2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for tatsumarhu2000

hi, im really new to this programming language and im having a hard time in strings. can anyone teach me how to compare strings the easiest way. what im doing is a login program and i have to compare the inputed username to a string. example: a = daniweb is …

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for paulfaz

Hi, Im just starting out attempting to learn assembly, and ive come across what is probably a really simple stumbling block.. The aid of google has failed me this time and im hoping someone on here can help me. I started writing a simple program that takes input for an …

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for zahid392

actually i have to solve an problem for my versity project.the project is to display LED.if any body help me about this i'll be very helpfull all the project description given bellow a) The pulse generator and 8 bit IO by using switches for input and the LED display for …

Member Avatar for bnrup

I know absoulutely nothing about compiling source code other than you need MS Visual Studio to compile it. I have the express (free) version of it, can you compile in this version?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for foxy xx

ok guys i have 2 problems 1st - i am using textpad and i'm having problems with the compiler.. As advised i have dowloaded a86, i added it to textpad through the configure tab on the menu and choosing prefernces, tools, add and clicking on the a86 program icon.. i …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for dziugas

Hello, i am a student and need write an asembler program. for basic 8086 architecture. but i do not understand few conditions for a program: it says that program must output text to screen whit a [B]int 21, 40h funktion, and indicate stdout as output, with descriptor 1.[/B] what this …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sg57

Hello. Im new here and at but a wee little age of 14, so go easy on me :-| Anyways... Before I begin, I want to make a note I can use inline assembly with C, so the loading and storing of the file's data into a buffer is already …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for msohail83

I am in dire need of a program for stopwatch. Can somebody help me with that? If you know how to write a code for designing a stopwatch, please help me. THANKS

Member Avatar for andor
Member Avatar for kraid

I just started with TASM 5.0, and I have a question. Is there a way to assemble the exe so I can use it in windows XP? I write TASM myproject.asm then TLINK myproject thats how I was told to do, but I cant run it in XP how should …

Member Avatar for condor666
Member Avatar for asm_2

-If u have a slower I/O unit, then can the CPU execute instructions while waiting on slower I/O? -In this case, this type of optimization works differently for different I/O units... -So why are there no smarter .exe files that orders the instructions for your I/O-usage? -Whouldn't that be a …

Member Avatar for asm_2
Member Avatar for scorpionz

Hi this is Humza Is there anyone who has a Knowledge of MASM(MICROSOFT ASSEMBLER) OR is there any PROGRAMMER OF MASM in this community I m hurry for this.:?: :!: :rolleyes:

Member Avatar for Ryu
Member Avatar for mahul000

plz help me to simulate the booth's algorithm for multiplication of 2 integers using 8085 (not 8086) assembly !!

Member Avatar for jimeeg

i am trying to research how the IPv6 address is stored into memory. the IPv4 address is easy, because we can load it directly into an register such as eax and push it onto the stack. works great, but how are the IPv6 stuffed on there? i am guessing that …

Member Avatar for sciconf

How to extract the opcode and the data form the instruction? "instruction" is inst below in decimal. For some values of "??", I should be able to extract the opCode and data??? opCode = inst >>??; data = inst & ??; It is done on a x86 processor using C. …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for sulymani

Hello guys, I am taking the MIPS assembly course this semester. indeed, I am struggling with this course. any way i need ur help .. My guestion is how to make the output appears right justified and how to connect the previous functions to the new function which is the …

Member Avatar for andor
Member Avatar for xblite

Hi, I am using GoAsm, but generating inefficient assembly code using a compiler. Has anyone had any experience in writing a peephole optimizer for assembly code? Any suggestions on where to find examples of peephole optimizers? thanks, David

Member Avatar for mifinn

hello there .can anyone edit this code to interface a keypad instead of switches for the clock i urgently need it plz help me out im sending u the code n schematic for it plz help me out.

Member Avatar for sciconf

Hi I am doing a project of simulating a CPU using my pc and Turbo C. I have, void execInst(int inst) { int opCode; int operand; opCode = inst >> 8; operand = inst & 0xff; switch (opCode) { // default: Handle illegal instruction here. case LDA: Cpu.a = operand; …

Member Avatar for Evenbit
Member Avatar for rmeader

Can anyone point me to a discussion or reference tutorial, etc. on how to write a program in Assembly to reverse a simple string?

Member Avatar for Evenbit
Member Avatar for joem1973

hi every one!! can anyone send me a sample program that creates a different beep sounds.. meaning by pressing diffrent letter, a diffrent tone sounds.. beep of diffrent frequency...

Member Avatar for Evenbit
Member Avatar for Jeffxxx

Hi, I am a newbie in this wonderful world of PIC programming and having some problems, so I'm hopeing some one out there can help me out. I have written a program for the pic 16f876a microcontroller, this uses RA0 as an analogue input. I have tested it with MPLAB …

Member Avatar for Jeffxxx
Member Avatar for provenshop
Member Avatar for VIDOCQ
Member Avatar for joker1379

im coding in 8086 assembly. i want to separate a string. For example: Str DB '24+67' i want to separate the '24', the '+' and the '67' and place them in the variable num1, operator, num2 respectively. can anyone help me with a piece of code please. thanks

Member Avatar for VIDOCQ
Member Avatar for 2bejiw

The knapsack problem I try to write about this problem but i can't ... This is a problem thai i have .. Suppose you want your knapsack to weigh exactly 20 pounds, and you have only five item, with weight 11,8,7,6,5 pounds. For small number of items, humans are preety …

Member Avatar for Achellis
Member Avatar for drsatan316

I would like to write a loop that will add all the elements of an array together but have absolutely no idea how to access the elements of the array in a loop i.e. in java where you can just use a[i]. Can anyone help me out?(I'm using MIPS) Thanks …

Member Avatar for linux_junkie

Hello, I am a newbie to assembly. I am working with a custom Bios that does not boot the mbr of the first drive but a custom binary file on the first partition of the first drive. It is written in 32bit nasm and loads a [URL="http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1279995&page=1#"]linux kernel[/URL] directly. What …

Member Avatar for Ryu
Member Avatar for sksinha

Any known tools available to decompile a XCOFF object or executables?

Member Avatar for Close Friends

Hi every one.. Please.. I need a program to calculate X power Y by assembely language.. Please friends help me . :-|

Member Avatar for lakshmi.1987
Member Avatar for G24T

Hi, I'm having problems with my code. What I"m trying to do is print out a message to the screen asking for input and then take the input from the user. The problem I'm having is the menu appears AFTER the user types in a string. For instance, when I …

Member Avatar for G24T
Member Avatar for uu666

hello... what this suppose to mean? "With a single bit, you can represent any two distinct items" (ArtOfAssembly) somehow, you can store in that bit, the value "hello there!" ? :rolleyes: sorry for this stupid question :rolleyes:

Member Avatar for lax202as

The End.