I'm writing small command line programs that for instance numerically solve systems of differential equations. The programs are so simple, that I think it would be an overkill to use a development environment like MS Visual Studio or Anjunta. I'm progamming on a Linux computer, and I use Gedit to edit the source files and g++ to compile. Gedit nicely highlights C++ code and g++ tells me what lines contains errors, however, finding runtime errors in the code is a bit more tedious. Usually I have to insert cout << "Still works here"; in the code at several points and see if it prints. I remember from MSVS that it showed the place in the code were it went wrong with a big arrow. Quite handy. Do you know any program that does this on Linux computers?

This is the command line debugger.

This is the 'visual' wrapper around gdb.
You can use this to point at lines of code, insert breakpoints, examine variables etc.

Thanks. That's very useful information.

I've always used the free Borland compiler. I love it. You can write anything from simple commandline to full Window apps with it. I'm sorry I don't know if it's compatible with Linux though.

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