49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for johnykf

hello guyz im afraid if i understood this assignment unproperly: could you give me the output of it plz? (how should the output of this assign be) The monthly results for the best 3 employees of the month in a company are sent to the IT department for analysis and …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for claush@dut

in the programming world which of the two languages is prefferable in software development ?

Member Avatar for cxzei
Member Avatar for G.TEJAREDDY

I am new to this and i need an example programs for copy constructor and nesting classes

Member Avatar for panqnik
Member Avatar for mystycs

How can i make it so that my input only allows either the char a or b. Basically this is what i have now. cout << "Enter either a or b: "; char ab; cin >> ab; cout << ab; But in the event someone enters something other than a …

Member Avatar for mystycs
Member Avatar for johnas.delacruz

Is there a data type that can allow a user to input a 25 digit number... because the largest data type for numbers that i know is long long int and uintmax_t which can only store 18 numbers (i'm not sure about this)... because my problem should allow a user …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for rain27

Need Help.. how to write a program that puts the integer from 1 to N into each circle separately, in such a way that the sum of the numbers in any two adjacent circle is a prime number?? input: the input to the program is a positive, non-zero even integer …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for sandeepxd

i want c++ code for a simple window with a tray icon. If i right click the tray icon it should show a context menu containing Exit item and if i click it then application should close. thanx in advance

Member Avatar for panqnik
Member Avatar for butterfingerss

I am using Qt 5.2.1 and I made a program that takes some values and saves them on a text file. What I want is that everybody can see this file and read the content but nobody can edit it. To edit it, you would have to run the program …

Member Avatar for panqnik
Member Avatar for ashley.vanhoesen.7

Write the definition of a function named copy that reads all the strings remaining to be read in standard input and displays them, one on a line with no other spacing, onto standard output . void copy() { string x; if(cin >> x) { if(cin != '\n') { copy() } …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for MiniApocalypse

HI guys! Im making a sudoku game. Ive got all the numbers in a 9 by 9 vector. But im unsure how to proceed. How do i work out which blank space (selected by the mouse) corrisponds with which blank space in the vector? I need it to work out …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for kal_crazy

Is it possible to change the value of a const variable? My aim is to change the directory of the Shell. I have set `const char* path = "C:\\"` as current directory. So if the user inputs "gd" then it will ask a directory to be set as the new …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Elharts

Hello, I'm currently writing a program that is supposed to add, subtract, divide, and multiply fractions. I've been tinkering with it all day and I just can't seem to get it to work correctly. Right now I'm getting a floating point exception and I have no idea where to begin …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

Anyone know where to BUY (not steal) this eBook? I don't want paperback because they are too difficult for me to read. I'd rather have eBook or PDF version so that I can change the font size to whatever I want. I've looked at Addison-Wesley web site but don't see …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for sandeepxd

Hi i am new to c++, i need a code for an application with following specifications. 1. it should use RegisterPowerSettingNotification function and when WM_PowerBroadcast event is recieved then it finds if power source is ac or not. 2. if source is AC then it should execute a program. dev …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for TheFearful

I was given a project to do, but I don't understand this notation and am rather confused, so I don't even know where to get started. I am supposed to be using the clock function to see how long it takes for the code below to finish running. Prefix Averages …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, Looking at the standard streams provided by the stl libraries, it seems as though it is impossible to have 1 stream to use for both standard console IO and file/string IO. However, before I give up I would like to ask, is this possible: generic_stream stream; stream=cin; //now I …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for butterfingerss

Hello People! I am quite new to Qt (and programming in general). And I am making a program that requires me to encrypt a file and decrypt it after asking for a password through the program. But I have no Idea where to start. What I already have - A …

Member Avatar for sarahwilliams25
Member Avatar for Sreya_1

can some one help me with this question.. "The name of students are sorted in an array of strings.Write a program to prepare alphabetically sorted listing of names.."

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for butterfingerss

I am using Qt5.2.1 I made a program that stores some values(like name, number, other details...) in a text file. I want to arrange this information according to the name. Something like this. A Alan 24140239 some_other_info Avril 64376334 some_other_info B bob 532523 some_other_info And so on

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Mart_webber

A hardware merchant sells steel bars at a flat rate of Kes 1000.00 per meter, and has announced the following discounts: Quantity of steel bar bought (per meter) Discount (%) <20 0 21-40 5 41-60 10 61-80 15 81-100 20 >100 25 Implement the following programs: a) Using if..else statement, …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for mystycs

I have a string and i want to conver the part of it to an int. I want to convert the part of the string `input[1]` to an int. But my compiler cant use atoi, or stoi.. I saw a ifstringstream option i think can work, but i tried implementing …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for trantran

I want to optimize a directory listing input iterator so that the WIN32_FIND_DATA can be written directly to a vector (via emplace) instead of being first written inside the iterator. This is an idea of the code: /* std::vector<WIN32_FIND_DATA> vwfd; struct listing_it:std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, WIN32_FIND_DATA>{ HANDLE handle; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; auto operator*()->wfd&{return *wfd;} …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for butterfingerss

I am using Qt5.2.1 and I made a program to do some stuff. In it I added a radio button (named 'others') i want that when the user clicks this button a line edit pops up besides it and lets the user enter some stuff inside it. when the user …

Member Avatar for panqnik
Member Avatar for baba g

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> void print(char c,int x,int y); void main() { char a[3]={'A','L','I'}; int i=0,x=1,y=1; while(i<3) { print(a[i],y,x); i++; } } void print(char c,int x,int y) { int s=1,a; if(c=='A') { while(!kbhit()) { clrscr(); gotoxy(x,y); printf("*****"); gotoxy(x,y+1); printf("* *"); gotoxy(x,y+2); printf("* *"); gotoxy(x,y+3); printf("* *"); gotoxy(x,y+4); printf("*****"); gotoxy(x,y+5); printf("* *"); …

Member Avatar for baba g
Member Avatar for Curious Gorge

Hi again guys this time I have a question about computer security that's related to my programming hobby. I hope this isn't against the rules. I am asking this out of curiosity and concern, not because I want to do evil. However thanks to some knowledge I gained from a …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, I have a `HWND` for a window. I have double checked that it is a 100% valid window by using `SetActiveWindow()`, `SetFocus()`, and `SetForegroundWindow()` on it, successfully bringing it to the frontmost window. However whenever I try to use `GetPixel` on it it returns -1 (0xFFFFFFFF). What am I …

Member Avatar for BobS0327
Member Avatar for sandeepxd

Hi i am new with C++, i just need a little bit help with this. please reply code compatible with orwell dev C++ I want an application that uses windows RegisterPowerSettingnotification function for the events of GUID_ACDC_PowerSource.... i tried like below but my dev C++ compiler was not able to …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for butterfingerss

I have used Qt to create GUI program in C++, but i have given up in trying to statically compile Qt. i have moved on to microsoft visual studio 2013, the question i wanna ask is does the same problem occur in visual studio ( creating static programs ). if …

Member Avatar for butterfingerss
Member Avatar for janith.amarawickrama

I rote this code in my program JSONNode::const_iterator iter = root.begin(); for (; iter!=root.end(); ++iter) { const JSONNode& arrayNode = *iter; std::string type = arrayNode["type"].as_string(); if(type == "node") { std::string id = arrayNode["id"].as_string(); double lat = arrayNode["lat"].as_float(); double lon = arrayNode["lon"].as_float(); Node node; node.SetId(id); node.SetLatitude(lat); node.SetLongitude(lon); nodesMap.insert( std::pair<std::string, Node>(id, node) …

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for mystycs

I want to create a queue that holds certain information. I want it to hold multiple peices of information like below. Name, Age, Race, Sex. How can i create a queue FIFO. that holds multiple pieces of information like this that i can access or add into? Thanks!

Member Avatar for David W

The End.