49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for endisbegun

so i have some code that ive been working on, and dare i say, understanding, involving linked lists, only i've hit a wall I need to add a new structure, called date, so that a day, month, and year, are associated with every node, for rolls, jam, and tea, and …

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Member Avatar for halfnode

[CODE=Cplusplus]#include "STDAFX.H" #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace std; class Transfer { protected: string Name; public: void transfer(); void xfer(string); }; class Exchange { protected: string exchItems[4]; public: void exchange(); string exchange(int); }; class Voucher { protected: string vnumber; string company; double amount; public: Voucher(string, string, double); void …

Member Avatar for Riskboy999

hi guys, im new at the forum and would like to ask for assistance with a programming assignment. First the Question.. [COLOR="Green"]DEVELOPMENT OF A C++ PROGRAM FOR A STUDENT RECORD SYSTEM. You are to develop a student record system that makes use of the C++ structure and classes. The record …

Member Avatar for Riskboy999
Member Avatar for nschessnerd

I need a nonblocking socket so in an older version of the program i made a new thread to do this. and now that ive migrated into visual c++ it crashes with no explination... yea im really aggravated... can anyone tell me why this crashes? [code] #include <iostream> #include <winsock.h> …

Member Avatar for nschessnerd
Member Avatar for sfrider0

I have been working on this for a few days now. I'm just trying to make a deep copy of a template linked list. I have successfully copied the list, but when I enter a new item to the new list, it also adds it to the original list. I'm …

Member Avatar for jencas
Member Avatar for nschessnerd

Hey so as i mentioned here [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post840142.html[/url] i need to check if a process is responding by using sendmessage however i have no idea how to get the hwnd because i start the process using system::diagnostics::process [CODE] process->StartInfo->WorkingDirectory=sinfo->workingDirectory; process->StartInfo->Arguments=" -exec "+sinfo->init+" -port "+sinfo->port+" "+sinfo->options; process->StartInfo->FileName = sinfo->exe; process->StartInfo->UseShellExecute=true; [/CODE] so …

Member Avatar for seanhunt
Member Avatar for bbloopa

I am new to programming and am having trouble with a school assignment. I need to make a class planner that prints out information after the user enters it and then askes for specific class numbers. The user enters the following information (in this order): 1. Name of Class 2. …

Member Avatar for bbloopa
Member Avatar for tiki_master

I have the following code below which is part of a program to create a Huffman Coding tree. The problem is that it runs through correctly for one node, outputting that character 'l' for a certain file has a specific frequency. However...after going through several iterations, it runs into a …

Member Avatar for seanhunt
Member Avatar for sarahnade17

The program I'm trying to write uses a linkedList templated class to manipulate and add polynomials in the form ax^b + cx^d + ex^f etc. The polynomials are stored as linked lists. My problem occurs when I try to add them together. I've added some cout lines to try to …

Member Avatar for sarahnade17
Member Avatar for PC_Nerd

Hi, I'm trying to create an array or <list> of different objects ( of different type). All of the objects will have parent objects of a Manager type, but each one ( as a singleton) will be in the array/list. It's for some networking code I'm building, where each incoming …

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Member Avatar for CPPRULZ

Hello I am currently making a program for a database which includes an SSN. The user can input the ssn but I want it in xxx-xx-xxxx and to make sure the user ddoes this have the user input 3 numbers then 2 numbers then 4 numbers in seperate cin statements: …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for YingKang

The function should remove all the occurrences of an integer (say, removeItem) from an array. If the value does not exist or the array is empty, ,output an appropriate message. My program is able to print the array without all the occurences of removeItem , but I don't know how …

Member Avatar for YingKang
Member Avatar for rom87

Hi need some help with this half attempt at a deal or no deal game I would appreciate your help very much the problem is in the comments. [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; const int n_suitcase = 26; struct Suitcase{ int money_val; }; //hold the list of …

Member Avatar for GDICommander
Member Avatar for daviddoria

I am trying to do this [code] #!/bin/bash for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do File1="$i.txt" File2="$i.obj" ./Test $File1 $File2 #save i and the result of the program somehow done; [/code] For example, at the end I would like to have a file like this [code] 1 3.4 …

Member Avatar for nucleon
Member Avatar for edb500

[code=cplusplus] class Base { //private methods void printMyType() { cout << "this is base type" << endl; } //public methods void printAllInfo() { cout << "this An accout" << endl; printMyType(); } }; //end base class class derived : public Base { //private method void printMyType() { cout << "this …

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Member Avatar for ScienceNerd

The [B]problem [/B]I have is how to do a switch where I have to call the certain choices. [CODE]int main(void) { do { cout << "Hello there ." << endl; cout << "Select from the menu." << endl; cout << "A gets lyrics." << endl; cout << "B gets artist." …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for sharensla

please help me i want to make a program that implement functions and arrays using pointers.The user provides an array of integer data, while the system calculates the average ,standard deviation,and median of the array. i am unable to convert the input data string into separate parts and save into …

Member Avatar for sharensla
Member Avatar for nschessnerd

Hey, I want to check if a program is frozen by using send message.. what message should i send it? and will this work? like could i send it something random like 0xFFFC?

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for crioto

Everybody hi. I need to swap elements of my std::vector container. For example, i have vector with values from 1 to 5; and i need to swap 2 with 3 (only nearby elements), that in result i'll have 1,3,2,4,5. In real world i don't have std::vector filled with numbers - …

Member Avatar for crioto
Member Avatar for vsha041

Hi, I have written a c++ program which takes a word and prints a list of all possible words that can be formed from it. I want to create a .exe file which can serve this purpose for me. By that I mean, I don't want to always compile and …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for senaddor

Hello: I would like to get a good grasp on single linked list. I am looking for easy to read, detailed article on linked list and how we can add, delete, print, insert nodes and such. Hopefully someone has a good suggestion. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for ervin_c2003

here is my code: [code]#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> int main() { clrscr(); int A[10][10],m,n,x,y,sum=0; // Ndertojme nje Matrice A cout << "Ju lutemi vendosni numrin e rreshtave dhe te shtyllave per matricen A : \n"; cin>>n>>m; cout << "Vendosni elementet e matrices A duke perdorur hapesine pas cdo elementi dhe …

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Member Avatar for aramakri011

Hi, I have a namespace in my header file and a variable declared in it. When I am trying to assign it to a value in my .cpp file in the format namespaceName::variableName = value , it is throwing a linker error saying it is already defined in .obj file. …

Member Avatar for jencas
Member Avatar for mmeyer49

I'm trying to make a program to allow me to enter information(mainly books) in to a sort of library. I read that <list> is an easy way to add things and sort them. Also by use a hierarchy I can use my base class and just add on to each …

Member Avatar for jencas
Member Avatar for bryansworld

I am trying to load in a list of words into my program using a dynamic array and the string class....for some reason, all the tutorials are using char which i have no idea how to adapt to my code.... [code] string *strWord; int Position = 0; string strHolding; //for …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for anandjaiswal

Hi Everybody, I have an existing and working VC++ project, and i wand to have an activex control for the same. Is there any method that i can convert or rap up my existing code into an activex control? Thnaks Anand

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for DemonGal711

I've never done anything involving GUI before, but wanted to try it. I figured I'd start with something small at first like a simple calculation program before I try to do it with something more complicated. Where should I start and what kind of programs might be needed to do …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for gretty

Hi I have a algorithm I am trying to create but I cant seem to make it work? This is what i have to do: [QUOTE]Describe an algorithm that takes integer n and digit d as the parameters, and computes the number of occurrences of d in the decimal expansion …

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Member Avatar for danishamman

Q.no.1: What is the difference between zero and null values? Q.no.2: If we have double data type then why we use long data types? Q.no.3: How arrays make coding easy in C++? Q.no.4: If we are given 1-dimensional array. How can we code through single dimensional array?

Member Avatar for siddhant3s
Member Avatar for JLopeman

I cannot get this program to compile. It is bombing at the Outfit::Outfit constructor. I am getting an error stating that it is missing argument list and also illegal left operand type. Can someone point me in the right direction? Cheers - Jason [code=c++] // Outfit class contains Dress and …

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The End.