49,762 Topics

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Hello everyone, I'm not that much of a talker so I'll get straight to the point: I need to implement a hash table in C++, After reading about this topic and algorithms from the book by Cormen, I started to implement it. I wrote it, but it doesn't work how …

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Member Avatar for Ritesht93

Hello!! Can u all tell me what are different types of apps......lyk console apps,win32 apps etc.....what is basic difference between win32 n console apps.............. [B]THANKS IN ADVANCE!![/B]:)

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for Member 784689

I'm trying to make a simple visual C++ app that searches directories in the file system based on the user's selection. The form view is attached.

Member Avatar for dorien

Hi, I found a number of post talking about this in C, but could not solve it in C++. I have 4 hex characters to represent a length. These need to be stored like this, in the case where length=16 ([URL="http://www.easycalculation.com/decimal-converter.php"]this online converter[/URL] told me that 16 converts to A …

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Member Avatar for Arthas

I am a complete begineer in this field [B]multithreading.[/B] I have searched the internet; came across these [B]POSIX[/B] and [B]BOOST[/B] things. I dont know how to start. Can anuone guide me..I had downloaded the BOOST library but I couldnt find anything regarding the POSIX([I]and ? is the pthread[/I]). Which to …

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Member Avatar for techie1991

I have just started writing C code in dev-c++. The programs are running fine, but each C program shows me the following warning: [QUOTE] [Warning] command line option "-fno-access-control" is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C[/QUOTE] The test program I used was: [CODE] #include<stdio.h> int main(){ system("pause"); return 0; …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for helpme87

so i am trying to write a program that reads some data in from a text file and performs an operation on that data. the text file is as follows... [CODE] 611111 5 765676 4 876787 4 987897 2 611111 4 [/CODE] now i want the program to read that …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Ritesht93

Hey guys!! i m a student.....n tryin 2 make a game in C++.....game is goin on very well but i hav a question. i m using borland c++ 3.0 compiler....i hav 2 necessarily use this bcoz v hav d same compiler at high skool.....i'll start using d latest within few …

Member Avatar for embooglement
Member Avatar for CJX3711

I'm trying to send variables from a program in C++ to php for it to process. Then I want to be able to get the output of the php code. Is there any way to send variables from C++ to PHP and back? Maybe using something like POST variables? I …

Member Avatar for CJX3711
Member Avatar for The_Prince

Hi, I have a problem which has been puzzling me for a few days. i have been trying it with vectors and characters but will not work for me. Imagine an "ON" "OFF" binary sequence. I want to compute all combinations of that sequence of length N say. e.g sequence …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for rowley4

Can someone please compile this program and send me the screen shot of the output of this program? I can not compile on the current computer I am on, and all I need is the output screen shot. Thank you so much! It is an analog clock program. [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> …

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Member Avatar for TheSecOrg
Member Avatar for TheSecOrg
Member Avatar for gerard4143

Hi, I'm looking for a book on C++...now before you flame me I did read the sticky "Read Me:C++ Books" and found the list interesting but for me uninformative...Why? I'm not really sure what C++ level I'm at currently. Let me elaborate...Here's my experience with the C family of languages.. …

Member Avatar for DAlexNagy
Member Avatar for myd5258

Hi guys; I wrote a function that inserts a new integer in the ordered link-list. If the number to insert exist in the link-list then the insertion WILL not take place, instead a message “Number To Insert Exists !!” will be produced. Can some1 help me to find out the …

Member Avatar for myd5258
Member Avatar for VasquezPL

I need to write a program that will do several operations for objects delimited with ";" "," and " ," and " ;" sample csv file: user;owner;group1;group2;etc. Michael Beaver,John Dundi, Global, Cracow, NY, Berlin Dave Sadih, Sarah Flock, Global Moran Kleih, Rebeca Diaz, Global, berlin, Warsaw, Moscov, Puerto Rico ---> …

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Member Avatar for Kanoisa

Hi guys. Been coding away today decided that i would update an old program i did a while ago which was the base of an organisor application. So today i converted it to use STL instead of my hardcoded double linked class. I used list<> as my original implimentation was …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for AutoC

Hi, I have a situation I need help with. I have c++ s/w from two vendors each of whom have given me a library and a header. Only problem is that one of them is compiled with vc++ and the other with g++.I cant use them both in the same …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for kazkikay12

IM HERE AGAIN CAN YOU HELP ME PLSS :) i USEd to make a program that will asked the user to enter 7-digits number i should determine the largest,smallest,median and the average.Display also the entered number and its equivalent to binary, octal and hexadecimal value example THE ouput must be: …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for willgr

Hello, I have built a CGI on Windows Vista. I compiled using Visual C++ Express as follows: cl /Fescript.cgi /EHsc /O2 script.cpp I used Dependency Walker to determine what libraries it depends on. It only depends on kernel32.dll Hypothesis: This CGI should work on any other modern Windows machine by …

Member Avatar for Freespider

hey, i cant understand whats wrong, i guess there is a syntax error or i didnt include something.... i uploaded only the header file... thanks...

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for hari.sarvothama

I'm supposed to write a tcp server program which writes into a file a record as structure. The code is given below: [code] int n,i; cout<<"Enter number of student records"; cin>>n; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cout<<"Enter id,name,average mark"; cin>>r[i].id>>r[i].name>>r[i].mark; } [/code] [code] int i,n1; FILE *fp; FILE *file = fopen("db.dat", "wb"); cout<<"Writing …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for vinnieashken

I wanted to make Win32 API applications to get the natural look and feel of the operating system's visual styles. someone suggested i include [code=c] #pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='x86' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"") [/code] in my code but he is using visual studio while am using codeblocks which just ignores the …

Member Avatar for jonsan32

ANY advice would help. Even if you just say "It's im/possible" I have a basketball league with 500 teams to schedule every year, and would love a program that would alleviate that 2-week headache. If you know of any programs that can do this, or if you are willing/able to …

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Member Avatar for noobuser

Hi, Please help me with this problem, im reading algorithms i've seen a problem called "Coin Change" the algorithm located here: [url]http://www.algorithmist.com/index.php/Coin_Change[/url] i have problem in implementation in C++, can anyone please help me with the base case. I have no idea how to fill the array with base cases. …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for JaZzAr

hey all plz i need a little help .. look i am studying programing in 4th year .. my question that till now i know how to write any program in C++ but i didnt know how to make it an exe file, like any program found on our disktop …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for Valaraukar

So, I have been working on some code with a group of people/organisations etc. and I've hit a small bump in the road that I thought someone on here may be able to help me with :) I have developed some code that draws 3D towers to represent the amount …

Member Avatar for Valaraukar
Member Avatar for gotnoname

Hi. I'm currently making a little game just for fun and I have something I want to do but just don't know how to go about doing it in a good way. I want to load in a level from a text file where: 0 = Wall (Can't walk here) …

Member Avatar for !adam
Member Avatar for group256

Hi everyone, I have been playing with a piece of code that is to simulate "shortest job scheduler" for almost 2 days and there is a runtime bug which it's seems I am not able to find. Any help is really appreciated. Here is the code: [CODE] int sjf_scheduler(int number_of_jobs, …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for silvertooth07

i'm having a problem on the program we're tasked to do. originally, the "option" is an int but someone suggested to make it a character. i thought the problem was solved (i want to make the program print: "invalid output" if the user inputted non-numerical values) but when i tried …

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The End.