49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for Roujin

HI all could anyone please tell me where i can find some public domain source codes for Visual C++ 1.52, I am trying to teach myself programming as i dont have the patience for classrooms and i thought that some sample codes would give me some practice. I have already …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for worms707

I have the following code This is the Point header file [code] #ifndef POINT_H #define POINT_H #include<string> using namespace std; //Class Point represents points in the Cartesian coordinate class Point{ protected: double xCoord, yCoord; //coordinates of the point string name; //name of the point public: Point(); //default constructor Point(double, double, …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for skeet123

I have an assignment dealing with algorithms and Big O notation. I am a little confusded about this notation stuff. Here are a few of the questions on the assignment: What is the O-notation for the following code? [code]cin >> N; for (int count = 1; count <= N; count++) …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for chelo77

I have problems with this small class program, have two classes...registration and course. I am writing a small function for registration adds the credits. I made an array called ptr of type course in the registration class. Now when i try to access credit a private member in the class …

Member Avatar for dude543
Member Avatar for lsu420luv

I am trying to read in information from an external file using ifstream. I use fin >> to input the data usually. Now I have to input a full name. Can anyone tell me what I use to do this? do I use a string type variable and then just …

Member Avatar for lsu420luv
Member Avatar for pjoseph24

I am looking to be able to pull up files from ms access using C++. this is for a college senior project. We currently have a rfid reader that will read a tag and display its unique tag number using C++ we now want to link each tag to a …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for bsdpowa

I have a header and cpp file.I'm trying to learn OOP so I did a small program that handles classes.In the header I have declared the class and in the main file I'm implementing the methods. m_prvi = first number m_drugi = second number m_rezultat = result So I call …

Member Avatar for bsdpowa
Member Avatar for Joncamp

Has anybody use the jwSMTP c++ email routines, or do you know of a better freeware email c++ app?

Member Avatar for remedius

Could you help me please: I'm writing printer driver, based on standart unidrv and i'd like to use another library in my driver. But while compiling the driver I receive following errors: d:\WINDDK\2600.1106\inc\crt\istream(564) : error C2220: warning treated as error - no object file generated d:\WINDDK\2600.1106\inc\crt\istream(564) : warning C4530: C++ …

Member Avatar for remedius
Member Avatar for Asif_NSU

I am kind of confused about how DestroyWindow() works. According to the help files this function sends a WM_DESTROY message to the window it has just removed from the screen. In my [inlinecode]WindowProc[/inlinecode] I have something like the following: [CODE] case WM_CLOSE: { DestroyWindow(hwnd); return 0; } case WM_DESTROY: { …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for amnezia

Iam confuse with cubic equation alghoritma and code. x^3 + ax^2 + bx + c =0 Please help me

Member Avatar for SpS
Member Avatar for thare

can you tell me ! What's the difference between MS-Dos program and Windows program ? Is an application in C++ MS-Dos-based application ? Thanks !

Member Avatar for thare
Member Avatar for ghadahelal

hallo all, i'm a new member. i need help in my program i want 2 know if there is a datatype called time. my program will deal with time as below 11:33:50,965 it will read 2 absolute times for 2 actions and then return the differnce. how can i do …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for lsu420luv

I have an assignment which will pull data from Trans.data and Lawn.data. Can I not use fin to open both the files at once or do i need to setup another stream. Here is my code I am getting the Error message I have set if Trans.data fails to open. …

Member Avatar for lsu420luv
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Hullo, Does anyone have any tutorials about using the graphics library in turbo c. I need this fast. ThanQ

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for HelpMeImLost

Hi there, I was wondering if anyone can help me out here...This is what I have so far: [code]#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class Employee { private: int idNum; char name[20]; double rate; public: Employee(const int id); //The Constructor with Arguments Employee();//The Default Constructor void displayValues(); }; Employee::Employee(const int id) { idNum = …

Member Avatar for HelpMeImLost
Member Avatar for puppy

Hi, I'm trying to write a class that uses a vector, but I can't get the right syntax in the Staff constructor. Can anyone help? public: Staff(); Staff (???????????); private: vector<Employee> members;

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for poorstudent

Hi everyone, I am a year 1 student who is having a course of data strcutures. My assignment 's deadlin is by tomorrow. the assignment is avl tree. I have completed the followings. [code]struct AVLnode_s { char element; int height; struct AVLnode *left; struct AVLnode *right; }; typedef struct AVLnode_s …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for AhmedHan

My code :[CODE]int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { HINTERNET hInternet; BOOL bResult; hInternet = InternetOpen( (LPCTSTR) "NoAgent", (DWORD) INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, (LPCTSTR) NULL, (LPCTSTR) NULL, (DWORD) INTERNET_FLAG_ASYNC); if (hInternet == NULL) { DebugTest("hInternet == NULL"); } DebugTest("Internet handle created!"); bResult = InternetCloseHandle((HINTERNET) hInternet); if (bResult == NULL) { DebugTest("InternetCloseHandle((HINTERNET) hInternet) == NULL"); …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for tuannie

Hey everyone, I' m currently having trouble getting the following code to work. What I'm trying to do is getting my program to do read from a text file which has the following information: 234323 c 343212 d 323432 a 763634 b The corresponding information shown above will correspond as …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for winbatch

So I'm trying to learn how to use function pointers (ie to pass the address of a function to another function to execute it - like a call back). I have it working when I use it as follows: Classes.h: [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Class1 { public: …

Member Avatar for dubeyprateek
Member Avatar for lulug76

Hi, I am working on a project that I had to get 2 number from a user display them in 10base. Then convert them into 2 base and display them in multiple of 8. I did this part. The next part I am suppose to do is add and subtract …

Member Avatar for dubeyprateek
Member Avatar for crizzio

so i have this tic tac toe assignment in c++ and i need some help doing the moves part for both the computer and the player....i already got the board down with arrays and the specs for the functions needed are listed below...some help would be greatly appricaited and i …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for geez85

hey i jst need a lil help with dis... [code]void main() { for(int polygon = 0;polygon < 3;polygon++) { int i, j; const int max =5; int end; int sort; int ymin = 21; int start; int ypos; int vertices=0; if(polygon == 0) { float x0[] = {20, 40, 90, …

Member Avatar for geez85
Member Avatar for NarenderKumarP

Hi All, Following code gives me an error when I use text field in CSV file instead of float or integer fields. `matrix_points[cnt][4] = atoi(line);` May be the problem with above line. Please see the below code char matrix_points[6][8]; std::ifstream input_file("C:/NDA/NissanNewApplication/Dev/CommonErrorManager/Src/ErrorMessageList.csv"); int cnt(0); printf("initial valie of cnt = %d\n",cnt); char …

Member Avatar for NarenderKumarP
Member Avatar for tiffosi

Hi all, I am trying to share data between two simultaneously running programs. I am writing the output of one program to a file named xpos.out and reading the data in it from an other program which is running simultaneously. The value in xpos.out changes each time. So when i …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for Jon Campbell

Does anyone know where I can get technical information about developing HTTP applications in C++. I'm not talking about CGI, I mean the classes or functions that allow you to directly communicate on the web via HTTP without a web server.

Member Avatar for eCharisma
Member Avatar for jlouang

I don't know if I read the book right but my array is not working on my months .My instructions is this assignment uses an array of strings: write a C program that asks the user for the month, day, and year read in the month, day and year (as …

Member Avatar for jlouang
Member Avatar for mwo0002

Thanks to some people who has already given me some pointers and insights, I wrote down on paper the layout before I started putting them into code, which I eventuall did and they're in code now. I tried to run it and gave me a list of lots of errors. …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for bg123

I'm trying to do a program that takes two vectors and computes the alternating sum, appends the vectors, checks whether two vectors have the same elements in some order, ignoring multiplicities, and removes duplicates. Any help would be appreciated. [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; /* Functions on …

Member Avatar for Bench

The End.