49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for hoceandress

hey guyz!!! i'm just trying to check my code u all if it's correct. thankz! the problem is " ask a number (N). calculate and display the value of x, where x = (1*N)+(2*N)+(3*N)...(N*N); ex. if i input a number 5 the formula of x where: x = (1*N)+(2*N)+(3*N)+(4*N)+(5*N); this …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for psyman_86

Hi, i'm trying to implement a node class to be used with a linked list. When try to complile i get the following errors in the .cpp file: Node.cpp:26: error: syntax error before `::' token Node.cpp:31: error: syntax error before `*' token Node.cpp:36: error: syntax error before `*' token Everything …

Member Avatar for psyman_86
Member Avatar for Marine

Hello, I need to convert manually string "6.812345678912345678912345678" to double (well, high-precision double i guess...). Below is my code, which only converts the first 9 digits. After that it's all messed up. I really need to convert this long string to the same long number. How do I do this? …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for gaurav252

Hi . i m new in c++ programming..plz help me in sorting out this problem..... HOW THE VALUE OF "j" VARIES IN FOLLOWING PROBLEMS ? Plz Explain... 1. int i=10,j; j= (i++) + (i++); cout<<j; 2. int i=10,j; j= (i++) + (++i); cout<<j; 3. int i=10,j; j= (++i) + (i++); …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for n.aggel

hi, i recently heard about splay trees and i am searching for a splaying algorithm...,i ve found one but it isn't very easy to understand....so if anyone has to share an implementation followed by a short explanation it would be great! PS: i 've undestand the basic concepts like zig, …

Member Avatar for almy

i know how to sort a few number but i dont know to sort alphabet. anybody can help me??? plez;-)

Member Avatar for rati
Member Avatar for hoceandress

will calculate and display the sum of all even even numbers from 2 to n, where n is a positive number inputted by the user..what will i do and what is the expression of that???

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for a.baki

I want to compute closed surfaces with using the dxf file. I don't have much information about this file format. User will draw lines or arcs, than, first I will tell them that they draw a closed surface, second I try to compute area of closed surface. any idea or …

Member Avatar for stanwaka

Hi folks. I need a way to display a counter in seconds until it reaches a user defined limit. I have tried but unfortunately not having much luck. [code] #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <ctime> // time header using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Please enter seconds: ";//prompt …

Member Avatar for McQueen
Member Avatar for Trevora

Hello I have a need to output a large array for a CNC machine I have built. The attached code includes comments which explains my problem. Thank you for your consideration.

Member Avatar for Trevora
Member Avatar for venomlash

For those of you who also code in JAVA*: Does anyone know of anything in C++ that is at all like paintComponent or the Graphics class? HALP! *ROFLwaffles to those who do

Member Avatar for venomlash
Member Avatar for ShawnCplus

For those of you who haven't heard of or used AutoHotKey check it out here [URL="http://www.autohotkey.com/"]http://www.autohotkey.com[/URL] for the rest of you I made a really simple script for Dev-C++ to add some speed to it. (I had more in the script but they were things only I would remember and …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for Slavrix

hey guys, i got an assingment due and i was wondering if you could please help me to debug this program. 5 files, ass1.h ass1.cpp main.cpp Makefile.txt (needs to be renamed to makefile for it to be used properly) ass1.txt(needs to be renamed ass1.dat to be used[its the database for …

Member Avatar for Slavrix
Member Avatar for interspire

I'm new to C++ builder learning C++ builder,i don't know how to install components.I'm trying to use the text highlight & line count feature for the text editor i've created by following instructions in help file of borland.I downlaoded the component from [url]http://delphisci.sourceforge.net/[/url] but there was no installation instruction.i tried …

Member Avatar for interspire
Member Avatar for prs55

I am having difficulty in using array to read large unsigned integer and write them and calculate their sum.Also i am going to implement the following code to check digit and character. [code] for (;;) { ch = cin.get(); if (!isdigit(ch)) break; cout << ch; } and for (;;) { …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for toko

Hello, i have been reading the chapter in the book about classes and i have learned everything about them the only question i have now is that wut do you use classes for?

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for Fromethius

Hello everyone I'm trying to write a program in native c++ code that will do this: When drawing in MS Paint and I press the P key on the keyboard, the Pencil tool will become the current tool. I really want to stay away from installing drivers, injecting dlls, reverse …

Member Avatar for Fromethius
Member Avatar for taku

Hi, as newbie in c, i have some problems with my code. I don't know how to read data from into array, and second, how i can compare data in array? [code= c ] #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <string.h> int main (void){ int i; char line [240], *pos; char …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for toko

This is kind of a noobish question but is there a way to turn an .exe file into a source code that you can edit and if there is how.

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for avgprogramerjoe

Hey guys, I "understand" pointers. But I do not understand how I could actually put them to use. If you could give me a few example programs of how they would be used, then I could try to make the programs. I don't want the code, just the logic behind …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for laseredd

Hello, I recently finished a tutorial on C++ and I have written a small program. Could you please take a look at my code and give me feedback on it? It's a program that will ask you for two values and then add them together. Please be nice, since it's …

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for dannyadp

hey all, I'm new to this forum, and really start to like it :). Here we go. I have some trouble helping a "tute" of mine (I normally give physics tuitions) with one of his assginments on C++. As I did C++ years ago, I was feeling confident with it. …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for revenge2

Ok so after quite awhile i finally picked up from where i stopped last. Which was the "2nd" page of the book "sams teach your self c++" lol! (im not much of a reader) But today i intend to start work properly and continue learning c++, so i would just …

Member Avatar for toko
Member Avatar for baappi

Hi all, I am using Borland C++ to develope one application. I need to call a stored procedure (that will take 2 parameters and will return a string) from my C++ application I am using mssql2005 express as database . How can use TStoredProc/TADOStoredProc/TSqlStoredProc ??? which one is useful here …

Member Avatar for revenge2

Hello i just started c++, and i have a small problem with compiling. The book im reading just told me to compile the following but line 4 has an error/warning.(im using devc++) [code]#include <iostream> int Add (int x, int y) { cout<< "In Add(), received " << x<< "an d" …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for sjewenp

i am totally new to the c++ arena. i have been tasked with writing a program that asks for a number, asks for that many names, in the form, "last, first," sorts the names by last name, but displays them in the form, "first, last," then offers the user the …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for sammy_raul

I was just trying to implement one of the design pattern Strategy of the gang of four . In my application one of my strategies has to operate on the data (and the data is huge , not 1 not 2 but huge) , now as the GoF says that …

Member Avatar for Hamrick
Member Avatar for roflol

So I'm trying to count the number of lines in a text file. I think I got it working, but it seems I can't do further correct processing on the text file, maybe because getline extracts the data? The operations I want to perform include inputting values read from the …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for ~Ken Esquire~

Can someone plus lead me in the right direction with this problem? 1.) Write a function to add an item to the list, given a name and a phone number as arguments. Don't forget to allocate memory for each of the data items in the node; return a success or …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for fabiog
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.