49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for Kob0724

I can not understand why I am getting this memory leak. First, here is the ouput from valgrind. [code] ==27078== 24 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 45 of 827 ==27078== at 0x4A061A5: operator new(unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:167) ==27078== by 0x434B8F: ETArray::ETArray(QString const&, QWidget*) (etutils.cpp:343) ==27078== by …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Alex Edwards

I'm getting a really odd error in my program. The lvl value retains its initial value if it's left alone, but when the program runs after you've assigned it a value it get's a ridiculous number... then the previous number after another assignment... and the process continues. Here's the code. …

Member Avatar for remk

Hi, I have the following C++ code [code] #include <string> #include <iostream> //maybe std::string using namespace std; int main() { size_t r = 134480; size_t c = 268960; size_t **opt; opt = (size_t **)malloc(r * sizeof(size_t *)); if(opt != NULL) { opt[0] = (size_t *)malloc(r * c * sizeof(size_t)); if(opt[0] …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for joelbaby

Hi, I have dates/times in UTC, and need to convert them to New York time. My pc is not based in new york, so I cannot use the local time. So far I have found: BOOL WINAPI SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime( __in LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION lpTimeZone, __in LPSYSTEMTIME lpUniversalTime, __out LPSYSTEMTIME lpLocalTime ); lpTimeZone: A …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for kux

I understand that visual studio has a nmake tool for building a project from a makefile. What I want to do is to be able to build my project outside the Visual Studio IDE, from command line using nmake. I found some tutorials about writing a windows makefile for nmake, …

Member Avatar for Prabakar
Member Avatar for Malakai

Hi Folks If one of you gurus out there can resolve this issue, I promise to have your babies. I am lost right now. So here is the problem: The std::map in VC98 seems to be playing up. Below is the test code used to verify my Sql class: I …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for tusharvichare

Hi, I want to create XML in VC++ please if any one have solution for that then please forward me. I want to create XML as per below, <STUDENT> <ID>S202<ID> <NAME>TUSHAR<NAME> <PHONENO>96874525<PHONENO> </STUDENT> please any one have code please forward me Thank you.

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for joshmo

I am trying to do a simple queue using linked list. I am failing to perform dequeue because I cant get the logic straight. If there is anyone who could explain to me about the simple logic of this then it would help alot. Thanks. I have also posted the …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for Yuichi

Hi guys,i am new to both c++ and this forum...I got a problem with a question i m supposed to do.I am supposed to create a queue system but i am stuck at a point where i can't add numbers to the queue system.This is the question... You have been …

Member Avatar for Yuichi
Member Avatar for elduquex26x

Hello, I was curious if anyone knew any Rule Engines availble for a C++ application? I've found a number of Java based Rule Engines and a couple for .NET managed code however these aren't options for my current purpose. I'm looking to have a 'rules' file that holds all of …

Member Avatar for ff4930

Hello everyone, I have this project where I have to convert a declaration into English word. If it reads this line(assume no spaces are used) void*(*z) (char, int (*)()); my output would be. z is a pointer to a function that takes 2 parameters a char and a pointer to …

Member Avatar for Radical Edward
Member Avatar for Alex Edwards

I hear this argument a LOT and hear that templates/generics are far more superior in code production than virtually-driven classes. I still don't understand this. I've heard the virtual functions cause problems for performance and that the solution is always to use Templates/Generics. Do they mean that it is better …

Member Avatar for Radical Edward
Member Avatar for asif.ishaq

Hi all, I'm working on a financial application.It is a cross platform application.I need date and time for logging purposes.Please help me out in this matter.I know about "SYSTEMTIME" but that works only for windows.Waiting for positive replies. Thanks, Asif

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Metalsiege

I recently completed a program and want to break up the classes into header files and cpp files. I've got the declarations in the header files, but I can't get it to build if I try to move the implementation of the classes to separate cpp files. I know you …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for camproject

I am using vc++ dialog based application.I have two dialogs.in the second dialog i have an editbox to give a camera ip.what i want is when i give the ip in the edit box in second dialog,the vlc control in first dialog should play it..any code..

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for phalaris_trip

[b]This is a long post with no specific questions as such. I'm just looking for any advice from people with real-life experience in the software development arena.[/b] ---------- Intro: I've just taken up a summer job, and I was really enthusiastic about this. It will be 12 weeks of C++, …

Member Avatar for TacklesMcCaw
Member Avatar for ar31an

[quote] 1 4 15 7 8 10 2 11 14 3 6 13 12 9 5 ☺ As you can see there is a ☺ at bottom right corner. Implement the program so that a box like the above one is displayed (lines may not be displayed). Allow the user …

Member Avatar for ar31an
Member Avatar for delixir

this is the working 3x3 sudoku but i still need to do 6x6 and 9x9. i need help please and suggestions. <replaced code with attachment>

Member Avatar for DigitalPackrat
Member Avatar for USUAggie

When I test my stack with an int when I do pop all it seems to return is the address of the thing that I want and not the value, which makes sense since I return something by reference.. but I just cant seem to figure out what to do …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for cecyl

Hello All, Please, advice some as quick as posible algorithm to sort file containing about 500 000 integers. Roughly 30% of them have value 1, 20% are 2, 10% 3......0,1% are 1 000 Thanks much, C

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Alex_

My problem is that i can not understand what do they mean by "The application of mathematical algorithms analisys for solving the 'perl calculus' problem". the perl calculus problem sounds like this: we have 3 ordinary perls(1,2,3), and 3 magic perls(A,B,C). Each magic perl can transform itself in the following …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for Kadence

The vector class provides access and altering uses brackets, e.g. v[5]. How can I make a class that can do the same? e.g. given Class Test object t, t[5]=...

Member Avatar for Kadence
Member Avatar for QuantNeeds

Help – for both of my for header components, error reads the following, but I do not understand how to fix this because I am not sure what is wrong about it. Please help. warning C4552: '>' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect [code] void inputGrades (int …

Member Avatar for QuantNeeds
Member Avatar for QuantNeeds

Help - why is there an issue with the power function? the error states: : error C2668: 'pow' : ambiguous call to overloaded function [code] void compute(int integer) { cout << integer; int value = 9; while(value > 0) { cout << ++ integer; int square = pow(integer,2); cout << …

Member Avatar for QuantNeeds
Member Avatar for Alex Edwards

I don't understand... I thought that it would be functional based on the logic, and I was fairly careful with my syntax but it's still not working. Sometimes values will compare to as being "equal" even though they're not. I'm using troolean compareTo method (an int, returns -1, 0 or …

Member Avatar for Alex Edwards
Member Avatar for daviddoria

I am trying to overload * [code] class Vector3 { public: geom_Vector3 operator * (double d);//overload * from the left }; geom_Vector3 operator * (double d, geom_Vector3 &V); //overload * from the right [/code] The problem is this works [code] geom_Vector3 V(1,2,3); cout << -1 * V << endl; [/code] …

Member Avatar for Radical Edward
Member Avatar for Alex Edwards

I was working with my own "Vector"-like class and thought about something. If I use the [] operator and return a reference, is there any way to mark that indice when a value is assigned to it? For example.. if I want to make a trim function that removes the …

Member Avatar for Radical Edward
Member Avatar for Traicey

What usually be the cuase of the file reading the wrong data, lets say I have a file and I wana read a date which is the 1st data in the file but instead is reading something else My file is more like the following but instead of reading the …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for comply or die

Hello people, I know how simple binary search works, but how can I do a double binary search, we got students each with a name and a code, I need in my binary search to find a student by name AND by code, using ONLY binary search.How could I do …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ravysters

hi.. i am using postgresql as my database and i have to connect to this database using C++ or C or C#... can anyone help me with the code to connect to this database and read values from a table..

Member Avatar for Nick Evan

The End.