I really need help with this. I've been using Visual Studio for C++ and Assembly, and I can build my projects with zero errors, but when I try to Debug I get the message: Unable to start program "C:\mypath\Debug\filename.exe" The system cannot find the file specified.

or if I Start Without Debugging, I get the error:
"C:\mypath\Debug\filename.exe" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."

The path IS where the .exe should be (in the Debug folder), but it's not there. I tried building and running the same project on another computer and it works fine. I've already tried re-installing Visual Studio, and I get the same error. I'm using 64-bit Windows 8 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 for Windows Desktop, if that helps. Please provide any suggestions...My professor doesn't even know how to help me, and I need Visual Studio to do assignments for school.

Have you checked the C:\mypath\Release\ path?

Okay, I tried the Release folder and got the same error. I looked in the folder and there's no .exe file.

Think this video might help you out.

Thank you for the link. But I can't do this step from the video/tutorial:

To do this, left-click the arrow next to "Configuration Properties" and then left-click the arrow next to "C/C++" to expand the lists below them. Then left-click "Code Generation" below this and left-click "Multi-threaded Debug DLL" next to "Runtime Library."

In the version of Visual Studio I'm using, under "Configuration Properties", there is no "C/C++" option (Just "General", "Debugging", and "VC++ Directories". So I'm not sure how to do this step. I guess I'll google how to create an .exe file in Visual Studio Express 2013.

Any other suggestions are appreciated!

i'm facing the same problem, and the problem is not "path's"
setting or something like

the VS don't create the .exe, but give me a ok, 1 succeeded
where are my .exe ??
did you find a solution ?

thank you in advance

Did you compile under release - or under debug mode?
Oh, and could you explain how you are trying to debug?

Right click on the project -> properties -> and in the tab Application, select Output Type: Console Application.

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