49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for helixkod

Current Code: [CODE] void findMode(int *array, int size) { int array2[size]; int count; int x; int mode = 0; for (count = 0; count < size; count++) { x = array[count]; array2[x] = array2[x]++; } for ( count = 0; count < size; count++) { if (array2[count] > mode) mode …

Member Avatar for supergeek60
Member Avatar for newtechie

Can any one suggest me some online material for "List with static array" example codes ?

Member Avatar for newtechie
Member Avatar for snvngrc1

[code] #include <iostream> #include<math.h> using namespace std; class Vect3D { friend Vect3D& operator*(double, const Vect3D&) ; friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const Vect3D&); public: Vect3D(); Vect3D(double, double, double); const double& operator[](int i) const; double& operator[](int i); Vect3D& operator+(const Vect3D&) const; Vect3D& operator+=(const Vect3D&); Vect3D& operator*=(double); Vect3D& operator*(double) const; bool operator==(const Vect3D&) const; …

Member Avatar for snvngrc1
Member Avatar for shinegun

Hi im a new visual c++ programmer... i have a program with Form1 and Form2. When i click on a Form1's button Form2 shows and then Form1 hides. But i want to know how can i make Form1 show again when Form2 enters the event Closing. Thanks!! Also how can …

Member Avatar for shinegun
Member Avatar for Lfmoncur

I have a problem with a piece of code where I ask the user to type in a filename and then I need to store the number contents of the file in an array, and then use whats in the array to find the sum of the numbers, the biggest, …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for nigelhoath

I'm having problems updating a multimap. I need to change the key value. I have found various examples but none seem to work. Any help gratefully received. Below a simplified map test bit of code. I had hoped the line between the commented asterisks would do the trick but seems …

Member Avatar for nigelhoath
Member Avatar for laconstantine

I am very interested in ASM I wana learn write it and read it like a pro.. Now i'm in CLASS issue I want to know how c++ Class definition looks in ASM code.. for example this code [CODE] class MathFuncs { public: int a,b; private: void SetVars(int,int); }MathObject; void …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Siddharthsiva

How to link the ws2_32.lib in the visual studio because i am new to this ..so can u help me....

Member Avatar for Koinutron

I'm a newbie to c++, and as I'm reading my textbook, I'm applying different rules to this program for converting gallons to liters and vice versa, My question is how can I check that the user input is numeric and not a string of characters? I've tried several things with …

Member Avatar for Koinutron
Member Avatar for QuantNeeds

Hello , My program works fine but I still have one error that appears and I would like to fix it. It is complaining about [code] srand( time(0) ); [/code] with the following error: .cpp(25) : warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'time_t' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for invisi

Okay I want to write a programme that saves a screen shot every second, but I don't want to use any print screen function: This is how I'd go about it, with my limited knowledge: first I'd calculate the resolution of the screen, and then loop through all the pixels …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for gretty

Hello I have an array in a function that I am trying to copy into a private array named pic_links although I am getting an error, it wont let me copy the array into another array. Do you know why? :) Error message: [QUOTE] no matching function for call to …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for invisi

Hi every one :) Well I wrote this code for deleting the pointers, and it compiles and runs. But at the end of the run it comes up with an Debug Assertion failed. WHY??? [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { bool boolVar = true; int intVar = 50; …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for jewelpervez

Hello, Anyone can send me c++ program for Testing LED Blinking which is attached in serial port. It will be simple ON or OFF Program. Actually I want to send data through the serial port (com1/com2 port). But at first i would like to test by using LED. Thanks in …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for adelphe

[CODE] void highscore1() { ifstream readfile; int score; readfile.open("highscore1.txt"); while(readfile >> score) { score += 1; ofstream writescore; writescore.open("highscore1.txt"); writescore << score; writescore.close(); } readfile.close(); cout << endl; game(); } [/CODE] how to i read from the text file, highscore1.txt and do a +1 to the integer inside the textfile …

Member Avatar for adelphe
Member Avatar for nuar046
Member Avatar for trikker

I'm using Programming: Practice and Principles Using C++ and I've hit a roadblock. Chapters 12-16 cover GUI programming and require the use of the Fast Light Toolkit. Here is what I've done so far. If you need more information I'd be happy to provide. 1. Using Dev-C++'s "Check for Updates …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for gretty

hello How do I ensure that the same number does not appear more than once in my random number creator? Eg of output currently: [QUOTE] array = {30, 2, 12, 9, 2}; // has repeats [/QUOTE] Eg of what I am trying to do: [QUOTE] array = {30, 2, 12, …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for dalj

I'm working on a simple program to analyse some data and I'm having trouble making multiple passes over my file. I've been trying to do something along the lines of for(n=0;n<Nmax;n++){ while (! inFile.eof() ){ crap done here; }; }; however it won't do more than one pass over the …

Member Avatar for dalj
Member Avatar for umair125
Member Avatar for DrDeadite

Ok, I have a program I'm trying to get to work, but I'm struggling to get right. I suspect its when it reads the data from the .txt file. I have to get the average of column 1 and the average of column 2, and get the highest of column …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for xAnubisx

Hello everyone, I am trying to write a program that gives you 3 options: 1 for encryption 2 for decryption 3 Exits the program If option 1, my program will ask for a password, an input file name and an output file name. My program will then read the file …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for underground111

This what I have from my last assignment on creating a bank account. This is what i have to add for the next assignment and I'm lost. Can someone please help me do this!! Assignment: 1. Create 3 subclasses that inherit from the bank account class created in homework 3. …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Nathan Campos

Hello, I want to know how i can build a program that reads what is in a parenthesis and print it using cout, but remember that i have to use this inserted a if method. Here is a sample of syntax: [code]test (test of output)[/code] Remember that this syntax is …

Member Avatar for poncho4all
Member Avatar for Nathan Campos

Hello, I'm learning C++ and i want to know how i can develop a program that reads a file like a database, but the program don't know how many lines or columns the file have, and the file is like this: [CODE]"Name Test" "1901" "email@test.com" "John Google" "6673" "john@test.com"[/CODE] And …

Member Avatar for Nathan Campos
Member Avatar for mybluehair

I'm trying to make a menu in my c++ console program where a user can hit the up and down arrow keys and this will scroll through the menu options. I got this snippet of code that I could modify to make it do what I want, but its not …

Member Avatar for mybluehair
Member Avatar for avaitla

Hello There, Can anyone help me figure out how to get Winsock and the Windows SDK working with Netbeans? I am using the latest version of both the SDK(6.1) and Netbeans (6.5). I have downloaded the SDK but I don't know how to get the libraries to link to Netbeans. …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Lukezzz

I need to convert a C# code into C++. I think I have almost done it except of one line of code wich is this line. First follows the correct C# version but how will that be converted to C++ in bold wich for the moment is wrong ? (C#) …

Member Avatar for shea279

so, I have a program that uses a keyboard hook, but starts it in another thread so that it can continue executing. The problem is, the only way I have to stop the mouse hook right now is to just kill the thread using TerminateThread(). However, this does not enable …

Member Avatar for shea279
Member Avatar for zsady

Hi I have a vector which contains a number of objects. Inside these objects are 2 attributes. the X and the Y coordinates. How Can I sort them from top to bottom 1st then left to right? e.g 0,0 1,0 0,5, 3,1 2,5 the output would be 0,0 0,5 1,0 …

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The End.