49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for ScienceNerd

I have to make a program that asks to enter the # of boxes bought. Then it should display the amount of the discount and the total cost of the purchase after the discount. Each box retails for $50. The problem I'm having is connecting the if else then function …

Member Avatar for ScienceNerd
Member Avatar for the reaper

i managed to save up enough money and order the book "Accelerated C++" today (paid a good 60$)..now my Q. is would this book help me learn c++ , even if i have no prior knowledge in c++? (i have a basic understanding in C up to arrays and functions, …

Member Avatar for jencas
Member Avatar for Nico è...

Instructions: Add a close_calls(int row, int col) method. 1. If the space contains an 'X', modify a private variable to indicate this and return from the method. 2. If the space does not contain an 'X', add up how many X's are next to the current space. 3. Add a …

Member Avatar for Pikachumanson

For example, I want to set flag so that when I click a mouse down a screen schows up. I got that. But when I take my finger off of the button it disappears. Does anyone know how to set up a falg so that doesn't happen? switch(id) { case …

Member Avatar for Pikachumanson
Member Avatar for blsnls

My problem with the program listed below is when the question asked for the title of the book and you type in more than one word with white spaces inbetween the words like "History of Me" it will skip the next question. Any help will be appreciated. #pragma hdrstop #pragma …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for DdoubleD

Can anyone tell me how to get my blocks of code to automatically indent when I place the final closing brace--"}". This works fine when I am coding in C# and I know there must be a way to enable this feature for CPP source documents.

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for trikker

I'm having trouble overloading >> in a fairly specific manner. When the program reads from a file, I want it to read the data into multiple classes. However, you can't pass more than 2 arguments to an istream overload. I've fiddled around with making one class a base class of …

Member Avatar for GDICommander
Member Avatar for BOONISRIDHAR

Hi am new to Java and am developing a multi agent application using Jade. I have coded 1 agent using Java and the other agent using vc++. My problem is communication between java and vc++. 1) I need to run the vc++ program within the java program for which i …

Member Avatar for BOONISRIDHAR
Member Avatar for vivekarora

Hello Friends, Generally, we have pure virtual function without body, but C++ does allow to write pure virtual function with body. Can anyone suggest any use-case where we need to write pure-virtual function with body? Regards, Vivek

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Member Avatar for crys0011

Hi everybody, I'm an engineering student. Hee i would like to discuss about some basic and simple C++ interviews questions. I thnk the persons interested in it will participate. Ok can i ask one question? What are the differences between C language and C++ language?

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for AssaultM16

So I am trying to use multiple source files for my text based game. In Code::Blocks in doesn't even compile it says " cannot find -lfunctions.h". In Dev-C++ it compiles but the function doesn't work properly Here is the code Main.cpp [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include "functions.h" using …

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Member Avatar for amol14007

Hi, A specific set of range <10,20> <20,30> <30,40> <40,50> i have series of numbers in a buffer; say.. 11 14 19 23 28 45 49 is present in char* noInBuff; Every time if the number falls in specific range for the first time then i have to replace it …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for logine

please help me to have a program that will compute for n! (n factorial) which is the product of all numbers from 1 to n.

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for almasari

Task: Write a program to grade a test and print the student’s score. The questions are in multiple choices form. There are 25 questions given in the test and each question has 4 choices; A,B,C and D. Assumed that there are 20 students taking the test. Each answer is stored …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for rhoit

I was writing the program for revised simplex method in devc++ (windows) and it was working fine... Now I am using ubuntu and trying to run the same program.......(with few changes) i compiled successfully using g++ but when i run it run but showed error some what like: [QUOTE]rhohit@Trashbox:~$ g++ …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ScienceNerd

What's wrong with my if else then function? It complies fine (Dev C++) but it doesn't function properly. It displays all the messages together. [code] void data(void) { cout<<"How many hours did you work: "; cin>> total_hours; cout<<"How many days did you work: "; cin>> days; return; } void process …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for poncho4all

Ok i have a calculator program, but it can only do positive numbers, can anyone point me in the direction to make it get negative numbers also? [code]#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; struct Node{ float number; Node *next; }; Node* push(Node *stack, float data){ Node *utility; utility = …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi all, I have been using PNG files for icons and they are good. But I want now to use xpm as they can be included just as I include header file. How do I do that? Any free tool?

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for shadwickman

Hello, I've just recently tried to make a class template whose constructor should be able to accept a variable amount of arguments of the class passed to the template. I have something like this, with the prototype inside the class definition, and the actual implementation of the constructor defined outside: …

Member Avatar for shadwickman
Member Avatar for namehere05

I have the following code and it wont compile, it says no matching function for call to `autop::autop(autop)' at this part [CODE]autop j = f();[/CODE] I don't understand why the copy constructor wont accept the autop copy Im sending it. [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; class autop { public: autop(int …

Member Avatar for namehere05
Member Avatar for gretty

hello I am reading a text file & trying to store some information into a 2d array. [B]My problem [/B]is when I go to store a piece of data into the 1st row (1d area ?:P) I get this error error: [QUOTE] incompatible types in assignment of `float' to `float[25]' …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for muzhe

hi, I am wondering if you can give me some ideas about below: I've a program which uses 3 dimention cartesian co-ordinate system, I've written a program which generate input files for that program based on the 3D co-ordinates. However one thing that I dont get hold of is how …

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Member Avatar for metalclunch

Hello, it's Metalclunch here, and I've got a pretty simple and straightforward question: How would one implement a scripting language? Prefferably Python. Thing is, I'm pretty much a beginner, I know about the if, else if, for, while statements and functions. Okay. Here goes. I've made a very simple text-based …

Member Avatar for Tigran
Member Avatar for trikker

This program reads information from a text file with an istream_iterator and initializes a vector with the data. Everything has been working fine, but when I created a constructor for the class to use for insertion into the vector, I get a compiler error involving the istream_iterator. [code] #include <vector> …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for catchmrbharath

The question is Let's consider a triangle of numbers in which a number appears in the first line, two numbers appear in the second line, three in the third line, etc. Develop a program which will compute the largest of the sums of numbers that appear on the paths starting …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for kelvinnvl

I'm recently doing an assignment for fraction problem. I've implemented classes for the programme to accept fractions. And i've overloaded operator +, -, *, / and ==... But here is some strange thing. Before that i show some of my code here regarding operator -: [CODE]Fraction operator-( Fraction a, Fraction …

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for scantraXx-

[CODE] if (user_input == 1) { dict.open("dict.txt"); cout << "Enter word "; cin >> word_check; toLower(word_check); vector<string> lines; string line; if (dict.is_open()) // if the dictionary is open { while (getline(dict,line)) { lines.push_back(line); } if (binarySearch(lines, lines.size(), word_check) != -1) { cout << word_check << " is in dictionary" << …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for basketball4567

I need to read information from a text file into a struct array. Im writing a program to make a list of favorites that the user will input. When they close the program, the array will write to a file. The next time the program is ran, i need to …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for johndory

Hello, I was wondering if there is a tutorial on binomial heaps on this site. if not, i would appreciate it if someone can post any links that are helpful on binomial heaps. All the text books i have do not have anything on binomial heaps. some do not even …

Member Avatar for jainrani
Member Avatar for plongx211

hi, can you help me in making my program ,employee log system program and it is password protected program ^_^ .....

Member Avatar for mvmalderen

The End.