49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for Phantom5800

I am using a program called FunEditor, I doubt many people know about it, but if you do help is requested. Before I go into my problem I will explain ProjectFUN a little bit first. Basically it is a C++ 2D game making program that is slightly simplified and does …

Member Avatar for rjsmith64
Member Avatar for nate12457

Can anyone tell me why this is happening? All the code and input files are below. Stack.h [code] #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; const char FILE_NAME[] = "palindrome.txt"; typedef char StackElement; class Stack { private: vector<StackElement> myVec; public: bool Empty() { return (myVec.size() == 0); } void Push(StackElement …

Member Avatar for ithelp

which accepts an integer of arbitary length as an input and takes maximum polynomial time to execute , let us define a language L= {n | P does not crash for any input of size n} How is easy or difficult to prove that L belongs to NP ?

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for flash121

Hello, I have an array with 10 random numbers ranging from 1 to 10. I'm trying to write a function that would create a new array which would contain the number of times a number apperead in the first array and return a pointer to it. For example: if the …

Member Avatar for flash121
Member Avatar for guitarrick

Looking for the best way to search a string for project that must test for bad input. Must be able to detect wrong characters, letters, etc.

Member Avatar for farag
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I assigned String ^ Box1 like this. [code] String^ Box1; Box1 = comboBox1->SelectedItem->ToString(); [/code] What I am trying to do now and wonder is if it is possible is to put [COLOR="Green"]"comboBox1->SelectedItem->ToString()"[/COLOR] to a vector. For the std:: it would look like this: [code]std::vector<string> StdVector; StdVector[0] = "comboBox1->SelectedItem->ToString()"; [/code] My …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for virus.exe

Hey it's been a really long time since I have been to the site or since the last time I have done anything in c++. I was wondering is if was possible to make a program that opened up a website and copied some information such as text off the …

Member Avatar for farag

i want to make a c++ program to run or compile a c++ source file stand alone from hard disk thanks in advance

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Member Avatar for Ryuji5864

I am currently taking C++, and I just want to know why it says,"Illegal Else without if," and I would like to know how to fix it so I will not encounter this problem again. I would like to know where to put the brackets, "{ " Here is the …

Member Avatar for Ryuji5864
Member Avatar for begyu

Hi, I should printout the value(s) of the "sum" of the end of the code... But i don't know...:( I am not good at C++. Please help! The code is not so difficult: it generates random 3 dimensional vectors, e.g. number of 5. Then makes a matrix of 3x3 from …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for Greg123

Hello, I have dynamically allocated memory that I would like to share across threads. More specifically, I have an ACE thread pool, which I use to process requests on dynamically allocated ACE_Method_Request objects. These objects are created once at startup, and then processed throughout the system's running state (i.e. the …

Member Avatar for Greg123
Member Avatar for Moporho

I need to build a simple integer caluclator that perform arthmetic functions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, modulus and disvision. The calculator contains an Accumulator that stores the current result. The Accumulator is also involved with each operation. Make sure that you define a class for this program. Once started, the …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for sfurlow2

Here's a problem we're supposed to do for my class: Input five numbers from the user and print the highest, the lowest positive number, the highest (closest to zero) negative number and the lowest number. If the user enters all positives or all negatives, print "none" for the missing output. …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Dr_Pepper

Hello everybody. I want to ask for some help. I need to type program that calculates areas of rectangle, triangle, circle and ellipse ( user input: rectangle = lower left corner point, length and width; triangle = top point, height, base; circle = radius and center point; ellipse = center …

Member Avatar for hammerhead
Member Avatar for nsoni

Hi Everyone, I am new user for this community and as a trend when we are in trouble then we remember friends. Don't mind . My Question: My application creates trace.txt file which contain debugging information when app. is running but in real production there may be a problem because …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for bleonard989

These are the errors I am getting. I have never worked with classes before, I posted before but have done some work to it since then, and have gotten less errors. The main problems are the push function, the copy constructor, and the function that creates a new stack. prog4.cpp: …

Member Avatar for bleonard989
Member Avatar for sfurlow2

For my homework assignment, I'm supposed to get five numbers from a user and print the highest one using a loop. I'm not sure what to do. Any suggestions?

Member Avatar for sfurlow2
Member Avatar for debuggit

I need to write code to: 1. receive user input 2. output to an html table - 3 columns user integer input, 4th column sum of the three 3. if the integer is negative, it needs to print out red 4. if the user enters a zero, I need the …

Member Avatar for debuggit
Member Avatar for Tinemelk

Hi! Im trying to make a program where I fill an array with elements from my defined class cars in cars.h /cars.cpp, and then sort the elements by using the selectionsort algoritm. Im guessing I have to replace my filling of the tab with random numbers with something like Cars<int>Cars[10]? …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for slayman89

Ok i apologize in advance for my ignorance but i have just started learning c++ and my first program went off without a hitch now this one that im doing completely on my own is giving me some hiccups. The best i can tell is that im just having some …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ulasu

hi, i want to link to dll files in my project. I have the header and implementation files and object library file to that dll file. I don't know how to call the functions out of the dll file. I am using Visual studio.NET C++ IDE. Any help will be …

Member Avatar for twomers
Member Avatar for Jboy05

Given the following variable declarations and function prototype. How do I write three different calling statement to the MyFunction function without declaring additional variable. int I; bool B; double D; double MyFunction (bool, int&);

Member Avatar for Jboy05
Member Avatar for cbattagler

Hello, I need to overload my comparison operators such as == and < so that I can use things such as std::sort and std::unique on a vector of some user defined classes. I know how to overload them globally. The problem is I need to overload these operators as member …

Member Avatar for cbattagler
Member Avatar for namanithi

can anyone help me to convert this project to VISUAL C++, i am unable to convert this to the new visual c++ as i am doing a assignment in converting this. I have tried everything i know as i am a diploma student but unable to get any answers please …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for landercat

I can get the code to compile, and essentially do what I want it to. The problem I'm having is in my getData(int choice) function. I want the function to keep asking the user to enter a valid number (1-8) if they enter something else. If I put an if...else …

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Member Avatar for manzoor

Hi i have to complete a program which do the following If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 …

Member Avatar for manzoor
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I am trying to delete what is written in a textBox like this in C++ .NET. When pressing the button the text/Numbers I have written in the textBox doesn´t deletes. I beleive 0 is the index from where to begin the delete wich should be from the first character in …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for wasde

Hello Please provide me the list of software development companies specialises in the development of custom software applications which deals with custom programming, database design, client-server and internet/intranet software application development on all platforms including windows, Linux, Mac.

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for bleonard989

I am pretty new to c++, and have never worked with stack or templated classes before. I have started this program, but I am not done, I was wondering if I am at least on the right track, because I get a ton of compile errors. The assignment: Implement the …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for behnaz

hi, i have 1 question ebout this file : in the program , when we include this file? #include<dos.h> #include<graphics.h>

Member Avatar for WaltP

The End.