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study, understand and forget... this is in while(1) loop...

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34 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for sillyboy

I listen to music whenever I can, be it browsing, coding or anything else... soothes me down!! Currently listening: In the shadows by resmus

Member Avatar for Helianthus
Member Avatar for AdampskiB

If you understand list comprehensions, then this might be of some help: >>> def numberedSquare(n): for j in range(n,0,-1): print (''.join([str(i) for i in range(j,j+n)])) >>> numberedSquare(9) 91011121314151617 8910111213141516 789101112131415 67891011121314 5678910111213 456789101112 34567891011 2345678910 123456789 >>> numberedSquare(5) 56789 45678 34567 23456 12345

Member Avatar for techie1991
Member Avatar for theguitarist

you can check the limits for your system in limits.h To get through your confusions, try to put those limits in binary form and you will yourself find that they are not clashing..

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Cyph0n

you might wanna skip things like: [CODE]letters = str(encrypted) ## you have taken encrypted as input from raw_input. So it would be a string anyways.[/CODE] And you can change lowercase to a set rather than a list. Checking for characters in it would become faster.

Member Avatar for lrh9
Member Avatar for techie1991

I was trying to find a solution for checking the symmetry of a tree. I would like to get some comments on the approach.. I am trying to do it by modifying the inorder traversal thing.. The pseudo code is: [CODE] // since the structure should be similar string in1,in2; …

Member Avatar for JeffGrigg
Member Avatar for hszforu

[QUOTE]def print_lol(movies): for each in movies: if isinstance(each,list): print_lol(each) else: print(each)[/QUOTE] [CODE]>>> def print_lol(movies): for each in movies: if isinstance(each,list): print_lol(each) else: print(each) [/CODE] This worked for me. I wanted to ask that if movies is not a list here ( you are checking via isinstance ), then what are …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for techie1991

I was looking around the time module. The time.sleep(no_of_seconds) sleeps the program for no_of_seconds seconds. I don't think this is busy wait. It must be scheduling the process at a later time. Just curious of how this is working.! :)

Member Avatar for techie1991
Member Avatar for ak24

Yes, you can use a call to getch() or getche() and check for the ASCII values.

Member Avatar for ak24
Member Avatar for techie1991

Even after looking at a lot of books, I am not able to understand the problem in the following code: [CODE] //1.c static int y=23; void abc(int a){ printf("%d\n",a); } [/CODE] [CODE] //2.c #include<stdio.h> #include "1.c" int main(){ abc(12); printf("\n"); printf("%d\n",y); return 0; } [/CODE] I can understand that the …

Member Avatar for techie1991
Member Avatar for techie1991

I was looking at a question: Q. Given n numbers of which all numbers are repeated (at least once) other than one. We have to find that number. Numbers range is to 10^9, thus using count sort would do no good.! Adding the numbers one by one to a dictionary …

Member Avatar for youwill
Member Avatar for techie1991

I just wanted to learn to create facebook applications using python.I am new to web development of any sorts, so everything seems to be weird right now. Here is what i acquired by google searching pages: This is the facebook developers page: [url][/url] Only one link to python.. [url][/url] The …

Member Avatar for watery87

[QUOTE] while (b=false)[/QUOTE] You are using the assignment operator here. This would assign the value false to b and continue in the loop. Rather try an use: [CODE] while(b==false){ //code to be used }[/CODE] Rather use this code: [CODE]bool b; cin>>birth; //remember to put in ';' b=isdigit(birth); while (b!=false) { …

Member Avatar for watery87
Member Avatar for techie1991

I was trying to code the assembly line sheduling problem using the dynamic programming approach. I have coded the program but i am facing problem with the 2-dimensional arrays I am using. For testing purpose, I wanted to initialize the array, but I was not able to get it. Moreover, …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for Chalson

The best way would be to calculate it during the process of input. [CODE] float s=0,l=0,x; for(int i=0;i<20;++i){ cin>>x; if(x>l) l=x; if(x<s) s=x; } /* Use the values */[/CODE] Or after taking the input in an array, go through it and get the smallest and largest values. [CODE] float s=0,l=0,a[20]; …

Member Avatar for PsychoLogic
Member Avatar for lauruskamj

maybe you are getting confused with your very own variables... Take it like this: you firstly initialize the variables with.: [CODE]int X=1, Y=2, Z=3, A=4, B=5, C=6, A1=7, A2=8, A3=9; [/CODE] Then you call a function F with arguments: (X, Y, Z, A, B, C) or (1,2,3,4,5,6) Fine.. Now the …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for techie1991

The last time I was making a program, I wanted to input from user a boolean answer (to save space ;)) An input of 0/1 works good (0-false) and (1-true), but if the user inputs the boolean values as "true" and "false", it comes out to be an error. So, …

Member Avatar for techie1991
Member Avatar for Tiny_trixer

Check in the error. It usually gives the line number to look around for mistakes. If that does not work then you can post a better overview of your program..

Member Avatar for Tiny_trixer
Member Avatar for bmos31

Sorry, but can you please explain your program cause at my system it is not working for any of +,- or *. The program is not using the operator anywhere...

Member Avatar for bmos31
Member Avatar for sahil1991

Actually, the float type doesn't support modulus operator. That is why your program is giving an error. It is because the float numbers are stored in memory in two parts, mantissa and exponent. Now, if you understand the concept of pointers than try to understand this. When we call a …

Member Avatar for sahil1991
Member Avatar for techie1991

Can someone please direct me to the code for the class <int> in python. I know that it must have written in C, but I could not understand, where to ask this query. Though I tried to figure it out myself, but could not even understand, which folder to attack …

Member Avatar for techie1991
Member Avatar for acer5542

This seems to be your homework,.. Help yourself, use the karnaugh maps,.. it would be really easy.. If you want to know about K-maps, check at: [URL=""]Wikipedia[/URL]

Member Avatar for kalish88
Member Avatar for satish2

For the course: You can read: The schaum series, (I myself read it) Data structures with C, yashwant kanetkar or Data structures, Rajni Jindal. I too am a student at Delhi College of Engineering, and I assure it that these books would be enough for anything asked in exams. And …

Member Avatar for techie1991
Member Avatar for ashu2401

If this was an interview question, you could have assumed the array to be sorted. (I did assume many things in my interviews and cleared most of the rounds). Now, if the array is sorted, use a for loop with a search algorithm (binary search). The worst case would come …

Member Avatar for arkoenig
Member Avatar for GothLolita

Use either a pickled dictionary as said by Beat_Slayer or if you want portability, use json module of python. (JavaScript Object Notation)

Member Avatar for techie1991
Member Avatar for techie1991

This may be quite a late introduction, but better late then never. I am having great fun at this forum. See me at C, C++ and python forums... got to learn a lot..

Member Avatar for techie1991
Member Avatar for patton228

I believe, you don't need a forum, but some books to study from... Hope the following links help: [URL=""]thread1[/URL] [URL=""]python books[/URL]

Member Avatar for patton228
Member Avatar for techie1991

I have just started writing C code in dev-c++. The programs are running fine, but each C program shows me the following warning: [QUOTE] [Warning] command line option "-fno-access-control" is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C[/QUOTE] The test program I used was: [CODE] #include<stdio.h> int main(){ system("pause"); return 0; …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for techie1991

I was having some confusions about string and NULLs. So, I read this [URL=""]thread[/URL] on this very forum. But, I could not understand somethings... Firstly, Is NULL an integer value 0, or something else? Secondly, [CODE]if(strlen(str)==0)[/CODE] this shows that the string is null or it shows that the first character …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for techie1991

I want to sort a list of dictionaries using the inbuilt sort() function for lists. The problem is I am not able to understand, how to give the function a key.. Example: [CODE] a={'name':1,'data':200} b={'name':2,'data':400} c=[a,b] [/CODE] Now, I want to sort the list c with the key being a['name']. …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for techie1991

I want to print a float number with it's digits extending to 20000 digits after the decimal i.e. if the number is 10/3, it should print 3.333333333333333333333333333...20000 or more times. So, how do I print something like that? Also, do tell the solution for C and C++ as well... The …

Member Avatar for nbaztec

The End.