49,762 Topics
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I can get the code to compile, and essentially do what I want it to. The problem I'm having is in my getData(int choice) function. I want the function to keep asking the user to enter a valid number (1-8) if they enter something else. If I put an if...else … | |
Hi i have to complete a program which do the following If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 … | |
I am trying to delete what is written in a textBox like this in C++ .NET. When pressing the button the text/Numbers I have written in the textBox doesn´t deletes. I beleive 0 is the index from where to begin the delete wich should be from the first character in … | |
Hello Please provide me the list of software development companies specialises in the development of custom software applications which deals with custom programming, database design, client-server and internet/intranet software application development on all platforms including windows, Linux, Mac. | |
I am pretty new to c++, and have never worked with stack or templated classes before. I have started this program, but I am not done, I was wondering if I am at least on the right track, because I get a ton of compile errors. The assignment: Implement the … | |
hi, i have 1 question ebout this file : in the program , when we include this file? #include<dos.h> #include<graphics.h> | |
For my homework assignment, we were asked to: Prompt the user for a positive number and get it from the user. Print each integer from 1 up to and including the user's number and the sum of all the integers from 1 up to and including each integer. Your output … | |
hi, this should be a fairly simple question to answer. I have a function in my program that takes the content of a text file and populates an array with all the information. First it has to see how many lines the file has (as it can change) so it … | |
[COLOR=#555555]Hi all![/COLOR] [COLOR=#555555]Can anyone tell me where can I find a source that will help me learn visual c++ win32, without com and mfc, just pure basic, visual c++?[/COLOR] [COLOR=#555555]I already programmed different programs, but I am having trouble, when I try to add more windows to my program, I … | |
Hello Please, i need someone to help me doing this simple program I want a program that keeps tracking of the profile of program execution Input: A source code Process: Keeps track of the the profile of program execution Output: Display the original source code with line number and profile … | |
Q .1 )An election is contested by five candidates. The Candidates are numbered 1 to 5 & the voting is done by marking the candidates number on the ballot paper.Write a prog to read the ballots and count the votes cast for each candidate using an array variable count. In … | |
Hey folks. I am working on a project that adds additional information to previous projects. Basically, for ezch project i have added another header file with cpp file. For example, originally we just had an Employee.h and Employee.cpp file which contained a class for employees containing name, department, and SSN. … | |
Hello, I have to write a shopping cart class in c++ and I am getting a core dump, and I have no idea why. I know where it is core dumping. Its dumping at 2 places-> Shopping_Cart::Print(Shopping_Cart* head) and Shopping_Cart::TotalPrice(Shopping_Cart* head) Here are my 3 files... shopping.h [CODE=C++] #ifndef SHOPPING_CART_H … | |
What is the easiest way to get a user input string (char array) from within an OpenGL program? It doesn't have to look good, this is just for debugging purposes. Thanks. | |
Consider the following function prototypes and variable declarations: void Func1 (double, char &); bool Func2 (double, double); double Func3 (bool); double d1, d2; char c; Without additional function or variable, how do I write ONE C++ statement to call ALL THREE functions: Func1, Func2, and Func3? | |
Can you cast an array of char to a char*? Thanks. Nemo | |
Hello, I've been trying to figure out this problem for a while now and cant figure it out. What im trying to do is assign a value to a location in an array. SIMPLE! isnt it. well heres my problem. int main(){ int array[1][1]; . . . array[0][1]=-1; array[1][0]=-2; cout<<array[0][1]<<" … | |
Hi , I Want To Khow About How I Can Start The Turbo C++, I Want To Develope This Program: Develope A Graphical Analog Clock . You Should Be Able To Set The Clock Alarm And Your Clock Should Ring At The Time Set. Please Help Me About This Program. | |
Hey, So, my understanding of header files so far are that they're basically code that can be used by multiple .cpp files. But if you have a prototype in a file.h that's declared in a file.cpp that includes file.h, and then FILE.cpp includes file.h, does FILE.cpp have access to the … | |
I'm trying to open a file, using the ifstream function. I'm using a .jpg image as an example, but it doesn't work, any ideas? Thank you. [code=c++] int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char file[20]; strcpy(file,"C:\\Fraps\\1.1.jpg"); ifstream outfile; outfile.open(file); return 0; } [/code] | |
when we use this file: #include<graphics.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> | |
I am using MFC and C++... I have a dialog of type CDialog containing several objects including a CPropertySheet called m_dlgPropSheet (which does not have it's own class beyond CPropertySheet). This property sheet contains three identical pages (with different data) of type CPatchSummaryPage which inherits from CPropertyPage. I am trying … | |
Hi, I was wondering how you might go about deleting all of one certain file type in a folder. For instance, say asked the user if he wanted to erase all text entries(.txt) to clear up his folder, and it would do it all at once. Thanks! :) | |
in this program iam going to remove all the element in the list and find the minumum number in the list this is my try but the result is wrong Implementation .cpp [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include "arrayListType.h" using namespace std; int main() { arrayListType<int> intList(100); //Line 1 int counter; //Line … | |
what is operator overloading ? how many types i have? can any one help me with some example. | |
somebody please lemme know wats the meaning of the following class declaration in c++ class A B { . . . } plz note 'A' is a macro n 'B' is actually the name of the class | |
Hi My current editor is Dev-Cpp .My test program which runs fine looks like dll.h [code=c++] #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif __declspec(dllexport) void HelloWorld(); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif [/code] And dll.cpp [code=c++] #include"dll.h" void HelloWorld () { MessageBox (0, "This is a … | |
hey guys, i would really appreciate if you can give me links to some good C tutorials online or some good books , esp with regard to pointers and other advaced C topics...........i wish to learn C properly and then move on to C++, although i have started C++ already..... | |
hello, I'm using builder c++ for a sniffer application. I have a TThread object in a file called unit4 which show the packets in a TreeView. [CODE]__fastcall ThreadPackets::ThreadPackets(pcap_t* adhandle) : TThread(false), adhandle_(adhandle) { FreeOnTerminate = true; } void __fastcall ThreadPackets::Execute() { while (!Terminated) { ....do something... } }[/CODE] I have … | |
I am working on a program that will read a list of words from a file. For each word, I have to build a key which is basically the word with all of its letters sorted (i.e. dorw is the key for word). I need to build an array of … |
The End.