Hi, I have a problem which has been puzzling me for a few days. i have been trying it with vectors and characters but will not work for me. Imagine an "ON" "OFF" binary sequence. I want to compute all combinations of that sequence of length N say.
e.g sequence 001011 of length 6, but want all possibilities arising of length 6
I was thinking about using the <BITSET> class and defining for example
Is this the best way for a sequence of "ON" "OFF" code? Then from here what is the best way to make sure all the possibilities of the sequence can be generated?
(( On a side note, I can't have for instance "std::bitset<N>" where N is user defined or defined elsewhere. The error is 'expression must have a constant value' so I think its something to do with address?))
Thanks for your time in reading if you have gotten this far.