49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for timberland26

hello everyone. im a newbie at working with c++ and i have just got my assignment and it is to create a piece of software to analyse images of coins. can someone help me? i just need help starting it off then i can get the rest done. never done …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Agni

[quote]Reposting from another forum as i didnt get many suggestions there[/quote] Hi Guys, In my project the user will enter the name of the organization and it's floor map has to be displayed. the maps have to be made by us and need not be complicated at all. what i …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for jimJohnson

I have an exam tomorrow and just going over quizzes I did not do all that good in and was wanting to know if anyone could assist me w\ my mistakes Quiz 6 This question asks me to put in the output int Function_one(int y, int x); int main() { …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for gothicmisery85

I was wondering if what I have done is correct or not. Here's what my book says to do: [I]"Write a function template that accepts an argument and returns its absolute value. The absolute value of a number is its value with no sign. For example, the absolute value of …

Member Avatar for Laiq Ahmed
Member Avatar for noraantonia

Using OpenGL in Visual C++: Part I #1 Jul 14th, 2004 Here is the example i also used to implement an opengl window ready for painting. But the problem is i still have flicker. How can i get rid of it ? pls help me... here is my code : …

Member Avatar for sfurlow2

Is there any way to create a variable amound of endl: i.e. divide height by ten and make that many endl in a cout statement?

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for sfurlow2

For our class, we're supposed to simulate a moon lander program. For a given starting value for the height (200 feet above the surface), amount of fuel (100 pounds of fuel), and velocity (0 ft/sec), we're supposed to simulate a ship landing on the surface of the moon, depending on …

Member Avatar for roachic

Hi everyone. I'm trying to create an array of distinct random numbers. This is what I have so far. [CODE] std::vector<int> randomNumberVector; randomNumberVector.resize(10); void CBlah::Randomize(void) { int randomNumber; int length; int i; BOOL isTaken; length = randomNumberVector.size(); for(i = 0; i<length;i++){ while(randomNumberVector[i] == NULL){ randomNumber = GenerateRandomNumber(); isTaken = CheckRandomNumber(randomNumber); …

Member Avatar for roachic
Member Avatar for Suraine

Dear c++ guru: In c++, normally we will call a function as shown below: [code] int funct () { ...; } void main() { funct(); } [/code] main will call the function "funct()" which is defined within the same file. However, in my case, i wish to have the "funct()" …

Member Avatar for Suraine
Member Avatar for tones1986

Hey Guys I am trying to get a basic program to work with dynamic memory allocation. I have a problem with a overload operating my stream operator...<< On my previous program i used this: [code] ostream& operator<<(ostream& output, const Vector& p) { output << "(" << p.x << ", " …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for guest7

Hi, I wish to read an input file 5 times. I am able to read it once but when i try to read it second time i am unable to do that because the file pointer is stuck at EOF. Can anyone suggest a small sample code of how to …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mengmarc

[B]The problem:[/B] Given a list of imployees, create a simple program that allows the user to insert, delete, display and search an employee. The prog. shall display 10 imployees as default. Also a list of menu should be display. The menu names are insert, delete, dsplay and search. [B]My questions …

Member Avatar for mengmarc
Member Avatar for metropolisiii

I'm not sure if this is possible but maybe somebody can help me. Is there a way to have a C++ programming running and extended it's code with code from an external file while it is running? In other words, more functionality needs to be added as the program is …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ramiljoaquin

Hi everyone! What is the code if I want to connect to MS ACCESS or SQL SERVER using C++? Is there a special compiler for c++ for that database code? Thanks

Member Avatar for ramiljoaquin
Member Avatar for Rand22

i have been having problems inputting some data from a file and i am clueless as to why i keep getting the output i do. This is a partial part of my code but as you can see from my output for some unkown reason I am not inputting an …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for cnet1989

I'm making a program that reads in data from a file into 2 different arrays (one is an int array and another is a char array). And they are parallel. These are songs and song types (hip hop, jazz...etc). I want to print the songs as a playlist then I …

Member Avatar for cnet1989
Member Avatar for lizhiyuan

dear all i am a newcomer, i read c++ book already, still so blur for private, public and protected variables, anyone can give me examples for differe from them and some explanation. thanks a lot. LI

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for demroth

I have been reading the posts on radix sort here at DaniWeb and at [url]http://www.cubic.org/docs/radix.htm[/url]. I have already created the code for the counting sort which will do the rest but I do not understand how to do the radix part. I guess what I am asking is if you …

Member Avatar for demroth
Member Avatar for alkeshtech

hey guys, I want to create 6 different random numbers without repetitions and this what I have done. I just wanted to make sure if this logic makes sense. [CODE] for(int n=0 ; n<6 ; n++) { randomInt[n] = generateRandomInt(0,20); cout << randomInt[n] << endl; } for(int i=0 ; i<6; …

Member Avatar for alkeshtech
Member Avatar for daviddoria

I made a library (.lib) with VS2005. Is there a way to convert it to a .a linux library without moving the code and setting up a project and compiling in linux? Thanks, David

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for rem0404

the purpose of my assignment is to create a program using arrays and strings, with functions and parameter passing. i'm sort of having trouble with it anyway, but i'm currently stuck on the "load" function that i'm supposed to write. i've already written the isFull and addMessage (which i'm not …

Member Avatar for rem0404
Member Avatar for annapink

Hi, i need help with my c.w i know this is not the right place to ask but i have no other choice ! I had a friend who was suppose to help me to do this but went to holiday and now i have till 3rd april to submit …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Carwy

Okay so I have have been beatting my head againest the wall and I can not get this to work right. I have asked my insttor and she does not know why it will not work righ either. I read in numbers as characters and then I place them in …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for lookforlohith

/tmp/ccSx0L0H.o: In function `employee::getdata()': multi.cc:(.text._ZN8employee7getdataEv[employee::getdata()]+0x31): warning: the `gets' function is dangerous and should not be used.

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for andy06

Hi everyone, I generate in a for loop: 1- An array made of random numbers 2- Add the elements of the array and store the result in a number S 3- finally write in a .txt file the number j(number of time that the for-loop has been executed) and the …

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Member Avatar for mar000m

hello all..... i was asked to perform a program of a calculator using stacks........ so i'll be so glad if any one have any simple ideas that helps...we need to read equations from the keyboard or files with no spaces in between, we must separate the numbers from the operators …

Member Avatar for mar000m
Member Avatar for fallen_prisoner

i wrote this code originally with "command1" as a string and it worked fine but when i changed it to a char the "if (command1 == "open")" and other checks stopped testing true... any idea or hint would be appreciated... program just checks input against a list of "if" statements …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for star289

I have this assignment and I got most of the program but I cant seem to make the counter work right what am I doing wrong? [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int main() { int num1, num2, number; cout << "Please enter an …

Member Avatar for star289
Member Avatar for Nepenthe8

Hi all I need help with C++, I need to develop a class specification and an irregular polygon application. I am stuck and don't know what to do.I have tried to solve it but it keeps giving me errors. If anyone is kindly to help me out, I would be …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for nurulshidanoni

I have this to file.First [B][U]ayam.txt[/U][/B] 10 20 30 60 90 50 40 [U][B]and itik.txt[/B][/U] a b c d e f g h i How to call read and write the ayam.txt and itik.txt into one file. which first i would like to cout the ayam.txt and then itik.txt.

Member Avatar for scarface3288

The End.