49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for grunge man

ok i was just fiddiling around macking this program to see what would happen and it worked fine but for some reason now it doesnt do what the program tells it to do this is my code [code] "#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int taco,pizza,chicken,hamburger,hotdog,; taco=0; cout<<"from …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for amelie

Hi, While compiling with Sun CC (studio10) compiler, I've observed the following warnings: Warning (Anachronism): Formal argument 3 of type extern "C" void*(*)(void*) in call to pthread_create(unsigned*, const _pthread_attr*, extern "C" void*(*)(void*), void*) is being passed void*(*)(void*). Any tips on resolving this? Thanks, ameli.

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for insamd

Hey everyone, Im new here, i have been browsing round these forums for awhile and thought i would get involved. Anyway i have a slight problem... I have a little bit of code that changes a string (eg. john) into its binary representation. What is going wrong, is that my …

Member Avatar for insamd
Member Avatar for ravij

I am getting the following message everytime I try to install activesync!!! It says: "Microsoft visual basic C++ runtime error library and the error message says E://companionapp.exe/ program terminated unexpectedly contact system administrator" Help please.......tried changing the startup settings did not work. Merci beau coup!!!!!!!!! BTW the computer runs on …

Member Avatar for ammu117

[COLOR=magenta]For professional development which is the best compiler? DevC++ or Turbo c++? what is the difference between them?[/COLOR]

Member Avatar for Grunt
Member Avatar for tln26

I am supposed to use an array and a for loop to show the average of these grades. I am not sure the formula for average here and don't know if that is what has me messed up or not. It runs, lets me put in 1 grade and then …

Member Avatar for tln26
Member Avatar for joshilay
Member Avatar for himanjim
Member Avatar for ammu117

[B][COLOR=red]I use Turbo c as my compiler. now am not able to use mouse.i can access the menu only by using key board. how can i change this ? i wanna use mouse.. am a beginner..so plz do help me[/COLOR]..[/B]:-|

Member Avatar for ammu117
Member Avatar for tln26

I am having difficulty running this program. I am using Windows XP along with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2003. The error message I get is: Unable to start debugging system could not find exe.file Error: C2109 Fatal Error: C1075 I need to use a while loop to take the number that …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for SHWOO

I have instantiated an object with arguments( string, float, float) The two floating numbers are initialized using the constructor but when I display my object using my print function instead of getting the two floating numbers I entered, I get 0.00 for each. [code]#ifndef Publication_H #define Publication_H #include <string> using …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for tln26

I am very new the C++ with no programming background. I have written a program to figure out the interest on a 401K plan. I wrote the program and tried to run it and I keep getting a message that there is not an exe. file. What is causing this? …

Member Avatar for Grunt
Member Avatar for ArNy

ok for some reason whenever i try to run Visual c++ i get the error [b]"automation server cannot create object"[/b],i got windows script 5.6 ran it but failed to install it says [b]"error registering ocx:vbscript.dll"[/b].iam out of ideas what to do.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for amelie

Hi, I need to write to a file from multiple objects, out of which few objects spawn multiple threads. Can any one give me some tips. Thanks. -ameli

Member Avatar for amelie
Member Avatar for myques

Please can somebody help me with Question Papers and answer Papers on [B]C, C++ and java. [/B]I have an Interview.

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, I have not done C++ for quite sometime now and seems that i may have forgotten a bit so please bear with me a while. I am currently trying to output some text to the console in c++, but seems i may have forgotten something because the text …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for taha54

hi all , i have a txt file called myfile.txt , i want to open this file and search for the following " this page is good/" if i find this i want to read every thing after "/" until i reach <b> so for example this page is good/so …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for ze_viru$

Hi, below is my unfinished code.what i realy want help on is how do i display or take the values of a and b to main? [code] #include<iostream> using namespace std; int ReadInput (int,int); float CalcIceCreamCost (); float CalcDeliveryCost (); float DisplayCosts (); int main() { int flava,cart,delivery; flava = …

Member Avatar for Grunt
Member Avatar for costantinos

Hello. I have a map [code] map<int, vector<int> > [/code] and I want to find which one of the vectors has the most elements. Is there a built in function that does that or do I have to write my one code. Cheers Costantinos

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for bharat.bhooshan

[COLOR=#000000]I have a problem in C++(complier dev My program have complie with no error but out put is wrong and not run show with massage “ [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][B]some intermediated data is missing[/B]”. In debugging its show massage “[B]segmentation Error”[/B] .[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000][code]#include<iostream>[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]#include<math.h>[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]#include<conio.h>[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]#include<fstream>[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]#include<dos.h>[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]#include<iomanip>[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]const int row=195;[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]const …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for star22

plz friend solve this code for me I dont know what is the wrong with it. it is in c++ programing language. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define size 20 struct data { int age; int year; char course[6]; char name[20]; } students[20]; struct temporary //changed to struct? { int age; …

Member Avatar for andor
Member Avatar for soft_pro

I try to draw a circle ;) ,but the borland c++builder 's compiler can not find this include file->"borlacon.h" please response to this message because I don't have any helper now. (I am sorry,English is not my mother tongue :rolleyes: )

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for faizalw

hello; I want to make the user write one character, not more than one and save it to char. so how can I make the input limited to one char? If I work with number only, how can I lock the letters input, making the user to input only numbers? …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for Wreef

Hello Everyone, This is my first post, I am very new to C++, infact only touched it once before today, so I need some help. I am trying to genorate a big number, This number isn't actualy possible to genorate (Googolplex) but I want to program to keep multiplying itself …

Member Avatar for Wreef
Member Avatar for star22

plz friends help me to solve this proplem by c++ language: [COLOR=#000000][CENTER][CENTER][B][U]Question (Check Protection and word interpretation) [/U][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U] [/U][/B][/CENTER][/CENTER] [B][U]Problem Concept [/U][/B] - Computers are frequently used in check-writing systems, such as pay-roll and accounts payable applications. Many strange stories circulate regarding weekly paychecks being printed (by mistake) for …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for joshilay

hi .. can anyone help me to understand what are the uses of different OOPS concepts of c++ and how thse features helps in programming in c++ ... specailly features like data abstraction etc ...

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for 00mike00uk

Hello everyone, i just signed up to the site. Ive been trying to learn c++ now for about a week. But every tutorial i find on the web (i have found lots) i dont seem to understand. it all seems so hard, but i realy would like to learn. Do …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for comp_sci11

I'm currently working on a ATM program wherein a 3.5 floopy diskette would serves as the card of the user. this diskette has a program wherein it has a account number and a password. And when the user inserted a diskette, he will be instructed to input his password and …

Member Avatar for Grunt
Member Avatar for Wreef

I believe that my header files are out of data...And causing me errors. Can someone please upload the standard Visual C++ 2005 header files?

Member Avatar for Wreef
Member Avatar for Eddy Dean

Hello everyone, I am trying to create a "proxy" for a program. I will try to explain how I am going to do that. The program I want to write a proxy for sends and receives data to/from a server. The IP and port the client connects to is somewhere …

Member Avatar for Eddy Dean
Member Avatar for Ripiz

md5.cpp [code] #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdio.h> #include "md5.h" using namespace std; char* szString = "Some string you want to generate an MD5 key for."; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char* sString = MD5String(szString); cout << "Some string you want to generate an MD5 key for." …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~

The End.