49,762 Topics
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Hi guys, I am trying to pass a two dimensional array into a constructor. I am having hard time with it. Can anyone please tell me how to pass arrays into a parameter. the code is something like this : testCase::testCase(int i, int *matrix[][],float m) Your help is appreciated Khalid | |
Hi all, [code] fstream filestr ("test.txt", fstream::in | fstream::out); [/code] Plz confirm me about the permission on "test.txt". it will be '777' by default ..am i thinking correct.? | |
Is there a way to create a GUI completely in C++ code? | |
Hi, I am debugging a C++ application. when I compile it, the compiler gives an error [code]fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'dir.h': No such file or directory [/code] I have seached for the file dir.h, but I could not find it. Please help. | |
recently while studying STL i came thru functors and facades > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Function_object] > A typical use of a functor is in writing more intelligent callback functions. A callback in procedural languages, such as C, may be accomplished by using function pointers. However it can be difficult or awkward to pass … | |
I'm trying to write 2 codes in C++, but i'm having major problems. The first one should output something like this: Enter a number: 123 -- Enter a name: Jack Thank you, Your name and number is Jack and 123. [code=cplusplus] #include "stdafx.h" #include <iomanip> using std::cin; using std::cout; using … | |
I am looking for a good example of how to do a pop-up menu in MFC. I have found this bit of code: [CODE]void CMyView::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CView::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point); CMenu* menu_bar = AfxGetMainWnd()->GetMenu(); CMenu* file_menu = menu_bar->GetSubMenu(0); ASSERT(file_menu); file_menu->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN |TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, point.x, point.y, this); }[/CODE] But what if my … | |
I am working off the code that the professor provided, but for some reason I cannot get it to work. It is giving me errors. I created a project in Visual Studio. The header file: [code]#include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; class xy_coordinate { public: void input(); void print(); … | |
Hi I have a small code and a question concern it. What is the value of the first print of ptr2. I have 0. Why? Isn't suppose to be a memory address like for example 0xff10 thanks [CODE=cplusplus] #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { //a: 0xdf30 //b: 0xef41 … | |
Hi Could anybody fill the table for me. thanks Declarations and initializations int i=3,j=5,*p=&i,*q=&j,*r; double x; [code] value Equivalent expression value p==&i; **&p r=&x 7**p/*q+7 3**q-*p [/code]What excutly means: **&p and *&p Ihave seen them somewhere, but I don't know what it means thanks | |
Hi! I'm Newbie in programming and I'm interested in VB and VC++.My problem is that I don't know completely how to program VB or VC++ Dll so that i will NOT repeat procedures in each exe i write. Is there anybody to guide me to write simple example? With regards, … | |
I'm having a slight problem. This particular function is crashing caused by the Loadfile ifstream being opened. [code=c++] void LoadChar(Entity players[], char saveNum) { string filename, saves; saves = saveNum; filename = "save/Save" + saves + ".sav"; char *file; file = const_cast<char*>(filename.c_str()); ifstream Loadfile(file, ios::in); //this little diddy right here … | |
I'm a student that needs extra emergency help please!! Please help my assignment is already late. I'm trying to get these 2 codes to work but i can't. I have no more ideas, can someone please please help me. I'm using Microsoft Visual C++ to for my codes. Here they … | |
Can someone please help me with this code, it should change numbersd to text. It compiles but the CMD box has the incorrect output. [code=c] #include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string> //#include <math.h> // for exp(), pow() and log10() int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int number=5; char text[10][10] = … | |
Hi I try to compile that program to see the results but I encountered a problem. The error that is guven by my comiler is : K undeclared (first use this function) e undeclared n undeclared and so on how my I make it compile thanks [code=C++]#include <iostream> int main() … | |
it suppose to take the user input(a number) and put that item into your item into the inventory(1. hat, puts hat into the inventory). After that I need a loop that will keep adding items into the inventory intill it reaches the max and allow the user to discard one/replace. … | |
As we all know we don't have Hashes in STL can anybody please suggest an analogous way of emulating it. Or also has any library added it as a standard component? Please do let me know | |
[COLOR="Red"]- Creat a Daubly Linked List with 9 node with the following values: 3 ; 2 ; 1 ; 4 ; 6 ; 7 ; 2 ; 8 ; 3; - print the Daubly Linked List: - Creat a function number " Special Delete" that searches for a value in … | |
Hello everyone, I have this code: [CODE] Image* newImage = Image::FromFile(szFileName); Bitmap image(50, 50); Graphics graphics(&image); HDC gfxHDC = graphics.GetHDC(); graphics.DrawImage(newImage, 0, 0); int pixel, row; for (pixel = 1, row = 1; row <= 50; pixel++) if (GetPixel(gfxHDC, pixel, row) != RGB(255, 255, 255)) [/CODE] Anyways, whenever I use … | |
i hope that this does not sound like a silly question but can someone please tell me why we return an integer from the main method in c++? if program execution starts and ends in main then what is the point? main calls other mothods and receive return types so … | |
Hi All, [code] In file included from ../../incl/_Components/DbRes.h:7, from DbRes.cc:1: ../../incl/_Components/IniReader.h:79:8: warning: extra tokens at end of #endif directive /sbcimp/run/pd/gcc/3.4.2-32bit/lib/gcc/sparc-sun-solaris2.8/3.4.2/crt1.o(.text+0x5c): In function `.nope': : undefined reference to `main' /var/tmp//ccA4edOw.o(.text+0x84c): In function `DbRes::Lock::Lock(String const&, String const&)': /home//Developer/__local_unix/_/lib/_Components/DbRes.cc:65: undefined reference to `String::String(char const*)' /var/tmp//ccA4edOw.o(.text+0x8c4):/home//Developer/__local_unix/_/lib/_Components/DbRes.cc:65: undefined reference to `String::~String()' /var/tmp//ccA4edOw.o(.text+0x8e4):/home//Developer/__local_unix/_/lib/_Components/DbRes.cc:65: undefined reference to … | |
plz help me to solve those errors.. # include<iostream> using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; Class DcmFileFormat int main() { DcmFileFormat fileformat; OFCondition status = fileformat.loadFile("C:\Documents and Settings\ganeshk\デスクトップ\subj006reg000.dcm\GE2EQ2FB.DCM"); if (status.good()) { OFString patientsName; if (fileformat.getDataset()->findAndGetOFString(DCM_PatientsName, patientsName).good()) { cout << "Patient's Name: " << patientsName << endl; } else cerr << … | |
Okay I have made a c++ console application to take user input and append it to a text file and then read it back. I am using the win32 version of Dev c++ [code] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(){ int choice; cout << "What … | |
I tried searching the forums for this, but couldn't find anything. If I were to make a career out of computer programming, which would be better to learn, Java or C/C++? | |
Any one familiar with this error? [COLOR=#000000]exit code 100 error[/COLOR] | |
Hello Im a beginner in C++. I havent done any bit of programming. I am doing an Information Systems course through Intec College. My course includes Financial Management, Business Management, intro to computers and then C++. So I am finding it very difficult as this is not my field and … | |
Hi all, Does Visual basic net support inline c or c++ code and if so what keyword method, etc. ,do I use to do this. Thanks in Advance. | |
I all ready completed and ran a program that works fine in Python but now I'm looking to convert that code to C++ in Eclipse. I thought I would be able to import this code than have some miracle conversion take place. Is this possible or does the whole code … | |
hi everybody!! well iam taking this c++ class and we r doing this problem that is givin me such a headache so i trying to get some help , topic are string and vectors. ok this is what i have to far all the precondition and postcondition are given becuase … | |
Hi , I am stuck with my this bank account programming. The question is like this: Create a base class Bank of a bank account with member functions to allow withdrawal, deposit and calculation of balance. Account should have a name, account number and type. Create derived class Saving of … |
The End.