49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for DS9596

Write a program that does the following: Asks the user to enter an integer Prints the integer in Roman numerals 1.) Asks the user if they'd like to convert another integer 2.) If the user enters 'n' or 'N': end the program (return 0;) 3.) If the user enters anything …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for Vasthor

void StrVec::free() { if (elements) { for_each(elements, first_free, [this] (std::string* p) { alloc.destroy(p); }); alloc.deallocate(elements, cap - elements); } } produced this error: [Cruel Error :(](http://s3.postimg.org/4p1vfhs9f/New_Bitmap_Image.png) it was the second compiling error, if I removed the pointer, it will produced the first one. which is kind of -.-" so, I …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for DS9596

1. Ask the User for his or her name. 2. Display a Menu asking the user. a. Would you Like To Print all of the prime numbers from 3... N? b. Would you like to quit this program? 3. If the User selects to print the prime numbers. Ask for …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for alagez

Hi there, I am interested in qt creator version 5.01 by using c++. Is there any simple manufacturing problem example that can be done by using this software? Just a sample enough for me. Thank you

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for ceelos1974

My code right now: std::string line; std::fstream localFile; localINIFile.open(MyToReadFile/*, std::ios::in || std::ios::out*/); // the MyToReadFile is declared somewhere else, and is being declared before this if (localFile.is_open()) { std::string Name = A[ID]; // ID is delcared somewhere else too std::string lookFor = Name + " false"; while ( getline (localFile,line) …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Suzie999

Perhaps mt eyes are missing something simple, but I cannot understand what is going on. The following code produces intellisense and compile error "error C2373: 'GetHwnd' : redefinition; different type modifiers" I have many functions in same manner, but this will not play ball. extern "C" HWND __stdcall GetHwnd(wchar_t *); …

Member Avatar for kal_crazy

How to save the created txt file to a specified path? For example to C:\\ Drive. When the code creates a file it saves to the workspace folder of the project. Do I have to set the directory to C:\\? I tried using `SetCurrentDirectoryA` function but does not change to …

Member Avatar for kal_crazy
Member Avatar for ahmad_9

Write a program to recognize tokens for C++ program. Use C++ program as your input?How to answer? TOKEN getRelop() // TOKEN has two components TOKEN retToken = new(RELOP); // First component set here while (true) switch(state) case 0: c = nextChar(); if (c == '<') state = 1; else if …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for albu.sorin.calin

Hello, I'm developing an application in Unity/C#, a social application, where you can meet friends, post messages, chat, and so on. I'm not calling this a "game" because I intend this to be something where you don't need to shoot, or destroy, or earn money, or all other game stuff. …

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Member Avatar for waseem1345

Hello, I googled this and didn't found any good results. I found "GUI Toolkits for C++"... I need a C++ eBook to teach me to use the windows library...

Member Avatar for waseem1345
Member Avatar for ravi_14

vector <int> a; //first vector vector <int> b; //second vector vector <int>::iterator i; //iterator for first vector vector <int>::iterator i1; //iterator for second vector //reading of first vector int temp; while(cin>>temp) { a.push_back(temp); } i=a.begin(); while(i!=a.end()) { cout<<*i<<" "; i++; } //end of reading first vector //reading of second vector …

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for ravi_14

for(i=a.begin();i!=a.end();i++) { cin>>*i; } for(i=a.begin();i!=a.end();i++) { cout<<*i; } above code works fine but when i use while loop to display vector , program crash. while(i!=a.end();) { cout<<*i; i++; }

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for Brittany_1

I'm new here, and haven't posted anywhere for any help since I've been all about learning for myself. However, I've gotten to the point where I don't want to fail this class so I'm seeking as much help as I can! I don't want it done for me, just a …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for ckide
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, I feel like this is probably something silly, but for some reason if I declare a variable at a certain point in my code, then never use it... it crashes. This is literally what happens: //... code here int isBuf=0;//one of my variables int zeroAddr=0;//<-- another variable I want, …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for jhender4880

I need help with finding the sum of only 1 row and 1 column in a 2D array. I have loops working inside int main() that show the sum of all the rows and all the columns but what I need is a function to sum only one row and …

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Member Avatar for newbiewwcode

it's a beginner's problem. I am trying to calculate sum of the first 15 factorials. I know int isn't large enough for the sum, so I used unsigned long long but it still didn't work. why?? Thanks for helping! #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <iomanip> #include <cstring> using namespace std; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Rashmi_1

Hi, guys, I need some help to figure out how to get my program working. Program description: The purpose of this program is to all the user to input names of city and their (x, y) coordinates on a 2D map. Once more than 2 different cities are entered, the …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for ala_2

can anyone explain to me the realation between these classes * Win32_DiskDrive * Win32_LogicalDisk * Win32_Volume * Win32_DiskPartition

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for haider885

I am using Visual Studio 2013. Error in structure... syntax error : missing ';' before '<<' unexpected token(s) preceding ';' #include "stdafx.h" #include "iostream" #include "fstream" #include "string" #include "conio.h" using namespace std; struct input { char f_name[13]; char l_name[13]; char gender[6]; char section; int age; cout << "Enter Your …

Member Avatar for k99rs
Member Avatar for longinus.ozor

I want to be a programmer but I don't even know where to start. I have read about what computer programming can be used for and what it does but I have no idea about how to start.

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for ala_2

How can i measure sequential read/write speeds? is there any API, library that can help me?

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for d100man

pleas ehelp with this program im clueless in what to do for it • The program will ask three questions 1. What is your sex 2. Do you work in a n office 3. What is your race If the sex is Male and the race is white, and the …

Member Avatar for samson.dadson.3
Member Avatar for Ajay_9

I want access data randomly and i have write the code when i click the button then data is displayed but i want when i again click the button then the next row data is displayed. could you please tell i am stuck here past 15 days.please And when click …

Member Avatar for lilbrownmpole
Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for skorm909

I have a c++ game that i made and i was wondering how i would make it so that i could add graphics, or just use the same basic concept of the game and just put those into a fresh game that i make with graphics. well my question is …

Member Avatar for BogdanCov
Member Avatar for beSmart4

Hi. I wonder why this doesn't work. I expected to see ch1 and ch3 are numbers but it shows they are operators.... How can I make this work? #include <iostream> using namespace std; void isItNumber( char *ch ) { if( strcmp( ch, "*" ) || strcmp( ch, "/" ) || …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for sabin_silwal
Member Avatar for SpS

Can anyone explain me in simple language and better if with an example [B]why constructor don't have return types :!: [/B]

Member Avatar for ishan_1
Member Avatar for henrimontreal

I have a Texas Instrument board and I need to make a GUI on PC and link it to my board via a serial port in order to have communication.(energy-meter calibration monitoring window) Therefore, I decided to use Visual Studio 2010. When I started to use it I found out …

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The End.