49,755 Topics

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Member Avatar for Ajuddy

Help with a code in C++ of stock management program that can? Add new stock, list stock; name, buying price, current selling price. can replace stock with 1st,,2nd,,stock. this code should be able to write/read structure to the file

Member Avatar for venomlash
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

If you have a comboBox on a Form that you will write dates in, in this format: YYYY/MM/DD What I wonder here is this. As default I know how to load in so the comboBox will look like this: ----/--/-- Now my question is this. Is it possible when begin …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for TheBeast32

Hi, I have been making a program that searches in another process's memory for a value from the user. It works, but it's [B]very[/B] slow. I have used other searchers like TSearch that are really fast. If anyone has a way to make it faster, please help.:-/ Here's my code …

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Member Avatar for prushik

I am using bloodshed dev-c++ ide. Win XP Media Center Edition. I am trying to learn how to use winsock, I have compiled a very simple (and very sloppy) little winsock application with the help of like 3 or 4 different tutorials the client sends a hard coded string to …

Member Avatar for prushik
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I have edit a few items in my comboBox1 on my Form. The items in the comboBox exists of dates like this 2000/01/01 2001/01/01 So these 2 dates can be selected from the comboBox. I am doing a calculation with the selected date in the comboBox1. This works without any …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for jeffige

I just started using DevC++ (ty Ancient Dragon) to learn C/C++. I am starting with the basic Hello World! The online tutorial I am following (which seems pretty good to me, but what do I know...yet) does not express how to check my work. I remember seeing a C tutorial …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for farag

I'd like to write C++ program that will count the number of times each line of the code get executed can any one help me thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for onemanclapping

hi, I'm beginning to learn how to program in C++ and though it is teached in my university, it seems noone cares about Linux users, so no one there can help me here (though I think the problem has nothing to do with my OS, but with the version of …

Member Avatar for onemanclapping
Member Avatar for casperguru

What would be the best possible algorithm for finding out all the combinations a given string can be rearranged. It should even consider cases for repeated characters Any other strategy than brute force would be appreciated

Member Avatar for sarehu
Member Avatar for Google Spider

Hello, What I've learnt so far is in this order: Hello world>>data types>>conditional execution>>C-style arrays>>C-style strings>>loops>>functions>>structs>>classes I'm not very good at structs and classes and haven't tried any problems, just read it from the book. I find classes kinda difficult and often forget what I read yesterday:-/ Should I move …

Member Avatar for codeaa
Member Avatar for hapiscrap

[B]-appcontroller.m build-[/B] #import "appcontroller.h" @implementation appcontroller - (IBAction)sendbeepid)sender { NSBeep(): } @end 1 error----------------" parse error ":" token" [I]seriously confused; I set up classes and instances and a connection between button and appcontroller on the menu , (am i even making sense?.....arrgh)[/I]

Member Avatar for cosmos22

Hi. How would I go about locating a file on the computer, and using it in my application. For example, say I wanted to call up a text document for a help menu to aid the user. I would also like to know how you might do this even if …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Infeligo

Hello, I'm trying to solve an ACM problem [url=http://icpcres.ecs.baylor.edu/onlinejudge/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&category=13&page=show_problem&problem=1051]"Light, more light"[/url]. The problem is actually solved, but I can get it accepted. So browsing Internet I found a C code, which is accepted: [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> int main(void) { long long int n; while(scanf("%lld", &n)==1) { if(n==0) break; else if( …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for dkwantee

i have the integers 100 5 5 9 in my array numbers.But when i compile this program i get 2009312941!! Please help me [CODE] int main() { int numbers[4]; int i; ifstream streamin; streamin.open("input.txt"); for(i=0;i<4;i++) {streamin >> numbers[i] ; } cout << numbers[i]; streamin.close();[/CODE]

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I am trying to use a radiobutton that I have attached to a from in VC++ .NET 2008 I have Named the RadioButton "BuyRadio". From what I know a radiobutton can have to stated, either true or false, wich meen pressed or not pressed. What I am trying to do …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for Ken JS

Is there a way to particular select a point on a screen??? Eg. There is a (back) button on the program, I want to write a C/C++ program to just select on that button. Lot of help =)

Member Avatar for codeaa
Member Avatar for Squeeker

Are call by reference functions of type int or double legal when using an ifstream or ostream argument? Example: [code]int afunction(ifstream& in, int anumber) { /* Function Body */ } [/code] If this is/isn't legal please explain. Thank you for your help. -Arielle

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for fgn89

How do I make it show text? I'm completely new to this, my dad's wanting me to make this customer display screen show text, which on paper should be easy.. It's a WD-202 model, pretty common customer display pole, I've called a friend for help and he told me to …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for C++masterinneed

i need help, with the collection :: collection -construcor- i dont know what to use in that function as far as intiatiating any objects or data members. there are no data members in collection - collection is implemented using binary search tree and hash table. i also need help with …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jeffige

First let me say sorry to all the experts out there. I just don't know where else to turn. A friend of mine who was teaching me c, even set up borlands compiler for me on my laptop, quit the tour that I am on. My old laptop crashed I …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I have 2 strings like this: In these 2 cases I want to get "File1.txt" and "File2.txt" and put them to a string. I need the same method so I suppose I have to find the Last "/" in the string and then put the rest to a new string. …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

Is it possible to have a comboBox set to "Readonly" as you can have for a TextBox in VC++ 2008 .NET. I have looked at every properties for the comboBox and I cant find anything like this.

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for mrjoli021

I am fairly new to c++. What is the diffrence between ATL, CLR, or MFC and for what are they used for.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for farag
Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for kahn1

I am having some problems with solving this game. any ideas #include <iostream> [code=cplusplus] int main() { char a = ' ', b = ' ', c = ' ', d = ' ', e= ' ' , f = ' ', g = ' ', h = ' ', …

Member Avatar for JohnKnox
Member Avatar for sgw

Hi, Let's say x=12.34, y=567.89, z=6.38, and we want the output this way: _____$12.34 ____$567.89 ______$6.38 [COLOR="Red"]right-aligned[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]with the decimal point lined up[/COLOR] (where the ___ are [I]spaces[/I]) In other words, [U]all[/U] the numbers are right-aligned [U]and[/U] [I]immediately[/I] following "$". How to do that if you don't know what values …

Member Avatar for sgw
Member Avatar for alone2005

Hi, anyone can tell me what's wrong with my code? the only part has problem is the function overload << operator, any help is welcome. #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <typename T, int SIZE> class array { T data_[SIZE]; array (const array& other); const array& operator = (const array& …

Member Avatar for farag
Member Avatar for 31N513N

Need help writing a program that reads a series of 5 integers and determines the largest and smallest.

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for atish00

The programme you guyz helped me with for the past 3-4 weeks is done.......It was done last week but I had exams. hrez the code :) you guyz can execute and see it :P Thanx ancient dragon and nieke [code=c++] // password fuction #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<process.h> #include<string.h> int password() …

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Member Avatar for cosmos22

Hi. I would like to know about how you program a command that forces an operation. For instance, the command window might prompt the user of something that they already know, rather than bothering to hit Y and enter, it does it for them, forces the operation. Thanks

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.