49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for DavidDan

Hello! First post so I'd like to say hello to everyone :) So I've got this code here, I am very new to C++ and going through the basics, and I am creating a program that will tell the user when he/she is born. So the user puts his/her age …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for seakayaker

I wonder if anyone knows how I can call a function if a document of my type is double clicked to launch my application? I have made my document types associated with my application but it only launches my program when those are double clicked. I want to read in …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for bernadlosini

question given like this The Fibonacci sequence is the series of numbers 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, .... Formally, it can be expressed as: f ib0 = 0 f ib1 = 1 f ibn = f ibn−1 + f ibn−2 1) Write a C program using the fork() …

Member Avatar for namasteall2000
Member Avatar for power_computer

/facepalm Ok, so I have to make a program upon startup it has to read from a said file which looks something like this Song Name Artist Genre Track Time That is one block of the array, their is a max of 10. Ive been googling and searching the forums …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for infinity16

[I]<< Forked from [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread40942.html[/url] >>[/I] [QUOTE=Narue;196586]>But after printing the last word, it just hangs like as if expecting another string too. Probably because it's expecting another string. A newline is whitespace too, and unless you're terminating the loop with Ctrl+Z (or a read error occurs), it'll just keep asking you …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for bynaridoom

Ok, what I'm trying to do is have the user enter a command at the prompt, and on the right command a function is called. Here's my code: [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> void functionCall() { std::cout << "function successfully called"; } int main() { char userInput [128]; std::cin.getline(userInput, 128); std::cout …

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Member Avatar for ellla

typedef std::list<list*> List; Can you tell me how to enter inside the list,if I want to know number of contacts which it consists..

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for krayzeeben

Hi, i've had experience making counting programs in the iostream and now i'd like to make something useful to me. I play a web browser-based game called Neopets, and i often refresh 500 times a day there to encounter random events. Eventually, my hand gets tired, so i'd rather make …

Member Avatar for Tigran
Member Avatar for SkiesBblue

Hi experts, Why does line [B]parts = new Tire*[numOfParts];[/B] generate the error [B]invalid conversion from `Tire**' to `CarPart**' [/B] in file car.cpp? The program works if I change the variable parts to be of type Tire** instead of CarPart**. I formatted my problem to a complete simple (though multifile) program, …

Member Avatar for SkiesBblue
Member Avatar for vvinayk

Hi, I am getting errors with RTTI. In this program I have an Abstract base class with virtual function area() and two derived classes. I defined a polymorphic function and passed the derived object as argument to it which has reference to the base class as argument. I used typeid …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Ali22615

I have this homework that i have to write the cxx of a header file. i started the homework but i got stuck in the meddle of it. I tried to find the abs_minimum function but it's too complicated because i have to keep track of the numbers and find …

Member Avatar for Ali22615
Member Avatar for xfreebornx

[CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; struct student { int ID; char name[80]; char nationality[80]; char gender[2]; }; void insert(student array[]); void sort(student array[]); int main() { student array[100]; int answer; cout <<"Welcome to student recording system"<<endl; cout <<"Please choose one of the following option"<<endl; cout <<"1.Insert new record"<<endl; cout <<"2.Delete …

Member Avatar for xfreebornx
Member Avatar for gretty

hello I have some code that loops & takes in a number then should store it in an array. [B]My problem[/B] is that for some reason, the program only stores every 2nd number entered? [CODE=cplusplus] while (!cin.fail() && cin>>purchase) { // while a correct input is input cin >> purchase; …

Member Avatar for gretty
Member Avatar for vijay4vin

i get a debug assertion failure when i call a text file in v c ++. how to solve the error actually. it states debug assertion failure fseeki64.c line 61 stream !=null.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for gretty

hello I have some errors in my program, which as always have to do with how to correctly syntax something :P ... I think :) [B]1st issue:[/B] I am using a 2d array as a parameter in a function but I am getting an error. I think it has to …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for BlackPhoenix

I tried my hand at C++ client/server programs, but they were extremely difficult, even with the "best tutorial" on the Web (Beej's). I could get a basic client/server program going, but it was with "blocking sockets", and all I knew how to do was get the server to send a …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Awebb999

I have to write code to shift all the values in the array to the right of position P, one place to the left. I can make up my own array and position P. would this code work? for (j=6; j>1;j--) { x[j-1]=x[j]; }

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Hawkpath

Hello, I need help with the following code: [CODE] #include <windows.h> #include <tlhelp32.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> bool ChangeMemVal(const char * ProcessName, LPVOID MemAddress, int NewVal, int size); int main() { printf("=== Pinball Trainer Example. Made by Hawkpath ===\n\n"); if(ChangeMemVal("pinball.exe", (void*) 0x000F4240, 1000000, 4)) printf("The score has been …

Member Avatar for BlackPhoenix

Let me explain myself, and then hopefully you can tell me a better solution. I have paid web hosting (only $2.50/mo) and in the process of learning PHP, have learned how to work with MySQL databases. I was wondering if it is possible to create a program in C++ that …

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Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

THEY'RE ANNOYING! :@ This is my code: lang.h [code=c++] #pragma once #define _ASM_START namespace _TomAsm{ #define _ASM_END } #define cpp_asm _TomAsm #define _main int main(){ #define _endmain } _ASM_START template<typename _T> struct _Reg{ _T val; _Reg(_T _Val):val(_Val){} }; typedef _Reg<int> _IntReg; typedef _Reg<char> _CharReg; typedef _Reg<float> _FloatReg; typedef _Reg<double> _DoubleReg; …

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Member Avatar for azjherben

I'm getting inoput from a binary file, in hex. And I want it to say the first nine characters... like "0x05 0x53,0x84 " ... and so on. So how do I turn a char in hex to a string in text?

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for AceiferMaximus

I am getting an Illegal Indirection Error on this code, and I am not quite sure what I am doing wrong. [url]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa376065(VS.85).aspx[/url] That link shows the function and what it should do. Am I on the right track? What do I have to do to fix the error. [CODE] #include …

Member Avatar for cikara21
Member Avatar for AssaultM16

Hi! I have two questions about functions. First how can I use a main() local variable in a function outside of main? And how can I use a variable in the function paramaters which already has stored information (stored in main() ), and not have to give it new information …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Tigran

Hello, I've got this project where i need to use a webcam. I'll need to get every frame made by a webcam (uncompressed) and send it to my program. My program should extract some information out of the frame and then get the next frame and do the same with …

Member Avatar for Tigran
Member Avatar for ashishchoure
Member Avatar for Tigran
Member Avatar for mejohnm

Hello all, I am trying to add two objects of integers. Object A: 92999 Object B: 22 My add method works when A is being added by B, but not the other way around because the amount of nodes is less. I should know how to add a node but …

Member Avatar for mejohnm
Member Avatar for Frederick2

Is there a link somewhere that explains how to post tutorials? I have one I'd like to post (it shows how to use direct ODBC for enumerating ODBC drivers, connecting to Excel, Access, and SQL Server Express), and don't know how to do it. Would it need to be reviewed …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for gcardonav

Hey: I am kinda new to C++. I created this code to display the edge of chaos. Now my professor wants me to graph it in a coordinate system. I know I could use excel and plot it there but I want to learn how to do it using C++. …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for vivekarora

Hello Friends, Can you pls. help me in below? 1) Is it possible to invoke derived class constructor from base class constructor some how in C++? 2) If yes, how? Regards, Vivek

Member Avatar for vivekarora
Member Avatar for Hawkpath

Hello, I need help to learn how to edit memory references. Don't worry, I'm not gonna hack NASA or anything. Just minesweeper to start out with. What I need to know is this: What is the code for editing memory references? I know you have to use a memory reference …

Member Avatar for Hawkpath

The End.