgrvyrd

The homework is to create a pretty simple calculator, and I think I understand how to do all the calculations well enough, but I'm struggling with a different part of the homework. The user inputs some thing like this: +ooooo which means add 5 to the running total. Or something …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Spagett912

I had been writing a program that enforces the loop instruction with indirect addressing but I need it to copy a string from source to target, reversing the character order in the process. I need to use the variables: source BYTE "This is the source string",0 target BYTE SIZEOF source …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for darren110690

can i ask something whats the used of [B].org 100h[/B] in assembly language..., and why it is 100h why can/t it be 60,70,80 or 90h? tnx :)

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for whitejag

I bought a web site a few months ago thinking that I could go to a community tech school. I have not found the classes that I need. So I don't know how to build it. Help?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Belfina

Hello there guys! I must implement a linked list in assembly (using MIPS). We're supposed to dynamically allocate memory for the nodes. This is what I am asked to do: Write a program in assembly (MIPS) that implements a link-list. The client can choose among the following options. So the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for i dont know

Hello all, i need your help regaring this code, which is in python and i need to convert it into mips?? register $s0 holds the base address of list my_data, $s1 holds the length of the list my_data, register $s2 holds the base address of list my_data2 and $s3 holds …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jalanderful

Hello, I am supposed to write a code in MIPS to do the following below. Basically, you enter an integer, and it should check to see if it is a palindrome, and if not it will output the number, and keep adding the numer backwards to it, outputting it, and …

Member Avatar for Farah_3
Member Avatar for theburg30

Preconditions: Addresses of 2 integer variables are on the stack as the parameters. Sample c call: swap( &num1, &num2); You must implement the following C swap function: /* Swaps the two values pointed to by x_ptr and y_ptr. */ void swap (int *x_ptr, int *y_ptr) { if (x_ptr != y_ptr) …

Member Avatar for mohamed_101
Member Avatar for Albert_11

I'm stuck on converting hex or decimal to 16-bit binary,and I don't know how to start. Here is the tasks I need to do: Decimal Conversion Task: Add code that displays the value in R3 to the console as a binary string. It should convert R3 one bit at a …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for SlimmC88

Hello Evreryone, I am new here and would love some help with a project I have. I have to create a MIPS program where we implement different funcntions. I was able to do strcopy but Im having trouble finding how to code the strchr, strcmp, and memset functions. Unfortunately I …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Yousaf_1
Member Avatar for aya_5

`.model small .stack 100 .data kernel DB 10 DUP(1) input DB 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 output DB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 .code MAIN PROC FAR MOV AX, @DATA MOV DS, AX LEA BX, input LEA DI, output MOV AX, 0 ;1st element starts here …

Member Avatar for itnavigate
Member Avatar for aya_5

I have an input signal array I have a kernel array of size 10 filled with ones 1) I need to store the input signal array in a block of memory 2) I need to find the intersection between the input array and the kernel 3) I need to output …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Alex_69

Basically title. Part of a larger program, but I can't figure out how to remove just the first letter (it's always not a number; A, B, C, X, etc.), and is always followed by numbers. So essentially, I'm trying to get "x234" to "234". I figured I could use lb …

Member Avatar for Alex_69
Member Avatar for hkdani

Using tasm32. GetStdHandle returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE in eax register. .386 .model flat extrn GetStdHandle:PROC extrn ExitProcess:PROC .data .code start: push -11 call GetStdHandle push 0 call ExitProcess end start Other APIs work fine. just having problems with GetStdHandle. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for Rimi_1

Hello to all group members, Im having a problem with my assembler. I have installed MASM 6.11 and i have 'Windows 10'. Everything works out just fine, the compiler and all and even my programs are accurate as they get. The problem is that when im trying to go to …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Mike_43

Write an assembly program that reads two integers from the user, X and Y, then stores the largest input into a variable called L. The program should show prompts to tell the user to enter the two numbers.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Nadir_1

He , how do i print multibel line's i use de .inc from mikeos but don't knows how to loop like this: .message db 'hallo 1',0 db 'hallo 2',0 db 'hallo 3',0 for the moment i uze ;------------------------------------------------------ ; Install screens 1 ;------------------------------------------------------ BITS 16 ORG 32768 %INCLUDE "pirom_dev.inc" start: …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for rsu

i have installed nasm in ubuntu in linux but dont know how to and where to write code of assembly language and run my code please give me information as soon as possible.

Member Avatar for yahya_3
Member Avatar for moonu

Write an Assembly program that allows the user to enter a string of up to 99 characters. The program shall then replace all the digits with their corresponding words. The words shall be printed in all lower case or all upper case depend on the case of the last alphabet …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Razvan_1

So i have my mips code that i want to do the follow thing: When i get a vowal (aeiou) it prints the next consonant from vowal (bfjpv). My code works 80% but when i do that it deletes the next char where i replace. Like: Bruno it must print …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for mohamed_91

write a program in assembly that do the following: 1-ask from the user to choose the system of numbers(binary,hex,oct,dec) 2-then ask from the user to insert two values and mathematic operator ex: val1=any number not more than 8 bits. operator= (multiplication)or(division)or(-,+,^) val2=any number not more than 8 bits. 3-then do …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Razvan_1

So i want to swap the vowals with vowals+consonants everytime i found them. a = ab e = ec i = id o = of u = ug For example: The message is: "Hello", the return message must be: "Hecllof". This is the code that i have until now: .data …

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The End.