49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for RogerThomasTan

I'm a new user to Visual Studio .Net, writing most of my projects in C++. I have this problem with the OO paradigm when I tried to apply it to my projects. Variables for classes which I described in eg. dXmanager.h fails to appear in my dXmanager.cpp; when I try …

Member Avatar for unicorn11
Member Avatar for cs1

hi guys i need ur help to do my homework i have this question Write a program that helps students to learn multiplication. Use rand to produce two positive one-digit integer. It should then type a question such as How much is 6 times 7? The student type the answer. …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for gator6688

I have to place an * beside any grade that gets entered that is below the avg. I was thinking something like this: Am I anywhere close? [CODE]if (grade < Avg) cout << " * grade";[/CODE]

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for jrice528

I just started c++ and programming and need some major help. I am trying to convert binary to decimal. I have searched through everything and its all to hard for me to understand,and uses terms ive never seen. I need to convert the binary to dec, using % and / …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for gator6688

I have to enter grades and if I enter a negative grade then the program is supposed to terminate. I came up with this code but it doesn't terminate it just asks for another grade. [CODE]if (grade[i]<0) cout << "This is not a correct grade";[/CODE] Any suggestions?

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for mstrmnd2008

I am creating a program that will convert seconds into hrs mins and the remainding seconds. I've got the hours part down but for minutes im trying to use the remainder funtion. [code=cplusplus] #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int secns, mins, hrs, convs, sec, sph, …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for jrice528

I have written a binary to decimal program. I have several loops. I was wondering if there is a command... Say the user is done entering binary numbers, cause the program was supposed to be made by entering one at a time. ( homework ) Anyways, The user is done …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mattb_25

Hey guys, i need some help with 2 programs that my teacher assigned me.. I just cant seem to figure them out. I'll type out what the program is, but I really dont have much code to show since I dont really know how to even get started so any …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sarah24

Hi Experts! i need some help now i have written a code but my output is not correct its reading everything from text file but not computing it correctly,,,pls pls help. here's my code.... #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <stack> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; using std::string; using …

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Member Avatar for sarahger9

Hi, I'm a beginner, so please forgive my inadequate knowledge. I'm am trying to write a program that searches one file for specific words and their replacements found in another file. As of yet, all I have is a program that opens my files and counts the words in them. …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for thundaga

hey, i've been doing c++ for uni for a few months and have got an assignment which is giving me some problems... i have to use data from a txt file, import it into c++, perform calculations with it, then produce an output file which is to be made into …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for eranga262154

Hi all, I have a console application, and I want to run it though a GUI. Its a simple GUI. Say there is a button called "Run", when I click the button need to execute the application do the task. Can you guys guide me to do it. I'm really …

Member Avatar for n.aggel
Member Avatar for sean25hun

Iam after doing this program and it isnt working properly , it should give an output like january 1, 1900 february 8, 1985// random number january 1, 1900 may 25 , 1913 // random number january 1, 1900 august 6 , 1912 // random number [code] #include <iostream> using std::cout; …

Member Avatar for sean25hun
Member Avatar for kako13

Hi, I'm having problem reading a sequential file, I have done some searches all without any positive result. I trying to read a sequential file, but the problem is that the last record is read doubly. Any help would be appreciate. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Schmitty27

Hello thar, I'm working on a problem that needs to input data into a list in sorted order. So far I'm getting some output, but it ignores some of my inserts, (ie "Hammy" in this case) and the output is not sorted. I've looked at this for a while but …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for jk_bscomp

Hello everyone..... I hope you could help me with this one..... Is it possible to insert a windows media player using the <windows.h>? If Yes , pls provide me a site where I could learn on how to insert a windows media player. Thanks in advanced...

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for leecey411

Help! My computer started beeping really loud and now I get this message and am a virtual standstill. I am not coputer savy at all, but I did run HJT and here is the log Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 8:51:58 AM, on 10/4/2007 Platform: Windows XP SP2 …

Member Avatar for jk_bscomp

Hello everyone,,, I hope you could help me on my problem I have encountered in creating an ownerdrawn button using the <windows.h> ... I have already created an ownerdrawn button and inserted a bimap but my problem is that the default shape of the button where I inserted the bitmap …

Member Avatar for gattispilot

This what I am trying to do. An elevator. so if the newdeck selected is different than where the elevator close the door, move the elevator and open the new door where is has issues is the value of edoor2 doesn't increase so the new door doesn't open. edoor1 does …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for step2stepgirl

I've tried so hard to do it but I couldn't so I really need help since I have to send it to my professor tonight so please HELP [code=cpp] class String{ char * const cp; // pointer to the first element int Alng; // the N# of the elements in …

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Member Avatar for driplet

I have the following code, but compiling error message: "cannot convert parameter 1 from 'float' to 'float " when I call flow(v1, v2, v3, v4). Could any one out there help me to find the problem and fix it? Thank you! [code] #include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define Length …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ubercat

Hi all. I'm a new member [I]I posted the following in the stickied book thread as it seemed the most appropriate place for it. That was 2 days ago and no one responded so I probably guessed wrong. If I shouldn't have reposted, then I'm sorry. Here is the post …

Member Avatar for kako13
Member Avatar for jaepi

Hello there, I would just like ask what to use if you want to know if a variable is of type wchar_t* or char* using it in a flow control statement. Would this work? [code=c++] void Check(void* pVarToCheck){ if(sizeof(pVarToCheck) == sizeof(wchar_t))){ cout << "Variable is wchar_t*" << endl; }else if(sizeof(pVarToCheck) …

Member Avatar for jaepi
Member Avatar for jimwalther

Hey, I have no idea why this code isnt working, im new to C++ so maybe im missing some fundamentals or something. But to me it looks perfectly fine.. the purpose of this program is to change binary into user code... if someone could help me out it would be …

Member Avatar for jimwalther
Member Avatar for DemonSpeeding

So I have a program with a specification file, implementation file, and a client file, I'll post all three but I know the problem rests in the client file. What's happening is that it reads the first team from my data file which I'll also post, and then it doesn't …

Member Avatar for DemonSpeeding
Member Avatar for zandiago

The assignment is : Write a C++ program that calculates the volume of 3 different geometric shapes. Your program should give the user a menu like the following and repeat until the user wants to stop. Volume Calculation Program Select the Number of Your Chosen Object 1. Dumbbell 2. Axle …

Member Avatar for zandiago
Member Avatar for ankit_nasa

[B]Run the algorithim for n>6. to introduce non- determinism, number each process 0..n-1; In each iteration, generate a random number r<=n.choose r processes randomly and allow only the chosen ones to execute the protocol. token sending/ recieving can be emulated by updating appropriate recieved[] bits. ignoring the diffusion part, see …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for driplet

In BCB, I need to pass a two dimensional array to a function Ratio. I did this without pointers or reference. Could any body else tell me what I should revise if I want to use pointers or reference for input? [code] double Ratio(double a[3], double VA[3][3], int i) { …

Member Avatar for driplet
Member Avatar for Genar Codina

I have a question related to placement new. When dealing with objects, in order to destroy an object created with placement new it has to be called the destructor of the object explicity; that is: [code] #include <new> using namespace std; //The following command really allocates the splace char * …

Member Avatar for Genar Codina
Member Avatar for nsesem

i have an assignment about the meeting room capacity , in fact is about write a program that detremines whether a meeting room is in violation of fire law regulation regarding the maximum room capacity. i've trid so hard but right noe I'm stuck. i do need help..someone to help …

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The End.