49,761 Topics

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Member Avatar for memo_c++

[COLOR="Green"]Hello guys I need quick help I need a code that reads from a text file and then shows how many “a ,b, c ….” I have in the text[/COLOR]

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for mr_fake

hey! friendz plz tell me how to insert time in a running programme ,which is similar to system clock time.

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Alishaikh

This works and shows the factors or tells if the number is a prime number but doesn't show ODD factors please help!! I need to turn this tomorrow [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int prime(int num); int main() { int num; cout<<"Enter number: "; cin>>num; if(prime(num)==1) cout<<"The number is …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for tootypegs

Here is my scenario i have a file 2000 bytes long. I want to read bytes 500 - 1500 so that i have the middle 1000 bytes stored. I then want to disect the 1000 bytes into 20 bte chunks and preform calculations on ever 20 byte sectiong until the …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for kv79

Hi i need help with IMAGE_BITMAP Here is my code for example how to do it with standard bitmaps. [code=cpp] HWND hBmpBtn=CreateButton(hwnd,cs->hInstance,BS_BITMAP,rc,IDBC_BITMAP, _T("BITMAP BUTTON - NO TEXT")); HBITMAP hBmp=reinterpret_cast<HBITMAP>(LoadImage(0,MAKEINTRESOURCE(OBM_CHECK), IMAGE_BITMAP,0,0,LR_SHARED)); SendMessage(hBmpBtn,BM_SETIMAGE,IMAGE_BITMAP,reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(hBmp)); [/code] So i need someone who can write me how to make a my own image bitmap(for my pushbutton) …

Member Avatar for rab786

Create a class in C++ name Account with the following Data members • AcNumber • AcHolderName • AcBalance • Actype • AcMinBalance And the following member Functions Identifier Return type Parameters CreateNewAccount Boolean Integer AcNumber, StringAcHolderName, String AcType, Long Deposit ShowAcInfo void void (No parameters ) ShowAcInfo void String InfoType …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for michaelmac

Hi Everyone A newbie here. When I have a programming question, do I start off by doing this first [code] #include <iostream> int main( int argc, char **argv ) { std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl; return 0; } [/code] or is that not right? when I do inline code... …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for jetru

Hey, I just started learning OpenGL. I have a problem understanding the coordinate system. [code] glVertex2d(1,2); [/code] Now obviously, the coordinates aren't in pixels. The problem is I want to mark pixels on my windows and I can't figure how to do this. How big is one unit? I tried …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for flask

[CODE] struct link { char name[50]; int value; link* next; }; class linklist { private : link* first; // ilk baglantiyi tutar public: linklist() { first=NULL; } void additem(int d,char a[]); void display(); }; void linklist::additem(int d,char a[]) { link* newlink=new link; newlink->value=d; strcpy(newlink->name,a); newlink->next=first; first=newlink; } [/CODE] this is …

Member Avatar for flask
Member Avatar for venkat123

Hi, Can anybody know how to get contiguous free space sectors or unused sectors in a partition? If anybody know how to code in c/c++/visual c++ for this or any idea on how to get this information, let me know. All types of Views are welcome. Waiting for your valuable …

Member Avatar for austinslik

Hello can anyone give me an idea of a project that I can do on C++ Please can you support your advice with something that i can read about it? its ok if not. Thanks, thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Jishnu
Member Avatar for bis student

I have these question and I need some help from you : Assume that the maximum number of students in a class is 50. Write a program that reads students' names followed by their test score from a file and outputs the following: a. class average b. Names of all …

Member Avatar for amt_muk
Member Avatar for Leil@

I need a code which send output directly for printig i mean istead of veiwing program's output on screan(monitor) it should print it

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for wamuti

Hi guys. Is there a Forum or Section that deals with windows programming in C++?

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for kv79

Hi i will ask maybe stupid question. I have a this. wcx.lpszClassName = classname.c_str(); and i do not understand context classname.c_str(); ??? I know in C just put "windows name".

Member Avatar for kv79
Member Avatar for wamuti

Hi. I am using CFormView class in MFC where i have a Dialog Box as a child of the view. Is it possible to draw on th dialog. I realized that there is no virtual function i can override like in a CView. Please Help Out.

Member Avatar for apcxpc

Hi all I'm experimenting with win API gui stuff, and I've run into a problem with dialog boxes. Currently, when the "Show DialogBox" option in the menu is pressed, the dialog box pops up. I then need for this dialog box to be draggable/moveable, and to "hide" when its close …

Member Avatar for wamuti
Member Avatar for smile!

I have a question in c++ , can you help me ,and tell me where is the proplem in my solution ? The question is: Assume that the maximum number of students in a class is 50. Write a program that reads students' names followed by their test score from …

Member Avatar for wamuti
Member Avatar for Sawamura

hi all, i m new in this forums. i want to save int file into dat in according to biner. please help me cause i dont know how to start.. thx.. best regards...

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for abhi_elementx

Hello people, I need help with a template program that i am writing . I am trying to emulate Stack operations using template class which works fine with all the datatypes except char* [B]when using all the datatypes at the same time.[/B] What I am trying to do is [B]pass …

Member Avatar for abhi_elementx
Member Avatar for #include<DAN.h>

Does anyone know how to use a for loop to clear a 2D array? To clear a 1D array, for example you might do this: [CODE] char array[10]; for (int ct; ct<=10; ct++) { array[ct] = "\0"; } [/CODE] What I'd like to know is how to clear a 2D …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for xdream

i having problem on the game is tied part. when i run the program it end with player 3 win. tis is the programe i hv [code=c++] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> using namespace std; class TicTacToe { public: TicTacToe(); int Pick_Player(); int Pick_Row(); int Pick_Column(); int Check_Board(); void …

Member Avatar for xdream
Member Avatar for clairedubaer

I'm trying to make a mathematics game in Borland C++ v4.52. My game consists of multiple mathematical problems moving down the screen, while the user is able to enter the answer to any of these problems. Once the user has entered the problem, the problem disappears. My problem is that …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for guitarrick

Stuck again. Determines the size of the green crud population on any given day. // Assumes that green crud reproduces every 5 days starting when // it is 10 days old,giving a growth rate following the Fibonacci sequence. // So if there is a new crud population of 10 pounds …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for michaelmac

Hi I am use to using the old c/c++ system("dir") in the 16-bit world. how do I use it in the vc++ express 2008 world? Thanks

Member Avatar for michaelmac
Member Avatar for np2100

I am working on a program that scans a host and I ve run in to a simple problem I cant figure out. When it asks what type of scan to perform and you say number 2 it will go to the number 1 type of scan. Here is the …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Icebone1000

hi, sorry my english im using visual studio 2005, my project is in win32 console application im training to use files, my problem is that i cant do a ifstream get all stuff of a .txt file, it get just the first line, i can do put all in the …

Member Avatar for Icebone1000
Member Avatar for eXceed69

Our servers is crashing everytime when my client scan my ports. And due minimal documentation since the code is writen few few years ago the only thing I could do is just recreate the whole event. below are the piece of the function that error and its exception tells that …

Member Avatar for kafkas

I need to find the 5 middle numbers in the center(example: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, the middle numbers are 3 4 5 6 7, remove+subtract largest and smallest numbers), I have tried many ways but have not succeeded. Can anyone please help me? [code]#include <iostream.h> #include <iomanip.h> …

Member Avatar for invisal
Member Avatar for moe1983

[B][U][COLOR=#000000]part iII: project[/COLOR][/U][/B] [B][U][COLOR=#000000]Problem 1[/COLOR][/U][/B] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]a- Compute the median of a data file. The median is the number that has the same number of data elements greater than the number as there are less than the number. For purposes of this problem, you are to assume that the …

Member Avatar for Andre79

The End.