49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for JainishP

I'm kind of stumped on a project. The purpose of the project is to decode a floating point number to find it's sign, exponent, and significand, etc... So far I've been able to get a user input float number into binary32 format using few lines of assembly code(professor told us …

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Member Avatar for Darth Vader

I have a native code snippet that I am going to write in managed code instead. The native snippet code look like this: [code] std::string RClammer = "]"; std::string BigLine = "aaaaaaaa]aaaa"; int pos = 0; while(std::string::npos != (pos = BigLine.find(RClammer, pos))) { BigLine.insert(pos + 1, " "); pos = …

Member Avatar for Darth Vader
Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for dpreznik

Maybe somebody could help me find code for upsampling audio data from .wav file? I have it stored in an array of SHORT integers. Thank you in advance.

Member Avatar for evilguyme

ok so i have used ShellExecute() before but with a specific value eg. "http://www.facebook.com" but now i want this program to be more flexible and allow the user to put the website he wants to. the thing is i made a string like this [CODE]String ^URL; ShellExecute(NULL,"open",URL,NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWDEFAULT)[/CODE] this gives me …

Member Avatar for evilguyme
Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen

Hello, I'm new to QT and I need a little help making a custom widget . Basically I need to subclass QTableWidgetItem and have it draw a translucent image with a set color in the background. In some cases the color in the back ground pulses (dark to bright) so …

Member Avatar for evilguyme

ok so i read about file I/O and the that only allows me to edit files... let's say i have a program that needs login info. the user creates his username and password and can then login with it. but when he closes the program, obviously the info. is lost.. …

Member Avatar for evilguyme
Member Avatar for I_Empire

Hi everybody, i was writing a small c++ class that uses a list as a data member , i then wrote a small print function to print the numbers in the list [code] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <list> using namespace std; class A { private: list<int> number; …

Member Avatar for I_Empire
Member Avatar for Darth Vader

I am about to convert this 2D vector to managed code where I instead will use a List<String>. The problem is that I dont know how to do that, I would be happy to see how that could be done. [code] std::vector<std::vector<string> > vector1(1000, std::vector<string>()); [/code]

Member Avatar for Darth Vader
Member Avatar for mz_rigel

Hi, I am new to programming and am having trouble with this homework assignment. I am confused about how to implement the histogram and frequency. Any help will be greatly appreciated. :) [CODE] // Frequency distribution and bar graph program. User inputs 10 #s that range from 5-15 and is …

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn
Member Avatar for karthik.u

Hey guys need some help with this. I m kinda new to c++. I m trying to insert a structure into a set. and when i compile this i m a gettin an error. i guess i need to add a comparator function please let me how do i do …

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn
Member Avatar for calleriq

Info :Compiling C:\tmp\lab2.cpp Warn : lab2.cpp(56,16):Possible use of 'choice' before definition Error: lab2.cpp(60,5):Type mismatch in redeclaration of 'mainProgram()' Error: lab2.cpp(60,5):Declaration syntax error Hi everone, I am new to C++, please help. After I compile (using borland V5.02), I got these above prolem, please let me know what's wrong and this …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for scantraXx-

[code]set::set() { cardinality = 0; setlist.resize(DEFAULTSIZE, false); } set::set(int n) { cardinality = 0; setlist.resize(50000, false); } bool set::empty() const { if ( setlist.empty() ) { return true; } return false; } void set::insert(int x) { if (x >= 0 && x <= DEFAULTSIZE) { setlist.insert(setlist.end(), 1, x); cardinality++; } …

Member Avatar for Alex_
Member Avatar for hadikazemi

hi i creat one file : [CODE] WAVEFORMATEX formatinfo; formatinfo.cbSize = 0; formatinfo.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; formatinfo.nChannels = 1; // 1 for mono 2 and 2 for stereo formatinfo.wBitsPerSample = 16; // can be 8 or 16 formatinfo.nSamplesPerSec = 8000; // u can set nSamplesPerSec as 16000, 24000. formatinfo.nBlockAlign = formatinfo.nChannels …

Member Avatar for KarthikOnIT

I'm (trying to) program an addin in VC++ (VS 2005) for Outlook 2003 How do I catch the event when the user clicks a button within the menu? Is there a way to DispEventAdvise for the Office::CommandBarControls or the Office::CommandBarPopup which "owns" the menu items? My addin has a toolbar, …

Member Avatar for Levike

Hi, A have a DLL with a header written C: [code] __declspec(dllimport) int ReadData(char* port, int baudrate, unsigned char block, unsigned char nrblock, unsigned char buffer[64], unsigned char* message, BYTE password[6] ); [/code] I want to use the DLL in my Delphi project, but I can't figure it out how …

Member Avatar for House_of_Dexter
Member Avatar for Cole

I need some help on this, it is due by 11 PM tonight and I'm not quite sure where to go. In a C++ program, we are supposed to take in four data points of a quadrilateral (in order, so no jumping across the figure) and find the area in …

Member Avatar for Foamgum
Member Avatar for Flapjack

Was wondering if soemone could point me in the right direction with the insertafter function in a double linked list. The function looks like this. [CODE] const LinkedList::Iterator LinkedList::InsertAfter(const Iterator& Iter, const ItemType& Item) { nodePtr nNode = new Node(Item, NULL, NULL); // test if allocation was successful if (nNode …

Member Avatar for Flapjack
Member Avatar for adsiq
Member Avatar for VuongGAD

I have a homework. i don't understand it. Can you help me [B]Given an amount of money (less than 10,000VND), compute the number coin of 500VND, 1,000VND, 2,000VND, 5,000VND needed. Remember that the number of coin is minimized.[/B] Thanks.

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for hellonikki

Hi, i have created a program in c++ that implements dijkstra's algorithm, and i would like to count how many operations the program makes, but i dont know how. Here is my main code: int main() { int counter =0; dij d; d.read(); d.algorithm(); d.output(); return 0; } can anyone …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for iceshells

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "include.h" #include "windows.h" #include "stdio.h" int ExternalIP(SOCKET Sock, char *szChannel) { DWORD dwRet = 0; HANDLE hHandle; char szIP[16] = {0}; char szTempPath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; char szTempFile[MAX_PATH] = {0}; char szSendBuffer[512] = {0}; if (!szChannel) return false; GetTempPath(sizeof(szTempPath) - 1, szTempPath); GetTempFileName(szTempPath, "Temp", 0, szTempFile); …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for Peter_APIIT

Hello to all of you, does anyway know any free trial limited SMS gateway. Anyone expose to SMPPLib available at code project ? [url]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/library/smpplib.aspx[/url] Please share. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Rofljosh

I'm having a problem with a program I'm doing for class. The first part I have finished, it's a program that allows the user to enter a number from 1 to 365, and it outputs what Month and day of the month that number is associated with. My problem arises …

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Member Avatar for twisizz

Hey, I've got a problem with Directx9, I hope someone can help me out. When I create a Win32 Console application, I don't get any problems, but when I create a Directx9 application with C++ and open the application on another computer I get this error: [quote="Error"]The application can not …

Member Avatar for twisizz
Member Avatar for xagutxu

Hi! I'm using the structure WAVEHDR and the functions waveInStart, waveInClose etc. to capture the audio from the sound card. I use several buffers, and I have a problem with them. I use the variable dwFlags to know when a buffer is complete, but in this way: "[B]while ((wavehdr1.dwFlags & …

Member Avatar for Sobakaa

Hi, guys, i need some help, as i can't find a mistake in my code for some hours. I'm expiriencing a problem in function makeCodes, which should make huffman codes for my symbols. In my head this works just fine, recursively making codes, but my Visual Studio crashes on the …

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Member Avatar for meanace

Hi there. I am producing a bar graph which uses values from a array. I have tried many different ways of getting a fixed size bar graph. Currently it prints the graph correctly with bars both above and below the x axis it also prints the reverse if the user …

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Member Avatar for zephy2

Hello everyone, I currently installed the latest version of VTK , 5.4.2, after that, I am totally lost what I have to do. Is there any well organized reference about installing vtk 5.4 on VS2008? Thank you in advance. Sungmin.

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for buriza

I am looking for some help on some various errors and problems. This is my header file in which I am getting various errors in my for loops saying expected primary expression before } token. [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <class T> class basicArray { public: basicArray(); basicArray(int …

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The End.