49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for kjones2k1

I'm in an entry level c++ class. My professor wants us to write a function that counts the number of words in a string. The stipulation to this is, [I]A WORD IS DEFINED TO BE ANT CONTIGUOUS GROUP OF ASCII CHARS THAT START WITH THE LETTERS A THROUGH Z AND …

Member Avatar for orko
Member Avatar for johnray31

Hello friends, i am doing programs in c++....and think that my progress is good .. but here is very serious problem with me ..i need a c++ graphics simulation source code for generating huffman tree....plz if you peple know any link for source code or have that program ....let me …

Member Avatar for orko
Member Avatar for Tiffiney_v24

Im trying my best but I keep gettting this Error. Somebody please Help me. Its error C2447: '{' : missing function header (old-style formal list?) Im New to C++ I really need Help, Let me know if Im on the right track with my HomeWork Please!!!Write an interactive C++ program …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sandra2005

[B]Hi every body, I'm a student in Open University and I face a big problem with learn the C++. So I wish that all of you can help me in this course. We work in C++ Builder 5. And I want to ask you one question that if I get …

Member Avatar for sandra2005
Member Avatar for newgurl

Hello, I am one of those new assignment people, BUT I have tried to resolve this for a while now. Cant find much on google or other C++ sites. I am trying to compare string lengths of 3 words and then display them in order of length. My code is …

Member Avatar for orko
Member Avatar for ZenaNqld

Ive been working on this assignment for ages now and its almost working.. well its working but since my output isnt right there must be something wrong lol. problem... I have to select an object to hit a ball.. the distance the ball travels is done using rand according to …

Member Avatar for orko
Member Avatar for madonnamama

I am having a huge problem with writing this program. Every time I ask the teacher for help she is too busy helping someone else. so she just tell me one thing and runs off to the next person without checking if it worked and what other help I might …

Member Avatar for madonnamama
Member Avatar for Acidburn

[code] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "scanner.h" using namespace std; void program(string &sym); void body(string &sym); void stmt(string &sym); string sym; int main() { openfile(); sym = getsym(); program(sym); return 0; } void program(string &sym) { stmt(sym); //cout << sym; if(sym!="$") { cout << "Parser failed" << endl; } else …

Member Avatar for HackWizz
Member Avatar for princess_lia

Hello everybody, I have recently joined this forum. I am facing a problem of which I cannot see any solution anywhere. :sad: Please help. I am trying to write a C program in MSDEV(VC++6.0). [B]My problem is "FindFileData.cFileName" is picking only the first letter of the existing filename, and so …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for gropedersen

Hi all, I am working on an assignment on creating a program that recognizes whether an expression has balanced parentheses or not. The program has to use ADT (Abstract Data Type) stacks. The user should input all data in form of an algebraic expression, fx (a+b)/(d-e) or ((a+b). The program …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for lsu420luv

I am completly lost with arrays. I have scoured my book and the exaamples it gives are way to simple. I can wrerite them like those in the books, but I cannot seem to get the real problem to work. Also I am doing ifstream and ofstream so I cannot …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for lanario

I need to validate the numbers 1-16 within the given array. Any numbers that are duplicate or are outside of the range need to be outputted. While if all numbers 1-16 are inputted only once then the boolean value is true. The numbers for the array theSquare are inputted previous …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for Dani

[b]Necessity for Repetition [/b]Loops allow particular segments of code to be executed over and over again. For example, suppose a program wants to keep doubling the value of a number until a boolean condition is met. Or suppose one simply wants code to execute a set number of times. Repetition …

Member Avatar for anupam_smart
Member Avatar for jglw

Can anyone tell me why the following ligitimate code does not work, creating a linked list of characters from stdin? struct Nodec { char element; Nodec *edge; }; void Nodecin(Nodec *N) { char c; Nodec *tmp; if (N == NULL) {N = new Nodec;} tmp = N; do { c …

Member Avatar for orko
Member Avatar for janito2008

April 6, 2006 I have school project that I am working on. I got it to run and it displays the first form. The problem is that I am having trouble figuring out how to get to to display all three forms I need. Here are the 3 forms: 12/25/2005 …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for HelpMeImLost

Hey guys How can I input a data field into a class Is it with the use of ([I]int[/I])? Here is the question [B]Design a job class with three data fields--Job number, time in hours to complete the Job, and rate per hour charged for the Job.[/B] [I] #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> …

Member Avatar for HelpMeImLost
Member Avatar for Roadkill

just wanted to say heya to everyone first, ok im doing a C++ assigment on linked list but im stuck. i need to write a program that reads records from a text file and then stores them in a linked list. i can read the data from a text file …

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Member Avatar for joyjit

hi all, i m facing an issue which is mentioned here: i m using a xp 64 bit machine i have a register function defined in a 32 bit component which is running on a 64 bit machine using wow64 support i need to call this register function from a …

Member Avatar for Saint48198

I'm having trouble with a program. The program needs to do a selection sort of last names. I have the program sorting the names correctly, but I can not get the correct first name to appear next to its last name. I've tried a loop and either get the same …

Member Avatar for Saint48198
Member Avatar for darylesha

Hey ya'll, I am working on this assignment that has me that is as follows: /* Modify the following shell sort to use the fibonacci sequence, instead of the sequence h = 3h+1. Hint use dynamic programming to do this. */ #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <stdlib.h> #include <fstream> …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for jlouang

ok so i need to make a program that where the user enter a day, month, year. has to be 3 ints, functions must display months name I have no clue where to start

Member Avatar for jlouang
Member Avatar for Acidburn

hello, ive got my code but ive split it up. however i keep getting the following errors: [quote] --------------------Configuration: main - Win32 Debug-------------------- Compiling... main.cpp interpreter.cpp D:\language systems ica\interpreter.cpp(16) : error C2065: 'Code_table' : undeclared identifier D:\language systems ica\interpreter.cpp(16) : error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type D:\language systems …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for Asif_NSU

I am trying to access files in a folder. The folder name and location will be given - the program will search inside the files in that folder for a specific pattern(yup like grep). However, I am not sure how to actually let my program know what are the files …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Spasticmoose

Hi, i was wondering if anybody could give me sum help with ideas for programs. Ive been programming in c++ for a while, but im not really very advanced yet. At the moment im making things to output random messages, like a magic 8 ball, using arrays, but thats getting …

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Member Avatar for robase

Hi, I am having problems with my problem 4.This is what I have as my code. I have 7 compiler errors in it. I don't know how to put the ATM into my program. My project is due wed night and I am cramming to finish this. But I need …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for javamum

I'm trying to find the root of the following equation using the bisection method: x*(1 + (k*n)/(1 + k*x)) - L = 0. the user inputs the values for k, n, and L and the program should solve for x. Can anyone tell me why my program isn't working? The …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for magikman

Hello, everyone: I have ventured into the world of windows API programming, unfortunately, my window is foggy at the moment. Maybe someone can clean it for me. :eek: I feel as though this is something i should have taught myself before this point. But, at any rate, here is my …

Member Avatar for magikman
Member Avatar for DotNetUser

I'm coding in VC++.NET. For some reason, my messagebox is displayed below my application and is therefore hidden from the user. I can't get it to be modal either. Any ideas?

Member Avatar for DotNetUser
Member Avatar for tyczj

i need some help with figuring out how to check diagonals in my 3D Tic-Tac-Toe board. i have the horizontal, vertical and depth done fine but i cant figure out how to get diagonals. i only put in the check part since the full code is really long. the peoblem …

Member Avatar for Drowzee
Member Avatar for prof.thakur

how can we display a panel or small image in the desktop screen before starting our application and after some time it should display the window pertaining to it solution is welcomed in any lnaguage c/c++/java

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.