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Member Avatar for andor

I noticed that there are no tutorials for asembler in the forum like for example in c/c++ forum just code snippets. Or maybe there are? If someone know their existances please notify me.

Member Avatar for andor
Member Avatar for shadowxgm

i want to find a string in C:\text.txt. if i find it , i can modify it. please help me~ data segment tip db 'This program will search a string in C:\text.txt.If it exists,you can insert a new word in that position.$' mes1 db 'please enter your string:$' mes2 db …

Member Avatar for BombAppetit

greetings i'm not too sure if this is the correct place to ask for this in this particular forum i'm working on to make a USB PIC programmer. is it possible to modify the firmware for 16F628 used in Wisp628 board, so that it can be burnt into an 18F4550 …

Member Avatar for mostafadotnet
Member Avatar for uu666

hello there! lately i started learning assembly from a book that first gets you through many things about processors, memory, logical&physical addresses and many others... now, what i dont understand is: any element from a segment is available through an logical address that has two elements: a selector and an …

Member Avatar for Ryu
Member Avatar for shadowxgm

:eek: I am a newbie, while my teacher give me a big problem~ Find a string which is specified in a file. If it exists, print the first place where the string is in, or print there is no such a string. For example: Find c;\1.txt MyGod! It will find …

Member Avatar for andor
Member Avatar for mymirror

example , I put in the number [B]1.52[/B] then, in the dump, it looks like [B]31 2E 35 32[/B] (the ascii equivalent of '1','.''5',and '2') but I want it to be [B]3F C2 8F 5C [/B] so that I can start my calculator Thanks!

Member Avatar for mymirror
Member Avatar for uu666

lately i downloaded nasm for compiling .asm files but when im trying to compile something(by using in cmd "d:\nasm\nasm.exe -f bin d:\nasm\myfile.asm -o d:\nasm\myfile.com") i get the following error: "d:\nasm\hw.asm:4: error: parser: instruction expected"... does anyone know why and wanna help me? thanx in advance

Member Avatar for mostafadotnet
Member Avatar for shahid

i am trying to Calculate the physical memory address generated by the following segment offset pairs. please you check my solution. thanks Answer: a. 1DDDh:0436h [COLOR="Blue"] [B] 1E206 [/B][/COLOR] b. 1234h:7920h [COLOR="blue"][B]19C60[/B][/COLOR] c. 74F0h:2123h [COLOR="blue"][B]77023[/B][/COLOR] d. 0000h:6727h [COLOR="blue"][B]06727[/B][/COLOR] e. FFFFh:4336h [COLOR="blue"][B]104326=04326[/B][/COLOR] f. 1080h:0100h [COLOR="blue"][B]10900[/B][/COLOR] g. AB01h:FFFFh [COLOR="blue"][B]1AB00[/B][/COLOR]

Member Avatar for mostafadotnet
Member Avatar for c0d0

elo everyone ;) I wanna learn assembler and I can't find any good sites... what ones would u recommend? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for SamY
Member Avatar for Silkyneville

Now, thing works, should i trash motherboard are can this be salvaged. The computer want even boot up. nothing goes to the monitor "no signal" I put a pentitum 4 processor on a 478 motherboard with max FSB of 533, the processor is 800 FSB. I can't get it to …

Member Avatar for mostafadotnet
Member Avatar for Aenima

I just picked up the textbook for my ASM class and was suprised to see that it's for the 8085 processor. I know it's good to start simple so I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing as long as the basic principles apply to chips that aren't 30 years …

Member Avatar for VIDOCQ

Hi When i assemble follow code [code] ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; EAT.ASM ; Backhanded advertising program ; ; by Jeff Duntemann ; MASM/TASM ; Last update 3/5/89 ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ;----------------------------| ; BEGIN STACK SEGMENT | ;----------------------------| MyStack SEGMENT STACK ; STACK word ensures loading of SS by DOS DB 64 DUP ('STACK!!!') ; …

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Member Avatar for SamY

Which software should i use to exactly create a complete operating system:?: . I need an application which uses machine codes(like emu8086) and can manage all the RAM and all hardware interupts. Please someone help

Member Avatar for mostafadotnet
Member Avatar for Evenbit

Jeff added some coding puzzlers to his AsmIDE site: [URL="http://members.save-net.com/jko%40save-net.com/asm/puzzles.htm"]http://members.save-net.com/jko%40save-net.com/asm/puzzles.htm[/URL] Anyone got any solutions, more puzzles, etc.? Nathan.

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Member Avatar for INI

Good Morning All, I am planning on undertaking a project for school and was wondering if anyone could tell me if I am better off using Assembly Language, Java, Basic or C to program my OOpic Microcontroller? Thanks. Ini

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Member Avatar for perpetual_dream

Hey, I am willing to use the following code in one phase of my project. The problem is that i dont understand this assembly language, In school I took it in different form... Mov ax, bx out 11, AL bla bla... here the registers is different and everything is different.... …

Member Avatar for Lord Soth
Member Avatar for originof

Hi all.. [code] mov al, 0xB6 out 0x43, al [/code] Why the istruction out give me a segmentation fault ?? :rolleyes: This is the enteire code [code] section .data hello: db 'Hello world!',10 ; 'Hello world!' plus a linefeed character helloLen: equ $-hello ; Length of the 'Hello world!' string …

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Member Avatar for SamY
Member Avatar for saman

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Hi 2 all, How can i differentiate between between an opcode & label in 8051 instructions ... for example following are 2 instructions - mov ax , 10 - name db "Saman$" how can i know that name is a label and mov is an opcode??? thx .. do reply …

Member Avatar for mostafadotnet
Member Avatar for bobradi

write a MIPS program that calculates d=a*b-a*c without using mult instruction --- just for practicing your MIPS assembly. [LIST=1] [*]• Hint: use loop of additions to replace mult. [LEFT][/LEFT] [*]• Practice SPIM system calls to input values for a, b and c, as well as printout the value of d. …

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Member Avatar for SamY
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Member Avatar for shan06

can any one give me the name of the books for Borland Turbo Assembler ?????????????????????????????????????????? Or any link for book or online tutorial............ :-| :-| :-| plz plz

Member Avatar for GenevaStar
Member Avatar for ae4jm

I'm having trouble getting this source code to compile. Could you guys please tell me where I'm going wrong? The source code is compiled in LC3EDIT and then ran in LC3simulator. Here is the source code and routines. I've changed everything that's suppose to be changed and the labels, etc. …

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Member Avatar for vov4ik

Hi, I'm new to 80x86 Assembler... My question is very simple one: how should i print number on screen? I used the following code to print ascii data: [code] mov ah,09h ;load code of print function lea dx, Var ;load address of variable to be printed int 21h ;DOS call …

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Member Avatar for viermus

Hi, everyone! I am trying to program (in assembler) a hardware interrupt at vector 72h, to beep twice. The program seems to be running, and it looks like it is returning control to DOS. I can run it as many times as I want, the only problem is when I …

Member Avatar for thandermax
Member Avatar for cozofdeath

Ok, I've been trying different tutorials/methods of learning asm and right now I'm reading Dr. Paul Carters tutorial and using NASM and DJGPP to compile. I just got into the conditional/jump section and I wanted to test how the jumps work and ran into a problem. The read_char macro seems …

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Member Avatar for julesjacobs

What is the best way to create/call procedures? Which argument-passing-styles are available? Thanks in advance, Jules

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Member Avatar for julesjacobs

Hi, I'm trying to construct a compiler for a really simple stack based language to learn how my computer really works, and to learn how to create a compiler. So far, I have never done anything in assembly (only higher level languages). Could you give me advice about the following …

Member Avatar for huffstat
Member Avatar for mikki2

hi i have a problem but i'm not sure if this post goes here or not. anyway here goes. i just started a course in chinese and the name is"huibian yuyan sheji" (for those that understand chinese) which translates to "compilation language and design". now i have typed the english …

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The End.