49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for fallen_prisoner

i wrote this code originally with "command1" as a string and it worked fine but when i changed it to a char the "if (command1 == "open")" and other checks stopped testing true... any idea or hint would be appreciated... program just checks input against a list of "if" statements …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for star289

I have this assignment and I got most of the program but I cant seem to make the counter work right what am I doing wrong? [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int main() { int num1, num2, number; cout << "Please enter an …

Member Avatar for star289
Member Avatar for Nepenthe8

Hi all I need help with C++, I need to develop a class specification and an irregular polygon application. I am stuck and don't know what to do.I have tried to solve it but it keeps giving me errors. If anyone is kindly to help me out, I would be …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for nurulshidanoni

I have this to file.First [B][U]ayam.txt[/U][/B] 10 20 30 60 90 50 40 [U][B]and itik.txt[/B][/U] a b c d e f g h i How to call read and write the ayam.txt and itik.txt into one file. which first i would like to cout the ayam.txt and then itik.txt.

Member Avatar for scarface3288
Member Avatar for jmines

I am trying to make an array of strings in C++. The problem is this that i need the strings to be multiline. Is this possible in C++? how can we do it?

Member Avatar for jmines
Member Avatar for k2k

can anyone please point out what's wrong with the files linking? i have this compiling errors: 1>c:\documents and settings\lih\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\employee\employee\hourlyemployee.cpp(3) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int 1>c:\documents and settings\lih\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\employee\employee\hourlyemployee.cpp(4) : error C2550: 'HourlyEmployee' : constructor initializer …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for lookforlohith

[code=cplusplus] #include<iostream> using namespace std; class item { int itemno; int itemprice; public : static int total; void getprice(); void printprice(); friend void calculate(item a); }; int item :: total=0; void item :: getprice() { cout<<"Print item number \n"; cin>>itemno; cout<<"Print item price \n"; cin>>itemprice; total++; } void item :: …

Member Avatar for lookforlohith
Member Avatar for gehad3003

Hi I finally upgraded a code for password i hope you like it. [CODE] #include <conio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char *tempPassword = new char; cout << "enter your password: "; char ch = _getch(); int j = 0; while (ch != '\r') { if (ch …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Amy

Hello there, I will soon start programming with DIGITAL Fortran V6 developer studio at Univ and would like to install the same software in my machine at home. I have been told that in order to create and debugg projects from a FORTRAN environment I need to have MS Visual …

Member Avatar for paoconnell
Member Avatar for richasr1

Hi, I'm relatively new to C++ Builder and the language itself, and my code is now becoming quite long. I was looking to take advantage of using a seperate class for certain methods, however I've come across a problem. Here's an example of my code in the new class; [INDENT][CODE]TShape* …

Member Avatar for richasr1
Member Avatar for rukshenaa

hai everybody!!!!!!!!!! how to read data from a text file and store into an array......... can anyone help me with the coding in vc++...............

Member Avatar for twomers
Member Avatar for spoorthisri

Please help me how to write into XML file using VC++ 6.0 this is example code where i am not able to write the data into XML File this is ScanComputer.cpp where i am trying to try into XML file [code=c++]void CScanComputer::saveParameters(const char *filename) { ParamIO outXml;//ParamIO.h is pasted below …

Member Avatar for spoorthisri
Member Avatar for rukshenaa

hai everybody!!!!!!!!! how to read data from a text file and store in to an array........ can anybody help me with the coding in vc++............

Member Avatar for Ints

I have a c program that I need to use in dos 5 but i haven´t found a way to do so .Programs that work perfectly in Win XP console window, will not work in dos.Does anyone know : What do i have to add to my code so it …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for gretschduojet1

Hey everyone, I haven't been here in sometime but I'm in need of some guidance. One of the questions I have is how do I enter the name, length, and time for each course? Thanks in advance for the help. Here's what I'm supposed to do: Using OOp inheritance and …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for uncertainty

How do I insert variables with data type as DOUBLE? like in the code below, it is how you insert strings into mysql [CODE] myconnection->myquery->SQL->Clear(); myconnection->myquery->SQL->Add("insert into users (user,pass,email)"); myconnection->myquery->SQL->Add("values ('"+user->Text+"', '"+pass->Text+"', '"+email->Text+"')"); myconnection->myquery->ExecSQL();[/CODE] in this statement: [CODE]myconnection->myquery->SQL->Add("insert into users (user,pass,email)");[/CODE] user, pass and email are fields of users table, …

Member Avatar for roachic

Hi everyone. I'm trying to get a vertical scrollbar to work on my CDialog. I followed the instructions on [URL="http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;262954"]this link[/URL] and copied the code exactly into my class. It compiled fine. But when I ran it, the Vertical scrollbar disappeared. And I've double checked that my vertical scrollbar is …

Member Avatar for roachic

Hi everyone. I am trying to generate a certain number of sliders on my CDialog, that certain number is not fixed. I managed to make the sliders appear fine by doing this: [code]for certain length{ [INDENT]CSliderCtrl *tracker = new CSliderCtrl(); tracker->Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, CRect(left, top, right, bottom), this, i);[/INDENT] }[/code] …

Member Avatar for roachic
Member Avatar for blcase

Hey, i dont need any specific help but i was wondering if anyone could help me generate an idea for my project. basically i have to use queues, deques, and stacks in a programmable way. The exammple that was given in class (which we can't use) is a librarian takes …

Member Avatar for Jacky1
Member Avatar for Jacky1

Hi I'm trying to test my code but I keep getting some kind of strange errors bst.hpp: In member function `void Bst<generic>::insert(generic) [with generic = int]': test_BST.cpp:30: instantiated from here bst.hpp:36: error: invalid conversion from `int' to `int*' bst.hpp:47: error: ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer bst.hpp:52: error: …

Member Avatar for Jacky1
Member Avatar for bbfree

I use the C++ Builder 6. When I change ItemLIst in ComboBox, ItemIndex is dumped. How to make that an old value in ItemIndex keep automatically.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for veronicak5678

I am trying to write a program with a Month class that will take a month as input, then display the previous and next month. It should use overloaded prefix+++ and -- operators and postfix ++ and -- operators. My month is decrementing, but when it should display the incremented …

Member Avatar for veronicak5678
Member Avatar for ElectorCount

I have a question regarding random number generators. I have already looked at the thread teaching me how to generate random numbers. My question is, is there a way for the generator to only generate one number 4 times? i am trying to randomly generate a deck of cards where …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Nemoticchigga

Hey, I am using visual studio 2005 to make a console application to talk over TCP/IP ethernet. I am using winsock2.h, but am getting linker errors. For example: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall CWinsockInterface::~CWinsockInterface(void)" (??1CWinsockInterface@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "void __cdecl `dynamic atexit destructor for 'WinS''(void)" (??__FWinS@@YAXXZ) I have …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Brent.tc

Hi all, I have a few general questions that need answering: 1) Is there a way for an application to run a few final commands before it closes (this one is for all applications, not just windows) 2) Is it possible for a window to 'see' the application that sends …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for R3B3L

I need help storing data in archives, I always get an unhandled exception when i try... [code=c++] #include"Inventory.h" #include"CustomerTransaction.h" #include <fstream> using namespace std; CarInventory* car_list; int main() { SLL<Customer>* customer_list = new SLL<Customer>; car_list = new CarInventory(); fstream file; file.open("Models.txt", ios::in); if (file.fail()) { cout << "\nFailed to open …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for computer engW

I have some questions ,i can't solve it .The first one is, Write a C++ program using the switch statement that does exactly what the following program does: [ICODE] #include <iostream.h> #include <math.h> void main () { float number; int choice; cout<< "Enter you number"; cin>> number; cout << "Enter …

Member Avatar for computer engW
Member Avatar for 666kennedy

i know that the AND command is && but what are the code for OR? also if i have a program looping through a system and i want to add something to a variable each time through would [CODE] ERRORtotal += ERR1 [/CODE] work? or wat would

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I think I just did found this out: [code] Put.str(""); [/code] How is it possible to ´emty´ a std::stringstream. In this case Put contains: 10. [code] std::stringstream Put; int i = 10; Put << i; [/code]

Member Avatar for Traicey

I dont know how long I've been trying to figure this out but I havent got to an answer.... I believe that there must be a way of converting an integer to a double or visa versa but I cant think how... I always thought parseInt or parseDouble wud work …

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The End.