49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for CJX3711

I'm trying to send variables from a program in C++ to php for it to process. Then I want to be able to get the output of the php code. Is there any way to send variables from C++ to PHP and back? Maybe using something like POST variables? I …

Member Avatar for CJX3711
Member Avatar for The_Prince

Hi, I have a problem which has been puzzling me for a few days. i have been trying it with vectors and characters but will not work for me. Imagine an "ON" "OFF" binary sequence. I want to compute all combinations of that sequence of length N say. e.g sequence …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for rowley4

Can someone please compile this program and send me the screen shot of the output of this program? I can not compile on the current computer I am on, and all I need is the output screen shot. Thank you so much! It is an analog clock program. [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> …

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Member Avatar for TheSecOrg
Member Avatar for TheSecOrg
Member Avatar for gerard4143

Hi, I'm looking for a book on C++...now before you flame me I did read the sticky "Read Me:C++ Books" and found the list interesting but for me uninformative...Why? I'm not really sure what C++ level I'm at currently. Let me elaborate...Here's my experience with the C family of languages.. …

Member Avatar for DAlexNagy
Member Avatar for myd5258

Hi guys; I wrote a function that inserts a new integer in the ordered link-list. If the number to insert exist in the link-list then the insertion WILL not take place, instead a message “Number To Insert Exists !!” will be produced. Can some1 help me to find out the …

Member Avatar for myd5258
Member Avatar for VasquezPL

I need to write a program that will do several operations for objects delimited with ";" "," and " ," and " ;" sample csv file: user;owner;group1;group2;etc. Michael Beaver,John Dundi, Global, Cracow, NY, Berlin Dave Sadih, Sarah Flock, Global Moran Kleih, Rebeca Diaz, Global, berlin, Warsaw, Moscov, Puerto Rico ---> …

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Member Avatar for Kanoisa

Hi guys. Been coding away today decided that i would update an old program i did a while ago which was the base of an organisor application. So today i converted it to use STL instead of my hardcoded double linked class. I used list<> as my original implimentation was …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for AutoC

Hi, I have a situation I need help with. I have c++ s/w from two vendors each of whom have given me a library and a header. Only problem is that one of them is compiled with vc++ and the other with g++.I cant use them both in the same …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for kazkikay12

IM HERE AGAIN CAN YOU HELP ME PLSS :) i USEd to make a program that will asked the user to enter 7-digits number i should determine the largest,smallest,median and the average.Display also the entered number and its equivalent to binary, octal and hexadecimal value example THE ouput must be: …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for willgr

Hello, I have built a CGI on Windows Vista. I compiled using Visual C++ Express as follows: cl /Fescript.cgi /EHsc /O2 script.cpp I used Dependency Walker to determine what libraries it depends on. It only depends on kernel32.dll Hypothesis: This CGI should work on any other modern Windows machine by …

Member Avatar for Freespider

hey, i cant understand whats wrong, i guess there is a syntax error or i didnt include something.... i uploaded only the header file... thanks...

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for hari.sarvothama

I'm supposed to write a tcp server program which writes into a file a record as structure. The code is given below: [code] int n,i; cout<<"Enter number of student records"; cin>>n; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cout<<"Enter id,name,average mark"; cin>>r[i].id>>r[i].name>>r[i].mark; } [/code] [code] int i,n1; FILE *fp; FILE *file = fopen("db.dat", "wb"); cout<<"Writing …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for vinnieashken

I wanted to make Win32 API applications to get the natural look and feel of the operating system's visual styles. someone suggested i include [code=c] #pragma comment(linker,"/manifestdependency:\"type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='x86' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"") [/code] in my code but he is using visual studio while am using codeblocks which just ignores the …

Member Avatar for jonsan32

ANY advice would help. Even if you just say "It's im/possible" I have a basketball league with 500 teams to schedule every year, and would love a program that would alleviate that 2-week headache. If you know of any programs that can do this, or if you are willing/able to …

Member Avatar for jonsan32
Member Avatar for noobuser

Hi, Please help me with this problem, im reading algorithms i've seen a problem called "Coin Change" the algorithm located here: [url]http://www.algorithmist.com/index.php/Coin_Change[/url] i have problem in implementation in C++, can anyone please help me with the base case. I have no idea how to fill the array with base cases. …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for JaZzAr

hey all plz i need a little help .. look i am studying programing in 4th year .. my question that till now i know how to write any program in C++ but i didnt know how to make it an exe file, like any program found on our disktop …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for Valaraukar

So, I have been working on some code with a group of people/organisations etc. and I've hit a small bump in the road that I thought someone on here may be able to help me with :) I have developed some code that draws 3D towers to represent the amount …

Member Avatar for Valaraukar
Member Avatar for gotnoname

Hi. I'm currently making a little game just for fun and I have something I want to do but just don't know how to go about doing it in a good way. I want to load in a level from a text file where: 0 = Wall (Can't walk here) …

Member Avatar for !adam
Member Avatar for group256

Hi everyone, I have been playing with a piece of code that is to simulate "shortest job scheduler" for almost 2 days and there is a runtime bug which it's seems I am not able to find. Any help is really appreciated. Here is the code: [CODE] int sjf_scheduler(int number_of_jobs, …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for silvertooth07

i'm having a problem on the program we're tasked to do. originally, the "option" is an int but someone suggested to make it a character. i thought the problem was solved (i want to make the program print: "invalid output" if the user inputted non-numerical values) but when i tried …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for 333kyle333

I asked this before, but I have to ask again considering I still haven't found a way to do this. I need to know if there's a way to take a variable inputted into a C++ program and pass it to the terminal as an environment variable. Again, I'm running …

Member Avatar for 333kyle333
Member Avatar for ehsantl

Hi folks I'm trying to do my assignment in c++, I suppose to develope a maze traversal using backtracking algorithm. I have to write a constructor for my Maze with this sign. [CODE]Maze(**c, int size); [/CODE] which takes a n-by-n two-dimensional character array. Can you guide how can pass an …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for therobot

I'm having problems with unique(). I have some code that goes something like this: [CODE]std::map<int, CompCont> sysRelMap; for each(pair<int, CompCont> comp in sysRelMap) { list<pair<string,string>>::iterator newEnd = unique(comp.second.connList.begin(), comp.second.connList.end(), equalPair); comp.second.connList.erase(newEnd,comp.second.connList.end()); }[/CODE] equalPair is a small, simple function: [CODE]bool ScriptWriter::equalPair(const pair<string, string> first, const pair<string, string> second) { return (first.first.compare(second.first) …

Member Avatar for arkoenig
Member Avatar for spamwich56

Hi! This will probably be an easy question to answer but the solution is eluding me. I just started writing c++ programs and they work fine on my computer (I use visual studio to compile them). the problem I am having is I would run my program on another computer …

Member Avatar for treasure ola
Member Avatar for ichigo_cool

I'm working on a program to save and load character files for a text-based RPG. There are three slots to save to. I'm having the user enter whichever slot he wants to save to through inputting an integer. If the number is lower than 1 or higher than 3 I …

Member Avatar for ichigo_cool
Member Avatar for jelinky

My program reads water temperatures from a river as well as when the temps were recorded from an input file called "biodata.dat." Then the data is outputted in a file called "results.dat" (i havent added this results.dat part in my code but do know how to do it) The input …

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Member Avatar for shahzaib g

[I]plz tell me how can i make software of calculator in c++. from smartboy shahzaib[/I]

Member Avatar for NicAx64
Member Avatar for CzechRock3

So I am programming a binary to decimal conversion program... But the twist is, I want to Convert my input string to a const char, and from the const char I want to convert it to an integer... Because I can not just convert a string directly to a integer. …

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The End.