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Member Avatar for jamshid

I know PASCAL programming language; Know i can't decide to learn which programming language.... I don't know if i start C or C++ or C#... or others.. [B]I hope you will guide me in this way[/B], so thanks for replying and guiding me.

Member Avatar for jamshid
Member Avatar for Laiq Ahmed

I've just tried to code the Binder2nd, almost same as standard code provided in functional...... please point out the mistakes........ and suggest me guidelines to write effective code.......... [code] [COLOR=#0000ff]#include[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] <iostream>[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]#include[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] <vector>[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]#include[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] <functional>[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]#include[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] <algorithm>[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff] using[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]namespace[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] std;[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000][/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff] template[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] <[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]class[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] _Fn> [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]class[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] Binder2: [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]public[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] …

Member Avatar for GloriousEremite
Member Avatar for Joncamp

I can't buy a c++ reference, and need one for programming in Linux. Does anyone know of a good reference free on the Web? Thanx, Jon:cheesy:

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for joshilay

given a positive integer n ,we have to find the number of possible combination of integers (i,j) where i+j=k ... given 0<=i,j,k<=n i code this problem as below ... [code]#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void max(int n,int x,int k,int *no) { if(x>=0) { max(n,x-1,k,no); if(n+x==k) { (*no)+=1; cout<<"\n"<<" The combinations are formed by …

Member Avatar for joshilay
Member Avatar for schmidty169

I'm getting error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type [code]// CPP btree.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" class TreeNode { public: TreeNode(string str): data(str), left(NULL), right(NULL) {} // Constructor. Make a node containing str. string data; // The data in this node. …

Member Avatar for schmidty169
Member Avatar for tefflox

plz look at this code and tell me where I'm going wrong. I can't use another array to reverse the string. [code] const int MAX_SIZE = 15; // Max word size of word, allow for '\0' void reverse(char word[]); // function prototype int main() { char word[MAX_SIZE]; cout << endl …

Member Avatar for tefflox
Member Avatar for rdubey_jsr

Hi friends, Its my first experience to this forum. can any one help me in reading a csv file into an array and then parse each word seperated by commas. I have csv file which contains rows and columns of record. and i have to read the file into an …

Member Avatar for rdubey_jsr
Member Avatar for DotNetUser

I'm coding in VC++.NET 2003. Is there a way to create a button_click event without using the this pointer? I have a static function that creates new buttons. I want to add the click event to the new buttons. Thanks.

Member Avatar for gampalu

Hi I'm creating an application and in DEBUG mode I have zero errors, but when I switch to RELEASE I have this error: [CODE] --------------------Configuration: ipfix - Win32 Release-------------------- Compiling... Command line error D2016 : '/ZI' and '/O2' command-line options are incompatible Error executing cl.exe. [/CODE] Can you help me …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for rxgmoral

Ask a problem,about inheritance :) [CODE] ****************static DLL***************** <<<<<<<<<CmView.H>>>>>>>>>>> #pragma once class AFX_NOVTABLE CmView : public CView { public: __declspec(dllexport) CmView(); }; <<<<<<<<<CmView.CPP>>>>>>>> #include "stdafx.h" #include "CmView.h" CmView::CmView() { } ******************static EXE****************** <<<<<<<<EXEView.h>>>>>>>>> #pragma once #include "CmView.h" #pragma comment(lib,"dll.lib") class EXEView : public CmView { ........... }; <<<<<<<<<EXEView.Cpp>>>>>>>>> #include "stdafx.h" …

Member Avatar for GloriousEremite
Member Avatar for lballans

Hi All, I'm new to C++ and I have a C++ mortgage assignment due where a user inputs there mortgage amount, interest rate, and term of the loan and the program should give the user there monthly payment and also ask the user if they want to quit or enter …

Member Avatar for lballans
Member Avatar for Coding Mage

Hi all, I have an interesting problem for which I already have a solution, but I have a feeling my solution is less than elegant. I need to create a Factory class which returns an instance of some child of class Foo. Which child is instantiated depends on the value …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for muthuivs

Ladies and Gents, I am trying to write a function in my ever growing program to give me information on a selected folder. I actually only need the number of files in the folder so I can use that number in a loop. Is there a way to get the …

Member Avatar for GloriousEremite
Member Avatar for joshilay

can anyone tell me the code for inorder traversal of binary tree non recursively and using a constant memory ...??

Member Avatar for Laiq Ahmed
Member Avatar for iamthwee

This is really ticking me off. Ok I have a program like so:- [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string crap = "dfgfd-rergreg-dfgfdg-ertertd-gfdg-df"; }[/CODE] And all I wanna do is replace the [INLINECODE]"-"[/INLINECODE] with [INLINECODE]" - "[/INLINECODE]. Note the spaces. I've tried everything but it …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Marthy

[I] What is the Importance and uses of data stuctures in Programming using C/C++ when using it? .How Stack,Queue,and list works and give example problem that solve stacks (note:this is not a code program).t.y..i want your different opinions...pls...reply this tread.. [/I]

Member Avatar for Laiq Ahmed
Member Avatar for tefflox

Hello, this is my first post here. I'm taking c++ as an elective course, and I'm doing great until now. The problem I'm having is taking data from a txt file formatted line by line [inlinecode]#### # ##[/inlinecode] for product id, store number, and quantity. I'm supposed to read this …

Member Avatar for tefflox
Member Avatar for comwizz

hi , I just was trying to implement a stack using doubly linked list . Well , i cannot exactly find out the error. Any hint would be of great help. Heres the code [code] #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class abc { public: int num; abc* next; abc* previous; friend void push(abc*,int); …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for vikter
Member Avatar for blewis999

I saw the code snippet by vicki_dev for drawing a function using turbo C on windows and wondered if there was anything like this or even this code with the calls to the OS inline. I don't have an OS on the embedded systems I work on and need a …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ethompson

Hello, I'm having some problems with trying to get my random numbers to go in ascending order and descending order as well and trying to figure out how to get when I put in a number between 2 - 25 how to get the highest number out of the random …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for DotNetUser

I'm coding in VC++.NET 2003. I have panels that will be populated with buttons dynamically. In my static callback function, I get an exception when I try to add the button to the panel. //Exception: Controls created on 1 thread cannnot be parented to a control on a different thread …

Member Avatar for bkaau

For all programmers please help me I have only for day to submit my final project so please pleas help me. Before i goto my problem. i can introduce my selif. i am biruk i live in Ethiopia (Addis Ababa). i am 20 years old . i study Statistics in …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for gampalu

Hi! How in C++ can we make a pause in the code, waiting for an ENTER? regards

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for madhan

[COLOR=black]Thank you so much for looking at my question and helping me to get start. I am new to programming. I am currently executing c/c++ programs in VC++ compiler all by my own. I have created very basic programs like displaying the content, find the entered number is odd or …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for ostkaka

I´m trying to put in a variable called "sex" in this program but it does´nt work, i wonder if anyone can help me with that? [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() //viktigaste delen av programmet { int age; //En variabel som heter age; int sex; cout<<"please input your …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for TJW

Why is the last element not 7 [Code] int array[3]; int *ary; ary=array; array[0]=0; array[1]=0; array[2]=0; array[3]=44; for (int i=0;i<4;i++) { cout<<array[i]; } cout<<endl; *(ary+0)=1; *(ary+1)=0; *(ary+2)=0; *(ary+3)=7; for (int i=0;i<4;i++) { cout<<array[i]; } cout<<endl; [/CODE] Output 00044 1003<-----------------Why 3 and not 7!!!!!!

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for rochester

I was hoping that you could help me with some problems colleagues and I are having with a psychometric tool that we are developing for a short-term project. We were hoping to utilize Visual Basic C++ to get the job done. What we are essentially trying to do, but can't …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for gerik

I've checked through the book list tagged on this forum, very helpful, but far too many books listed to efficiently check them all out. I already have one book on c++ (the teach yourself in 21 days), and it's nice, lots of short and to the point examples, but their …

Member Avatar for server_crash
Member Avatar for akshay_goel

I wud like u to suggest me some project in c++ or in computers for summer training for 1 month . I have just completed my 2nd year of b.teh

Member Avatar for happygeek

The End.