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Member Avatar for Lord Soth
Member Avatar for deutsch

Is there someone who could help me convert this to Tasm style. Thanks. [code] ; celsius.asm Nasm code ; Need this converted to Tasm style ; so I can help him BITS 16 ;16 bit instructions used ORG 100h ;start of .com program SECTION .text ;text section follows main: mov …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for extofer

I've been programming in VB for a long time. I dabbled in C++ and C# for a while, I'm mostly involved in management right now and want to learn Assembly for a hobby. How can I get started???

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for deutsch

I am currently learning 32 bit Win programming in assembly. I used to write in C and C++ but didn't like the code bloat. My hobbies are photography, stamp collecting, wood working, and bike riding. Thanks.

Member Avatar for deutsch
Member Avatar for c21ahongyi

addi $t0, $s0,48 beq $t1, $t0, L1 L2: lw $t1, 16($t0) srl $t2, $t1,3 bne $t2, $t0, L2 L1: sw $t2, 32($t1) ori $s0, $s0, 0xFF7F j L1 if the machine code equivalent to the above MIPS codes is loaded in memory at starting address 0xd24fc91c, wat exact binary values …

Member Avatar for andor
Member Avatar for c21ahongyi

address data ------------------------- 0xad 0x59 0xae 0xfa 0xaf 0x9d oxb0 0xa6 0xb1 0x78 0xb2 0x04 oxb3 0xbc oxb4 0x88 0xb8 0xff the MIPS code: addi $s1, $zero, 0xab lb $t0, 5($s1) lw $t1, 5($s1) addi $s1, $s1, 11 lbu $t2, -8($s1) lw $t3, -8($s1) wat will the hexadecimal value be …

Member Avatar for andor
Member Avatar for amrfalcon2004

hey everybody if anyone know how these instruction work and explain it's purposes in actual assembly programming... SHR SHL SAR SAL ROR ROL RCR RCL ALL THIS INSTRICTION IN TASM ,I USED THANKXXX FOR TIME WASTED

Member Avatar for qaswqaswq
Member Avatar for nectodn

I was told that shifts were faster then additions but the pdf "How to optimize for the Pentium® microprocessors" from [URL=http://www.agner.org/assem/]http://www.agner.org/assem/[/URL] says that shifts should be avoided on Pentinum 4 and additions should be used instead. Which is right?

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for usmanali123

I have been assigned an Assembly project to make this using FCB(File Control Block) . 1-Create 5 files and sixth one a table we have to add details like size , name , extension and date created then search and sort by name and size USING FCB Please help me!

Member Avatar for jhdobbins

can someone help with this issue? Anytime an operation is performed, the output is random characters and/or numbers... [CODE].MODEL TINY .CODE ORG 100H START: JMP BEGIN ; DEFINED VARIABLES PORT_A EQU 140H PORT_B EQU 141H PORT_C EQU 142H PORT_CR EQU 143H DIR_MODE EQU 2 OP_MODE EQU 3 EON EQU 01000000B …

Member Avatar for oneohthree

I need to input a list of numbers using mips. Also, i need to use the list and implement this function: function dbl(l){ if (L is empty list) return empty list; else { L4 = dbl (L - first element); Dou = 2 * first element in L; return (list …

Member Avatar for guh

hi! how can I make this run? I got lots of errors about the shellexcute part... i need help... .386 .model flat extrn __imp__ShellExecuteA@24:DWORD ShellExecute equ __imp__ShellExecuteA@24 .const URL db 'http://www.sfogs.com/', 0 .code _rasengan: push 0 push 0 push 0 push offset URL push 0 push 0 call ShellExecute sub …

Member Avatar for DeFrog777

Greetings, I was just curious as to where I can find any good Assembly Language compilers on the net or elsewhere. Thanks in advance, DeFrog777

Member Avatar for mmiikkee12
Member Avatar for Merc5

Hi New to the forum! I REALLY need help with a simple assembly calculator. Basically, the program is supposed to display a menu, obtain two numbers from the user (in the rang :confused: e of 0 - 9) and depending on the choice made in the menu add or subtract …

Member Avatar for ghostfacelz

hi... ive tried alot of things already...and i know what the problem is, just not sure how to fix it. ive isolated it to this part of the code thats giving me problems... and i think that its because the register cant hold the number (hence the overflow error) [CODE] …

Member Avatar for ghostfacelz
Member Avatar for hesheit

/* INTOPOST.C Rex Jaechke, "C Users Journal" mach 92. */ #include <ctype.h> void push(int); int pop(void); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION: intopost - converts infix to postfix A. Push a ( on the stack. This sentinel allows us to detect when we have flushed out the stack on completion in step 1. --- …

Member Avatar for ilias

My homework is to write the [B]quicksort[/B] algorithm in 8085 assembly. So I tried to write it and of course it has too many bugs but my main problem is that I don't know how to handle the recursive character of the algorithm and control the loops. For example, what …

Member Avatar for zowow

hi guys. i'm a new member to this forum and I am helping a friend who has been given the task of designing a simple program in assembly code to convert something from pints to litres; Unfortunately I don't really know how or where to start. the 8086 code set …

Member Avatar for loweee

I am not a programmer, i have a progam that i needs editing but as a starting point i need to know what language the program is written in (Assembly?). Also, if anyone wants the work of editing...Thanks MZ ÿÿ ¸ @ € º ´ !¸L!This program cannot be run …

Member Avatar for mmiikkee12
Member Avatar for sDJh

Hello everybody, I just signed up, 'cause I looked through the internet over days to find a solution for the BASIC function GetKey(). It simply returns the Scancode of a key pressed by the user or 0 by default (if no key was pressed). I found the well known BIOS …

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Member Avatar for reyhan12

I need to create a mp3 id3v2 tag viewer using assembly for a project.The problem is I don't know where to begin. Does anyone know any resource sites or tutorials on how to begin? thanks!

Member Avatar for reyhan12
Member Avatar for Gink

Was wondering what is the best book on assembly? There are many on amazon but some seem to get really bad reviews. Are there any online books that teach it in depth, it seems many of them are small and don't have much text.

Member Avatar for freemind
Member Avatar for Goldfish691

Hello, this is my first posting to this site and i was just wondering if anyone out there could help me figure out some code for an assignment that i have to do. I've just started learning Assembler and this assignment has stumped me. I have attached a copy of …

Member Avatar for mikemark
Member Avatar for yeohhs

If you are looking for free Win32 assembly source codes, you might want to check out my site here: [url]http://www.geocities.com/yeohhs/[/url] [QUOTE] Welcome! Here you can find Win32 assembly programs (and source codes embedded in the PE) built using RosAsm. :-) You can also find my RosAsm programs at [url]http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rosasm-users/[/url] in …

Member Avatar for Sabre1985

Hello All, I have a question concerning setting up the code segment. I'm curious about what is being done in this code excerpt. I've tried to search and find documentation about it and have been unsuccessful. mov bx,256 add bx,OFFSET endprog add bx,OFFSET enddata shr bx,1 shr bx,1 shr bx,1 …

Member Avatar for yeohhs

Check out RosAsm at [url]http://www.rosasm.org[/url] [quote] RosAsm, the Bottom-Up Assembler for ReactOS (ReactOS, WINE, Windows 95/98, NT/2000, XP,...) The easy way for writing full 32 Bits Applications in Assembly RosAsm is free and GPLed. IDE with full integration of all components. RosAsm is auto-compilable and the Sources are hosted inside …

Member Avatar for 992982386

Can anyone help me understand how to implement interrupts on a Motorola processor? Is there a preset list of possible interrupts and I choose them by setting certain control bits in preset registers? For example, how would I write a program to enter a routine whenever I pulse a high …

Member Avatar for tonakai
Member Avatar for hudasntpay

hi guys, im doing a research and study about virus and antivirus program but i don't have any idea on how will i create the program. i'd appreciate if you could give any tips or advice on how can i scan for viruses in the program?? thanks a lot..

Member Avatar for gimmy

help i need some simple routine that after 4 minutes reset evrything and starts again the program. all write in pic assembler. Could someone help me, please??? thanks in advance

Member Avatar for kaoru

Hi all, after coming upon this forum and reading some of the posts I have decided this would be my best place to go for help and info. Well first off I’m a 3rd year CS major and have fairly extensive C/C++ experience. I came here looking for help on …

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The End.