49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for nihan1

Hi! :)))) I have to use sql connection to take queries from user by using textbox structure .How can I provide this .I don't find it anywhere . especially how can I connect sql and textbox structure together I do not know anything about this subject. I know c and …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ryBowk

hey all. this is (if i remember correctly) my first post, i have done alot of reading on this forum though and have found the info invaluable. my program is a calculater that calculates the amount of sheets of plasterboard and bags of plaster needed for a wall, firstly: have …

Member Avatar for ryBowk
Member Avatar for Lukezzz

I am looking for a complete example for C++ where you connect to FTP-SSL. But is seems impossible to find a good example. The best I have found is: [url]http://blogs.msdn.com/adarshk/archive/2005/04/22/410925.aspx[/url] What I am looking for is a better example of how to Accept ALL certificates when connecting to FTP-SSL. I …

Member Avatar for Lukezzz
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

After building wxWidgets, I need to free space for any unneeded files. Should I uninstall wxWidgets after buidling? and what exactly building does?

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for Software guy

Hi guys, i am working on this project, which has a C++ program for image processing. I have used Java and matlab for image processing in past so i never had to deal with Magick++ or ImageMagick. At the moment one of my main problem is i cant find Magick++ …

Member Avatar for Software guy
Member Avatar for slawted

Hey folks, this is my first program and i dont know what to do to make it output my imput to a .txt file, can anybody tell me or show me what im doing wrong. thanks. [code]/*MuTech Computers Address Book by Michael Grayson.*/ #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for kartik14

Hi, I'm kinda new to development using visual studio. I have a c++ program and I want to specify command line arguments to it from visual studio. Can anyone please tell me how to do it? Thanks (The version I'm using is visual studio 2005)

Member Avatar for tona70
Member Avatar for yara naser

:icon_wink: hi now im take compiler subject so that if any one have parsing in c++ please help me because im write lexical code but i havent time to write parsing please help me soon thanks

Member Avatar for Frederick2

I can't figure out for the life of me how to import a class declared, defined and implemented within a dll into a host app using any GNU build systems. The two compiler suites I have are Dev C++ and the newer Code::Blocks. I have no problem with this using …

Member Avatar for dumrat
Member Avatar for jko2326

I've been working on an assignment: Write a program that produces a bar chart of population growth for a small town, at 20 year intervals during the past 100 years. It should read the populations rounded to the nearest 1000 people. for each year it should display the date and …

Member Avatar for jko2326
Member Avatar for GDICommander

Hello everyone! I'm having a bad time trying to find a solution to my problem: I'm developping a client-server application. On the server side, I am calling a method, Recoit (receive), that calls internally msgrcv(), a UNIX system call for message-passing purposes. The problem is that I always receive a …

Member Avatar for Leniel

The problem ask to enter numb of students up to 100. but the user enter let's say 10. how do i manage to do that in arrays. Sorry if is a bother but i'm a newbie lol.

Member Avatar for Leniel
Member Avatar for Lukezzz

I wonder what the way is to Login to my FTP server with encrypted UserName and Password ? Normally when you login to a FTP Server, the UserName and Password travels as plain "text" wich could be "Hijacked" on the way. I wonder if there is a way to send …

Member Avatar for Lukezzz
Member Avatar for iamsmooth

So my program is taking input from the user, so it's storing it in a string known as x. But I don't want x to take the input after a hard return, it should keep reading until it hits a certain string, let's say "END", so until the user types …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Silvershaft

Is there any good 2d game making library for kinda noobs? I've tried alegro but it doesn't work good somehow. If you know any tell please! Thanks

Member Avatar for swinefish
Member Avatar for metalclunch

Can anyone please tell me what does the this Function do? I understand everything till the "(n * GetPower(n, power - 1))" part. I just can't understand it. I do realise what the "n * " does, it multiplies N to the other side, and I also get what "GetPower" …

Member Avatar for metalclunch
Member Avatar for tazboy

I have an issue with my while loop (line 17) displaying the last donor in the list twice. I've looked around and I couldn't find any solutions that worked for me. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Here is my function: [CODE=C++]void delete_record( istream* file, string keyword ){ char response; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

Is there any libraries that can connect two or more computers that are on a lan together and send data to eachother?

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for nnhamane

Hi friends, there is a project which contains more than 10 small projects. These projects contains their respective exe's. Each project has some dlls to perform particular operation. Each dll is build by linking with either header1 or header2. My task is to integrate them in one project and make …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Silvershaft

Hey, I have read windows API tutorial now but I am wondering how I can add things to main window itself, I know how to add things to dialogs and such but I just wonder how to add to main window, For example add button to main window? Sorry this …

Member Avatar for Silvershaft
Member Avatar for man4ish

I am working on STL(map) in shared memory. How can it be implemented. I am successsful in creating the two process process1 : writing a text to the sahred memory process2 : reading the same text from shared memory. But now i am planning to implement the shared memory for …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for tomtetlaw

Whenever I include this file more then once: [code=c++] #ifndef GFUNC_GAURD #define GFUNC_GAURD #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "DarkGDK.h" // For getting the next unused ID int GetNextID( ) { int temp = 1; while( dbObjectExist( temp ) ) // Found an id == temp? temp++; return temp; } …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for nrobidoux

I'm trying to figure out how to attach a class with pure virtual <</>> operators to other classes for the purpose of saving/loading the application state. So I started off with: [CODE]class IWriteable { public: IWriteable(): pCls(NULL) {} IWriteable(void *p): pCls(p) {} virtual ostream& operator << (const void * &p) …

Member Avatar for nrobidoux
Member Avatar for XodoX

Hello, I got the following code: [code] #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std ; // Function Prototypes void pause(void); /** defines an abstract class */ class Jukebox { public: virtual void play() { cout << "Record unknown\n" ; } } ; /** defining subclasses */ class NewAge: …

Member Avatar for crazyboy
Member Avatar for azjherben

I have been using just SDL for alot, but it really olny does 2d things well. So I started learning OpenGL from the tutorials at [url]http://anomtech.uuuq.com/[/url] I was fine using Dev-C++ until the textures tutoiral, where the program would immedently crash as soon as I compiled/started it. So the maker …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Leniel

well this a parallel array and also be able to process the arrays but it doesn't do so can some one give me a hint of what i might be doing wrong. Thank you before hand. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <new> using namespace std; int main () { int …

Member Avatar for Leniel
Member Avatar for jake43

I am new to c++ and i advice for this particular assignment. I new to programming. The instruction is to use while loop for the two output process and for loop for the other 2 output. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <math.h> using namespace std; int main() { system("color 4"); …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Schwein

Can Someone help me regarding my C++ Assignments? I'll list the questions below: ASSIGNMENT 1 Assume the array in the following table represents the monthly rental price of six resort cabins over a five-year period. YEAR 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1 200 210 225 300 235 2 250 465 …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Smoking Bros

Hello guys! I'm new at C++ (started yesterday) but I'm a fast learner and I think I got pretty far with this noob project! The only thing I need to do is to make C++ open my .txt file and the beta version of this application is done! By the …

Member Avatar for AssaultM16
Member Avatar for Dia.A

Hi everybody, I'm trying to make a strategy game using C++ ,a simple game, my objective is to improve my way in oop analysis, currently I don't have an idea on how to do many things in this game, but I think of making it my companion in learning the …

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The End.