49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for Noe'

How to setup Borland C++ IDE Environment? I've loaded the Borland C++, it went ok. Now what of the environment and the libraries, includes, and source directories. Apparently, the obvious isn't working. The following is how I have things set: Includes: c:\bc5\include ; c:\bc5\cpk6501\cpk6501\inc Library: c:\bc5\lib ; c:\bc5\cpk6501\cpk6501\lib Source: c:\bc5\output\intermed …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for dreamuser

I get a "Debug Assertion Failed" when I go to run my program. More specifically it says "Expression: _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse)". I assume this is because I'm using pointers incorrectly. Here is some information about the assignment: [quote]A file contains text representing a prioritized collection of messages. The messages were received one …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards

Is there a website that has some kind of GUI or application that allows users to enter statements like-- delete delete [] for... n elements... delete arr[n] --etc so that they can learn good memory management? I sifted around some free ebook sites and found one but the link to …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for Nemoticchigga

I have a program with a bunch of threads running. I kill them all at the end of the program. I have stepped through and seen them all abort. Is there a way to see (since I cant when stepping through) which thread it is? I can see the process …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for kux

hello Is there any way of getting the selected date in a CDateTimeCtrl in a CString or char* or anyting? thx in advance

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for Sukhbir

Hi All, If i have choice to either use simple array(char a[]) or map. Which one i shall use, whether array or map. i need to know wich technique will give better performance. As per my requirement i will insert the element in array/map, find the element based on index. …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for daviddoria

I have a function double Max(vector<geom_Point3> &Points, int n); Then in another class, I have a private member: vector<geom_Point3> Vertices_; and in a class function, I call: min_x = Min(Vertices_, 0); however, I get [code] error: qualifiers dropped in binding reference of type "std::vector<geom_Point3, std::allocator<geom_Point3>> &" to initializer of type …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for cb02061

Hi, I have been developed a SDI application. I want to show icon or bitmap at menuitem. I already tested codes below, but it's not working??? I got assertion failure error... I need help??? [code] private: CBitmap m_bmpMenuFileNew; //File new bitmap (Checked and unchecked) CBitmap m_bmpMenuFileOpen; //File open bitmap (Checked …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for Thew

Hello, I need help to solve the problem in my app that uses structs. I have for example this struct: [CODE] struct SimpleStruct { SimpleStruct(): hasVars(false){} ~SimpleStruct(); AnotherStruct SimpleVariable; bool hasVars; }; [/CODE] and in the code, initializing this struct goes ok, but when the class, that has this struct …

Member Avatar for Thew
Member Avatar for QuantNeeds

Hello I am trying to write a program that prompts the user for 3 test scores, averages the 3 test scores, and keeps repeating until the user enters "N". My problem is that I am creating the average and exam scores as data type double but in order to check …

Member Avatar for QuantNeeds
Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen

Hello, I'm new to C++ and I need help figuring out how to send information to the rs232 port. It's going to be one way communication (PC to device). I've tried reading other tutorials, but none of them clearly explain what's going on in each part, so I often get …

Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen
Member Avatar for cb02061

Hi, I have been created a tab control in dialog box (we called as Dialog Main). I add 3 frameless dialog box (we called as dialog A, Dialog B, Dialog C) in the tab control. The tab control working fine. I add three button (OK button, Cancel button ,Apply Button) …

Member Avatar for cb02061
Member Avatar for Tyreses

Would anyone happen to know A. The header file for standard winsock use and B. a helpfull tutorial on basic winsock client/listen string transfer? Help is much appreciated, thankyou.

Member Avatar for Flamingkat
Member Avatar for Nemoticchigga

I want to read each line of text file and store each line into a giant buffer so I can look at all the contents. How would I do this? [CODE]int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { ifstream indata; // indata is like cin indata.open("example.txt"); // opens the file if(!indata) { …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for ShellB12

I am trying to copy the first three characters of a character array into another character array of length 3. For instance, if I use char trig [10] = "cos(50)"; //declare and assign the char array "trig" char t [3]; //declare char array t to store the "cos" part of …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for thehype2049

Alright so i have this assignment to do. The question is as follow's. ------------------------------Question------------------------------ Write a command line program titled joinTextFiles.cpp that concatenates the contents of several files into one file. For example, the following command line joinTextFiles chapter1.txt chapter2.txt chapter3.txt book.txt will create a long file titled book.txt that …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Syllabus

Hi! Iam writing a program that makes .nfo's for torrents. The program contains lots of user input and I need a data type to store words and sentences. I have try ed to use the String objective but i t dosent work. Thanks dor the help in advance, best regards …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for rishabh2011

Guys I am an intermediate c++ programmer and want to start win32 programming in c++ but the problem is that how start . I mean where to get win32 libraries including windows.h , resource.h etc. I downloaded the win32++ generic downloads . It gave some libraries and I copied them …

Member Avatar for marco93
Member Avatar for USUAggie

So I have figured out everything with this program, except one thing which is escaping me. I have created a General Tree(or sometimes called left most tree) where the node points to its left most child, and the child points to its right sibling and also its leftmost child. Creating …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for rogdawg

I am using MS Visual C++ to do a "quick" little project to create a tiny dll that I need. I hope this is the correct forum for this question. I have a fairly simple project that compiles with no errors but, when I try to build it, I am …

Member Avatar for rogdawg
Member Avatar for unclepauly

hi, im creating a library, in which there is a winproc that is started in a function called StartMessageLoop. This function is started as a seperate thread from another function called Init. heres the code: [CODE] void MyClass::Init() { //...some code _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, StartMessageLoop, (void*)NULL, 0, 0); WaitForSingleObject(m_VALIDHWNDEVENT, 10000); //...some …

Member Avatar for Haktivex

Greetings. Would anybody happen to have a prebuilt GNU MP Library (static) for Visual Studio 2005? I cannot seem to find one and cannot compile it myself. When I attempt to use it, I get unresolved symbol errors. If this is not possible, does anybody know a simple class or …

Member Avatar for RenjithVR
Member Avatar for Traicey

Guys Im alwayz having a syntax error which makes my form designer to dissappear and that scares the hell out of me coz Im writting practical test tomorrow, and what I wana know is what could be the problem, I will paste the details of the error maybe U will …

Member Avatar for &rea

Hello, I want to save the image binaryImage in a file (bmp) so that I can open binaryImage.bmp and this way working with it in another programme. I have tried different ways (see below) but I don't find a solution. I have no idea how to use this method.Could anyone …

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Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

I've downloaded and compiled wxWindows using VC++ 2008 Express. Also am able to compile/link the Calculator example program (haven't tried the others yet). Now I want to begin writing my own program. So I searched google for tutorials to help get starte. None of them contain main(), and neither does …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for TacklesMcCaw

I was wondering if anyone could provide any advice on how to create and use a dynamic library using gcc on Linux and/or OS X. I've been working on an in-house image viewer application for the CS department over the summer and have been intrigued by my professor's constant exhortations …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for paulcat

I've taken C++ courses before but never programmed any GUI applications. Well for this job I was asked to program a GUI for a solar hybrid project that displays information such as battery charge, temperature, etc...sort of like the thing you see in a Prius. Can anyone give any recommendations …

Member Avatar for Maulth
Member Avatar for Black Magic

Hey, I got bored so decided to make this pointless program but am a bit confuzzled.. [CODE=C++]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int decision; do { system("cls"); cout << "Welcome to my pointless menu!" << endl; cout << "1 : Do Nothing." << endl << "2 : View …

Member Avatar for Prabakar
Member Avatar for aclark17

Ive been having some trouble getting my Nqueens program to run for n>=9. I use a function bool PlaceQueens(c) to recursivley find all solutions using a backtracking algorithim , it seems to return neither true or false. For n=9, the function PlaceQueens exits without returning a value during call 4296. …

Member Avatar for zourlas

Hi mates well i have a problem i used fstream in console mode in a class function and worked fine the txt file was created and tha data were written normally when i copied this class in the cpp file in vcl enviromen and made some changes and gave the …


The End.