49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for Geometroid

Hello, I'm new to the site here. I say this because there seems to be a fair bit of etiquette here that I could step on so if I do, that's why. Anyhow, I had to take C for my software certificate and since I wanted to take C++ and …

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for thewizard397

Hi, I'm looking for a good program writing tools C++, have any suggestions?

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for kodiak

Hi, these classes for making a MuD are driving me crazy!!! heres my starting code, haven't had more than 15 minutes to work out some basic stuff, just trying to start small, get it to compile, then add stuff... [code=c++] #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<windows.h> #include<fstream> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> using namespace std; int …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for satya.vijai

Hi, I have a text file which looks in the following format =====c:\text.txt ====== AAAA BBBB ... ... ================== I have to read each line of the text file into a buffer, and print it, which I did in the following way. [code] #include "stdafx.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "string.h" #define …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for NycNessyness

I'm currently having a problem with having where it says DailyChild on my code to go up when the user adds a number. For example if they type 1 it should say 1.50. If they enter 2, it should say 3.00. But no matter what I do, it keeps printing …

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Member Avatar for mypopope

ellow smart people. I want to learn c++ programming. can anyone recommend what to do or what book do I need to read? pls help me with this? what is the latest version of C++? thank you

Member Avatar for toko
Member Avatar for mypopope

what is the difference between vc++2005 and turboc++ ide or any other ide c++? thank you

Member Avatar for toko
Member Avatar for khalidxa

Hi guys, I am working on a two dimensional array to represent a matrix. [CODE]int matrix[i][j];[/CODE] I need to swap all the values of matrix[1][1] to matrix[1][2] . I am not sure how to do the swap, I did try to use for loop and matrix[1][j+1] , but it did …

Member Avatar for pradeepk
Member Avatar for addicted

hey, i need help with this, i use VC++ 6.0 and i am having problems with opening files in multiple file modes for example [code] fstream inOutFile( "addicted.dat", ios::in | ios::out ) ; [/code] my compiler behaves abnormally, i dont know what is wrong, if i try single mod, it …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for complete

How do I capture the Enter Key event in an edit control? I have so far inherited my own class from CEdit and I am capturing the input keys but it the method used to do this does not receive the event when the enter or return key is hit. …

Member Avatar for vpsingh88
Member Avatar for tunday

I have a program written in BCB that imports a wsdl. When I run the program I get this error: [C++ Error] ExtActns.hpp(614): E2015 Ambiguity between '_di_IBinding' and 'Wsdlbind::_di_IBinding'. I looked through the ExtActns.hpp file and found this line of code: [code]HRESULT __stdcall OnStartBinding(unsigned dwReserved, _di_IBinding pib);[/code] I need help …

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Member Avatar for vpsingh88

Hi, I have a unique problem to solve in VC++. do have a look. I have created a CEdit class under ChildWindow. Now I would like to get WM_CHAR messages for every character typed in the edit box. The problem is if i put WM_CHAR in the message map of …

Member Avatar for jaz

construct a hierarchy chart (divide the tasks into modules) then an algorithm,flowchart, or pseudo code that will allows a person to track a list of personal contacts. for each contact there are five fields - First name - Last name - Occupation - Phone Number - Relationship (of the contact …

Member Avatar for jaz
Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex

In assembly I would[code=asm] ProcA enter 16, 0 call ProcB leave ret ProcB enter 16, 1 ... code leave ret[/code]Even if ProcA is in another file, so long as I know the order of the variables in ProcA they are visible to me in ProcB because [U][B]16 ,1[/B][/U] nests procedures …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for sammy_raul

I have read somewhere that if you dynamic_cast a void* you get the start of the address of the object ? I have no clue about this. How is this possible.? Can someone help me on this

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Fromethius

Hi everyone. For the past day I've been trying to find a good way to handle keyboard input. Naturally, I wanted to just use WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP to handle my events, but they proven to have limitations. In my game there was a keyboard delay. If you pressed and held …

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for C+Marshall

Hello everyone. I'm new to DaniWeb and new to programming with t C++ i have been working on a problem for several days now and I think i may have the code correct except i'm getting compiling errors related to my if..else statements in the GetGrossPay function. I've tried moving …

Member Avatar for C+Marshall
Member Avatar for ZSA004

I am trying to finish a fishing program. Basically the user inputs how many fish spawn and how fast they move, then the user tries clicking as many fish as possible before they go off the screen. Also, the fish need to turn into a fish skeleton (which was drawn …

Member Avatar for krnekhelesh
Member Avatar for spider_pig

Sorry if this has been asked before but I have tried to find a solution elsewhere. I am using the getline function to receive input from the keyboard and save it in a text file. The problem is that it insists on printing a null character (the square box thingy) …

Member Avatar for dougy83
Member Avatar for toko

i was wondering how to make a person to chose beween two things with the if statment? for example convtering to celsius or converting to fahrenheit. would this work? [CODE] void FahrenheittoCelcius void CelciustoFahrenheit int main() { int personchoice; if (personchoice == 1) { void FahrenheittoCelcius; } else void CelciustoFahrenheit; …

Member Avatar for ndeniche
Member Avatar for kodiak

Hi, I have absolutely no clue how to implement Ascii color into a console program. I have tried google, but it only finds irrelevant things... ~thanks!!!!!~ Kodiak!!!

Member Avatar for spider_pig
Member Avatar for trl10

Hi Everyone, I have to read data from a file into an array. I have that part figured out. I can't get my function to work. I have to write a sumArray, avgSales, highSales, and lowSales. Here is what I got so far. Could someone please help me with one …

Member Avatar for trl10
Member Avatar for mauro21pl

Hi guys I'm stll playing around with classes. I have some simple class, the program itself works but when I enter the value for your_account as a negative number it doesn't pass the right numbers to the private variables. Why is that? How may I fixed it Thanks [CODE] #include …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for addicted

Hello everyone, I know it is quite a long time you have heard from me, dont mind that it was due to the programming and all other stuffs. I am just curious to know what happens next. I can now say i am a c++ programmer and i can write …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jaepi

Hello there, is there anybody here who has experienced programming in Multimedia Commands with c++? I have here an application in Linux that controls the cd/dvd drive using SCSI2 - Multimedia Commands set. I have a bit of bewilderment. Right now I'm debugging an error in opening the drive tray …

Member Avatar for pokemon123

Mini- Project of Dates Your program should allow the user to enter day, month and year of any date after 1 Jan 1900. The program should allow user to enter two dates. The program should then determine whether two dates are in a leap year, whether the first date is …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for rosemary

[COLOR="Red"][U][I]hi, every body..[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]I have two program I couldn’t solve them So, can any body help me. please!![/I][/U][/COLOR] 1-Write a program that accepts a character and count number of occurrences in a file. The file should have some text, and the program count how many times the inputted character repeated …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for defeaning

hi everyone,.Im new in Assembly language.I ask if you can teach me on how to convert the following c++ program to tasm. I hope you could help me with these. [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> int main() { clrscr(); int n; cout<<"enter number: "; cin>>n; if(n==50) cout<<"n is 50"; else …

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for mona1nine

[code=c] #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> struct courses{ char coursenumber[10]; float credit; float grade; }; struct courses list[2]; main() { int i; int count; printf("Enter number of courses to input: "); scanf("%d", &count); for (i=0; i<2; i++) { printf("Course number: "); scanf("%s", list[i].coursenumber ); printf("Credit: "); scanf("%f", list[i].credit); printf("Grade: "); scanf("%f", …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for mauro21pl

Hi I'm playing with a simple class. Looks like everething is fine, my compiler doesn't give me any error but there is no display on the screen. Can anyone tell me what did I miss? thanks [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; class BankAccount { public: BankAccount(int dollar,int …

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The End.