49,755 Topics

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Member Avatar for siri_chow25
Member Avatar for Techboy1523

Ok I have to print two charts: one showing kilometers per hour converted to miles per hour and the second showing degrees Celsius converted to degrees Fahrenheit. The speed conversion table should list speeds from 50 to 130 kilometers in increments of 5. (50, 55, 60 …) The temperature conversion …

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Member Avatar for tiger86

Okay I want to build a program but I do not want the program to be copyrighted by Microsoft or any other companies. If I use one of their programs then I assume they have control over it and how it is distributed. I read that no one owns c++ …

Member Avatar for tiger86
Member Avatar for aus_fas1

Hi I want to increment file number with date e.g 19-FEB-09-1.dat, 19-FEB-09-2.dat .... So in the write function after it runs for certain number of times say 12 the file number then increments to next one. However, if the file number already exists it then move to next number to …

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Member Avatar for cosmos22

Hello, I was wondering whether anyone knows the code for rotating the screen by a few degrees. By that I mean flip the screen on its side or invert it? Also, what declarations would I need to make if possible? Thank you, I require this information for my own personal …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for cbattagler

Hello, for some reason the code I am trying to write throws an exception about using a priviledged instruction. Problem is it is just comparing two values and throwing this out there at me. Maybe I am completely missing something. Oh and I know its pretty ugly code, you don't …

Member Avatar for cbattagler
Member Avatar for dophine

I have a question related to function. fun(const int);<-- pass a const int const int fun(int);<--return a const int but what is "fun(int) const"?

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for Jboy05

Write a function that takes one argument of type double and that function returns the character value ‘P’ if its argument is positive and return ‘N’ if its argument is zero or negative? Help please Thank you Much :)

Member Avatar for kemkizal
Member Avatar for cosmos22

Hello, I was wondering how I could go about hiding the command window during the execution of an application. If this is not possible, then how could I prevent the closing of the command window when the application is running again. For example, clicking on the close window button in …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Somerville

Hey, im new to programming and i am using Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days ([url]http://newdata.box.sk/bx/c/[/url]) to help me, but when i make the code for the "hello world" i dont no how to compile it and link it, im using crimson editor and i downloaded Borland C++ compiler and …

Member Avatar for wamuti
Member Avatar for kux

hello, does anyone know if I can write a macro that takes a number as argument and according to that number declares a variable number of functions ? ex: DEFINE_FUNC( 4 ); is replaced with void func_1(); void func_2(); void func_3(); void func_4(); thx

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for jaffo

I am trying to read data from a sequential file into an array. Here we are again at the old mortgage program. I have been doing some searching and can't seem to find the correct syntax to read the data into an array that can later be used. So the …

Member Avatar for jaffo
Member Avatar for rohit83.ken

hello frnds is there any way or any software available to produce c/c++ code from the flowcharts or, pseudocodes or ,algorithims can any one provide the links or any information prethanks to helper

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for Nyx18

i am creating a program where im trying to read in a data from a file into 4 different arrays by using a class but im having trouble with the syntax of it. does anyone know some good sites that can help?

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for stkarnivor

I just started learning C++ for a computer class at my highschool. I started learning about "if" and "else" statements so i wrote a program around that. It calculates the average GPA for the semester or total (if you want it to). It also factors in AP and Honors points …

Member Avatar for stkarnivor
Member Avatar for Jboy05

What kind of function do I need to used to change an employee's salary when given the old salary of the employee and the amount of increase for that employee (parameters). (i.e. function with no return value and no parameter, function with no return value and call-by-value parameters, function with …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for defaultAZN

hey, I'm trying to code a program that will accept a text file input for the dimension and elements of a matrix and store that to an array. Then the program will calculate the determinate of the matrix and output it to both the console and a file. I'm having …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for dexter1984

[CODE= cpp] #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> using namespace std; const int MAX = 51; const int setArray = 5; float initialArray[MAX][setArray]; void createRationalNo (int, int); float RationalInfo (float[][setArray], int); void printArray (float[][setArray], int); int main() { cout << "No\tP\tQ\tQuo\tRem\tValue\n\n"; srand(time(NULL)); int setPQ = 2; …

Member Avatar for dougy83
Member Avatar for chocl8drop

I need some assistance in getting this program to perform correctly. It's suppose to take a sentence, break it up and return each word in pig latin. Right now, the program takes a sentence such as Jump start your morning and it returns Jumpay startay youray morningay. It should return …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for griproller

I am making a cd key replacer that will input the new cd key, change the key into base 24 then hex, and put the key into the registry. I am trying to figure out how to go from decimal to base 24 (I go to binary along the way). …

Member Avatar for griproller
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I have 2 strings, Text1 and Text2 below. What I am trying to do is to put these to a new string(Text1and2) so that string will contain this: "One,Two" I have began on some code and wonder if I am on the right track here. Later I will push_back it …

Member Avatar for Jennifer84
Member Avatar for rowdy12

hi ..i am also new in this field how to improve my C++ skill ..give some test ..i wanna impvrov my skill.......... Regards Raju

Member Avatar for technogeek_42
Member Avatar for stlmac

I have to do a birthday project for by c++ class that allows the user to enter a birthay and dislay information about that birhday including the birhstone, astrological sign and the season which the birthday occurs. The main menu of the program should allow you to enter a persons …

Member Avatar for stlmac
Member Avatar for jimJohnson

I have a problem with a lab. I need to write different set of programs with strings. The different things I need to figure out for ouput are the capital letters, what each word starts with, the punctuation, etc. Can anyone at least help me get started?

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for cosmos22

Hello, I am creating a program that opens and closes your CD drive repeatedly, and fixes your mouse position. I have created an initial while condition that loops the opening and closing of the drive. I was wondering how I can introduce a second infinate loop, fixing the position of …

Member Avatar for cosmos22
Member Avatar for winky

Hey all, I am currently learning about socket programming in my Networking class. Our teacher gave us an example of a server class for it, and while I was trying to build it I came across the error of it not being able to identify socklen_t. I am guessing that …

Member Avatar for fida hussain
Member Avatar for cosmos22

Hello, I have downloaded some coding off the internet and modified it to suit my needs. It opens and closes the CD drive ONCE. And I would like to make it do so an infinate amount of times. [CODE]#include "windows.h" #include "winioctl.h" #include <string> using std::string; int main(int argc, char* …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for HiTleR83

I need to get the details of a packet like Proto type, Sourc ip,Dest ip, packet Size, Source port,dest port in a vc++. These data i will store in a mysql database. How do i get these details in the program for a windows system ?

Member Avatar for siraj_raj
Member Avatar for cosmos22

Hello, I was wondering how I would code for a box that prompts the user in a sort of, windows style error message format. Thanks.

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for jenna_baby

instructions [CODE] Skills needed: while loop, logical expressions, nested if-else statements Your assignment for MP3 is to calculate the monthly bill for a cell phone user given the following rate structure. Note that this is a simpler structure than in real life – you do NOT have to be concerned …

Member Avatar for ithelp

The End.