49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for nwiner

[code]#include <iostream.h> int fred[] = { 11, 22, 33, 44 }; int *fp; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) cout << argv[i]; cout << endl << "Hello world." << endl; fp = fred; cout << *fp++ << *fp++ << *fp++ << *fp++ << " - …

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Member Avatar for scharan

Hi all, This is charan new member of this team. Iam having one Question to all of you What is the difference between static and dynamic Dll and how the mechanisim of static dll goes in VC++ --------------------------------------------------------------------- [quote=neuronco]You can have a DLL without DllMain function. Its purpose is for …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for comp_sci11

can someone help me about creating a window in turbo c?? because i can't find anything about creating a window in turbo c! is there a site explaining or about creating a window in turbo c??

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for krayJ

[code] { int input; cout<<"Please select a number from 0 to 127: "; cin>>input; if (input<127 && input>0) MarkNumber(input); else cout<<"Please enter a number from 0 and 127!"<<endl; } void MarkNumber(int input) { int loop=0, n=0; while (loop!=input) { cout<<n; n++; //incrementing number from 0 loop++; //incrementing counter for loop …

Member Avatar for dilip.mathews
Member Avatar for Shital Parab

I am novice of c++. How to set co-ordinates of console using c++? e.g. what to do if i wanna print pyramid of astericks at the center of the screen. should i use gotoxy(x,y) function to go to the center of the console?

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for NavidV

;) Hello, I have just started to learning C++. I have a question regarding a small code snippet that I am having trouble with. I get a compiler error saying that there is a parse error before the { token. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks, Navid Here's the …

Member Avatar for NavidV
Member Avatar for shekharkopuri

Hi! I am stuck with some unusual situation and am seeking urgent help. We have a backend server in C++ on Solaris 5.9 . The need is to intiate a sftp/scp to a remote location. We have the login and passwords set up. I know for non-interactive SFTP/SCP2 sessions we …

Member Avatar for aj.wh.ca
Member Avatar for squadjot

Hey all i'm stuck in my little project. My plan is to build a application that can interact with a q3-engine game, nothing fancy, i just want to be able to read and send to the game console. magically i managed to actaully create a .exe that does this.. (alltho …

Member Avatar for squadjot
Member Avatar for ultra vires

My friend just gave me a c++ problem.. well the problem was to make small circles on circumfrence of a big circle that is positioned in the middle of screen... well i can get that middle of screen by getmaxx()/2 ... but all i can get to find locus of …

Member Avatar for jim mcnamara
Member Avatar for chaosfromthesky

Hey I am not that well versed in C++ and just recently switched my microsoft visual program from 6.0 to the 2005 version (computer switch.) I saved all my programs and converted them over to the new program however it keeps saying LINK : warning LNK4076: invalid incremental status file …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
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Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for savyasachi1973

dear all, i am new to vc++.please tell me how to control serial communication using vc++ in windows environment. thanks savyasachi

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for portege

I've been teaching myself C++ for the last two weeks. One of the things that was difficult for me to find on google was using the left click on a certain coordinate on the screen. The goal is to eventually be able to recognize images on the screen and alter …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for krayJ

Hello, I am a beginner at C++ and need some help with arrays.. - I need to create a function that returns a random number from a sequence of 4 #s. - Then I have to loop it 1000x and print the frequency of those 4 #s. So far I …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for kookai

I need help with this problem. I have tried writting the program, i just can not get it to run properly. Please Write a function qualityPoints that inputs a student's average and returns 4 if a student's average is 90 - 100, 3 if the average is 80 - 89, …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for geek

Can someone tell me what is wrong with this code? I cannot find an error, but yet the compiler crashes everytime I execute it. Convert.h [code]/*Dec to Bin and Hex to Dec*/ /* Example */ /* Convert.h */ /*Define the class*/ class Convert { public: Convert();/*Constructor: default parameters*/ void DecToBin(int); …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for kalaichris

im not a pro in c++, so hope you pros out there can help me out. I can convert a bmp to grayscale but dont no how to convert it to a binary image..i mean i dont no which functions to use..all helps are greatly appreciated..thank you..this is my structure... …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for CJ_NOE

I need to wright a program to compute the number of prime numbers in the first 50 "chiliads”. Yes sounds confusing but it just has to out put this basically. Start End Number of Primes 1 1000 168 1001 2000 135 2001 3000 127 3001 4000 120 4001 5000 119 …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for djkross

I've been trying to fix this code for 2 days now and i still don't understand where the error is coming from. this is my stackLL.h file [code] #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Node { public: int data; Node *link; }; class stackLL { public: stackLL(); ~stackLL(); bool isEmpty(); bool …

Member Avatar for djkross
Member Avatar for abujunad

I am new in C++, and learning the langauge by my self only, while practicing i come across one question for which i have no idea, the question is to calculate area and perimeter of rectangle, the code i wrote was [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for saman

[COLOR="DarkRed"]hi 2 all, i have placed a file in a folder in BIN, How can i no that if that file is present there or not?? Do reply me soon ... Thx ..take carez n keep smiling all .. :) [/COLOR]

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for dilip.mathews

[code]#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Exercise { public: int a; Exercise(){cout<<"constructor\n";} Exercise(const Exercise& x) { cout<<"copy constructor\n"; a = x.a; } Exercise& operator= (Exercise &x) { a = x.a; cout<<"assignment operaor\n"; return *this; } }; Exercise fun(Exercise& ); int main(void) { Exercise y; Exercise z; z = fun(y); return …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for rdubey_jsr

I am reading a CSV file and parsing its content into tokens. Now i want to know how to check for End of File. I am giving my code to be more clear. [CODE][COLOR=#0000ff]ifstream file(filename); if (file) { char ch ; do { file.getline(line, SIZE); tmp =static_cast<string>(line); vector <string> array; …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for rdubey_jsr

Hi I need to cast string type variable to LPCTSTR type. How to achieve this. I am inserting my code for yours help.[code] [COLOR=#0000ff] ifstream file(filename); if (file) { char ch='\n' ; do { file.getline(line, SIZE); tmp =static_cast<string>(line); vector <string> array; string token; // token decleared string type istringstream iss(tmp); …

Member Avatar for rdubey_jsr
Member Avatar for Blitzer

I have char that replace by number char a[10]; cin >> a; I set a at 4597 and then I want to convert it to four integer char 4597 >>> integer 4 integer 5 integer 9 integer 7 how can I do it ??? :'(

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for lewisy

Hi all, I am pretty new to C++ and hope you guys can help me out. I need to write a C++ code which map a network drive (in filesystem), create a new folder on filesystem(called user101) then grant user101 full control access to this newly created folder. My code …

Member Avatar for lewisy
Member Avatar for wingwarp

ok this will not work what im trying to do is create a game where you are a miner and need to put mines in 5 different spots im about 1/3 done but i cant get the money to come in after i build the mine i have gone through …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for DotNetUser

I'm coding in VC++.NET 2003. I have a tabcontrol with 6 tabpages. In Form_Load, I dynamically create buttons on each of the tabpages, but make them invisible. Inside a static function, I would make buttons visible according to the parameters. My program would get stuck in a loop when I …

Member Avatar for inquizitive1

Hello.. I am trying to do image processing using C. However, I am a complete novice at this. Can anyone please tell me about a C library(or a similar program etc) to read JPEG (or other) image files and store the data thus obtained. Please help me in any way …

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Member Avatar for jimtaylor

Dumb question #18: How can I, in C++ (Borland) sound a musical note or a series of notes? Jim Taylor

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The End.