49,762 Topics

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I am trying to define an abstract overridable method isKnownWord(), i am recieving errors but i cannot see where they are coming from. Can any one enlighten me. [CODE]public: spellChecker() { wordList=NULL; } void addWord(char* aWord) { int word_size=strlen(aWord) + 1; char* dest=new char[word_size]; strcpy(dest,aWord); wordRecord* newRec=new wordRecord; newRec -> …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for licktress

Hey guys. I am using windows xp, and Bloodshed Dev C++ compiler. I am making a simple program. The CPP file and EXE file work fine on my computer, but do not work on any other computers, no matter what OS (Ive tried on xp, vista, linux and 7). When …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for mat1989

Hey Everyone. Does anyone recommend any particular book for learning c++ ? Thanks.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for gopi17

I'm juz wondering how do I send a single value to a 8-parameter function... [CODE] void enterdata1(int &row1col2) { cout<<"Please enter the number for Row 1-Columm 2"<<endl; cin>>row1col2; if(row1col2 != 1 && row1col2 != 2&& row1col2 != 3 && row1col2 != 4) { cout<<"Please enter the correct number (Which is …

Member Avatar for necrolin
Member Avatar for lotrsimp12345
Member Avatar for Lfmoncur

Hi, I have a problem with a program that shows the contents of a file, but when it process the data to figure out the sum, max, min and average, that values are wrong. Any ideas? Thanks Liam [code]// CO1401 Reassessment 2008/9 //Liam Moncur BSc Computer Networking #include <iostream> #include …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for shikamaru

Hi friends, I am planing to create and vb.NET application in which i have to call some existing vc++ codes... :rolleyes: After some initial reading i found i have to create some .dll and then call them.. but i cant able to do so with existing big code.. I need …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for lotrsimp12345

I understand the concept but i don't know when to use and what my teacher expects when he says overload certain operators.

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Member Avatar for D.JOHN

I am still new with fstream topic and I have some enquiries about using it. Based on the tutorial shown, I managed to understand a little about it but when I copy the first few lines, #include <fstream.h> void main { ofstream file; file.open("file.txt"); //open a file file<<"Hello file\n"<<75; //write …

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Member Avatar for JackDurden

I was wondering if you guys might help me figure out how to make a vector of vectors like so, The user will name the set say 'A'. And then using 'A' as a key you can then find the set name and add say 'a', 'b' to it. How …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sdmahapatra

Hi everyone I couldn't find the actual logic behind below two problems: [code](1) how to capture number of occurrences of 3 between 1 to 100? and (2) assigns a function to a pointer and subsequently call it.[/code]all problems are in c++ As I'm new in this field so,please help me …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Icebone1000

I cant figure out how make the Button visible proccessing WM_PAINT myself, it just get visible after pressing it.. [code=cplusplus] //THE WM_PAINT message: case WM_PAINT:{ RECT myrect; //get the device contest for the current window------------------- gsp_hdc = GetDC( hWnd ); if( !gsp_hdc ){ MessageBox( NULL, TEXT(" Error Getting DC!"), TEXT(" …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for Nathan Campos

Hello, I'm learning C++ and i want to know how i can build a program written in C++ that can execute other programs, like firefox. Thanks, Nathan Paulino Canpos

Member Avatar for chiwawa10
Member Avatar for Nathan Campos

Hello, I'm learning C++ and i want to build a simple program that copy files, remember that i want a program that copy all types of files, not only *.txt or only binary files. Thanks, Nathan Paulino Campos

Member Avatar for Nathan Campos
Member Avatar for JackDurden

I have a vector which i wish to fill with char's, so that each char is then a pointer to a vector. vector<char> list; list[0] = 'A'; list[1] = 'B'; How do I make 'A' and 'B' pointers to other vectors? [CODE] void Create_Pointers(char pointer_name) { pointer_name = new vector<char …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for NimaJ

Hi, I'm trying to read the HTTP URL string using C++, and I was wondering if it is possible. Here is my situation: There is a server listening to a socket. This socket receives an HTTP Request such as: [url]http://localhost/MyApplication[/url] ? userID = x All I need to do is …

Member Avatar for jen140
Member Avatar for Nathan Campos

Hello, I'm building a cp like program and here is the code of the file copy, i'm in the beginning, i'm going to put the error messages when i be in some good state of the program: [code]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main( int argc, char* argv[] …

Member Avatar for Nathan Campos
Member Avatar for papanyquiL

I can't get this code to work... [code=c++] typedef bool (* ProcessCallback)(DWORD ProcessId, DWORD ParentProcessId, TCHAR * Path, void * ImageBase, DWORD ImageSize); bool EnumProcesses(ProcessCallback Callback); // --------- class cProcessList { public: struct sProcess { DWORD ProcessId; TCHAR Path[MAX_PATH]; }; std::vector<sProcess> List; bool operator()(DWORD ProcessId, DWORD ParentProcessId, TCHAR * Path, …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for harry010

Hi, I've written a program that uses two objects that look like the ones below, and I was wondering why i would need an assignment operator and copy constructor for either of these classes. Are strings like[ICODE] char*[/ICODE] (dynamic memory)? It would not be difficult to write these methods, I'm …

Member Avatar for harry010
Member Avatar for daviddoria

There is a pure virtual const function declared like wayyyy up the inheritance hierarchy that I need to override, but I would like to override it with a non-const function. I tried and it just complained that the pure virtual const function const was not implemented. I got around it …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for goody11

How do I make a line of code such as this possible? [code] LTEXT spnV,IDC_STATIC,57,10,200,8 [/code]

Member Avatar for goody11
Member Avatar for agaba

input qty while qty > 0 input size call Calculate Scrap using 10 to get scrap 10, qty needed for 10 call Calculate Scrap using 25 to get scrap 25, qty needed for 25 call Calculate Scrap using 40 to get scrap 40, qty needed for 40 if scrap 10 …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for metdos
Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Jintu

Hi, I have a small doubt in C++ assignment. I have been assigned to do seat reservation in a certain foodcourt. I have already done the seat reservation thing using basic array and function. But my program can only do manual seat reservation. Which means the user gets to choose …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for metdos

We need a good open source issue tracking program which is compatible with SVN and windows platform. We are developing programs with VS 2005. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks.

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for sophie_kiu

question 1 : I know that c++ could write/ read excel file by changing it into csv format. however, if the content of a cell has a "," inside, then we may have problem when we are reading it as the content may be split into two parts. So how …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for gretty

Hello My task is to writ a function that takes in a char array & the array size as its parameters & reverses the array contents. I cannot use another array to reverse the contents. I am using insert & erase function to reverse the array,[B] although I dont know …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for el33t

In visual c++, what is the difference between these three: WindowClass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; //Found in winmain() UpdateWindow(hWnd); // Also found in winmain() WM_PAINT //It is a switch case in funtion winproc() I unerstand that all three of them does something like to draw/redraw the client window/window. But can …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for nihan1

Hi:) I have a problem about DB navigator usage in SQl with borland c++ builder ? How can I use C++ codes with sql?

Member Avatar for twomers
Member Avatar for dumrat

Hi, I am playing with metaprogramming. I have this problem: [CODE] template<bool f> class A { public: void P() { cout << "f = true" << endl; } void Q() { cout << "Q" << endl; } }; template<> class A<false> { public: void P() { cout << "f = …

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The End.