49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for Blitzer

I have '1' and I want to convert to integer 1 I think I must use atoi but I don't know how to use this function.. int i1 = atoi(item[i]); // item[i] is char then it show ERROR in member fuction how to use atoi???? how can I declare it??:sad:

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for ostkaka

Hello, I wonder if someone wan´t to learn C++ with me on msn or here. I started with a tutorial in C++ but I got stuck, so I thougt it would be better if I learned it with someone else who also want´s to learn C++. So if you are …

Member Avatar for wingwarp
Member Avatar for L33VaNcL33F

Hello everybody, I'm totally newbie with c++ language. I'm using Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition. I like to make a working GUI with my first c++ code. My question is: How to insert this code to Windows Forms (GUI) that contain: 1. Press "Button" to randomly generate the number from …

Member Avatar for mostafadotnet
Member Avatar for CyberLev

I am working out a function that merges two lists and returns a pointer to a third list which contains the merged lists. Can anyone help? Here is what I have thus far: [code]/STLList - use the list container of std library #include <list> #include <string> #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> …

Member Avatar for CyberLev
Member Avatar for justobioma

Hello All,Iam Obi fronm Nigeria and has been studying c++ for some time now .I recently took on a challenge to design a kind of airtime service for the mobile communication industry but can only say that I have not really delivered on that.Below is the code and I would …

Member Avatar for djkross

everything seems to go fine except when i get to the search. either the program runs with a runtime error or it'll just return "NO MATCH". by the way, when i put the if/else statement in the loop, it works but it also returns NO MATCH until it finds the …

Member Avatar for djkross
Member Avatar for nehareddy33
Member Avatar for portege
Member Avatar for wingwarp

c++ is in many games and processes are handled with C++... IF you want to learn C++ You will need 2 things... 1. compiler 2.patience you can find a great compiler called devc++ link: [URL="http://ftp1.sourceforge.net/dev-cpp/devcpp4.zip"]http://ftp1.sourceforge.net/dev-cpp/devcpp4.zip[/URL] and inner patience... or a good tutorial links: [URL="http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial.html#c++tutorial"]http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial.html#c++tutorial[/URL] [URL="http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/"]http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/[/URL] i can explain enough to …

Member Avatar for wingwarp
Member Avatar for wingwarp
Member Avatar for master4u

hi this is subham from india i wana help i am trying a program to operate pc through mobile but in doing so i am getting one prob in accessing inbox of mobile phones which will be connected to pc through a data cable i want that messages present in …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for tefflox

i've been at this for an hour, feeling stupid by now, getting sick of these segmentation faults.. [code] // board.cpp #include <iostream> using namespace::std; const int NUM_ROWS = 10, // Board dimensions NUM_COLS = 20; // Function prototypes void fillRectangle ( char board[NUM_ROWS] [NUM_COLS] , int row, int col, int …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for shwetashelke

Sir, I want to make connectivity in c with database oracle so plz tell me the code for that.thanx in advance.

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for Phruis

I am extremely new to C++ and I've been trying to do a few things. I want to read a file and get all the numeric values. This information is going to be used in writing a binary file. I also want to count how many numeric values where found. …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for vicky_dev

Hi... I am trying to write a string class...this part is supposed to concatenate two strings, but I am having trouble with constructors/destructors.:rolleyes: Please explain the exact sequence of calls and the correct way to code.:?: [code] #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; class STRING { char …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for tefflox

I don't know if I should post all the code to start, but if you need to see all the code just ask. Trying to post the relevant stuff: [code] void findHoliday (const DayData holidayList[],int listLength, int month,int day, char holidayCopy[]) .... holidayCopy = holidayList[i].holiday; [/code] now it's puzzling since …

Member Avatar for tefflox
Member Avatar for rapt0r

In a c++ tutorial this was one way to define a string [CODE] #include <string> using namespace std; string name; name="mark"; [/CODE] But it dosent work i get errors.Why is this?

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for wingwarp
Member Avatar for SamY

How can one manipulate the vdu. Like to creae a class which can be used to create objects like windows depending on wdth like [COLOR=red]_o/s_window(120,20,0xddff,0);[/COLOR] [COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR] 120-height 20-width hexadecimal-base color 0-border stylethe window will look like this with a color gradient and can run other programs.

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Simon268

Hi all. I can't get this to compile; [code] #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main () { int number; string response; for (number=5; response!='Y';) { cout <<number <<endl; cout <<"Had Enough (Y/N)?"; cin>>response; } cin.get (); cin.get (); return 0; } [/code] when i try to compile …

Member Avatar for Simon268
Member Avatar for Simon268

Hi all Any help would be much appreciated. Im following the about.com tutorial, and one of the exercises says i should make this program; [code] #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main () { string name; int ID; cout<<"enter your name\n"; cin>> name; cout<<"enter your id\n"; cin>> ID; …

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Member Avatar for wingwarp

I am a basic c++ programer :sad: that wants to understand graphics but all the online guides confuse me i understand BASIC c++ code like... :-| [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int forever; int HIGH = 15; int LOW = 1; int HIGH1 = 50; int …

Member Avatar for wingwarp
Member Avatar for slacke

Hi I used an variable int i; in a faunction block as it is in a code below. [code] #includes.... int i; int function() { while(charbuff[i]!=' ') { ofstream stream("file.lng", ios::app) stream << charbuff[i]; i++; stream.close(); } return 0; } main() { ........... some code function(); /*call function */ cout …

Member Avatar for slacke
Member Avatar for ranaz

hi! i hav a code that was compiled using Microsoft VC++1.52. now i need to compile it on VC 6. but the compiler is generating the errors in statements containing use of FAR pointer. can any one guide me how to remove these errors or where can i find this …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for schmidty169

This is what I have to do [COLOR=black][COLOR=black][COLOR=black]We will initialize the tree by hard coding the values illustrated below. You will need to write, test and execute a driver program that will use the complete binary tree implementation. [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=black][COLOR=black][COLOR=black]// this will initialize the tree node values treenodes[0]=5; treenodes[1]=10; treenodes[2]=2; …

Member Avatar for schmidty169
Member Avatar for tefflox

I'm trying to return a struct array from two functions. I don't know what to say. Here is my code: [code] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; struct worker { int idNumber; int hoursWorked; double hourlyRate; double earned; }; [B]???[/B] input(); [B]???[/B] calculateEarned(worker []); void outputWorkers(worker []); int overtimeWorkers(worker …

Member Avatar for tefflox
Member Avatar for tefflox

Please take a look at my function call. I don't know if I'm handling the return values right. It works for an employee with less than or equal to 40 hours worked, but the over time is paying 2.5 times instead of 1.5 times. Should I be using some kind …

Member Avatar for tefflox
Member Avatar for geek

Hello all, I've been programming in c++ for about 2 years now, but all my c++ applications are console driven. I would like to start using GUI's but in c++ it takes a lot of effort to build a GUI application (using API's), now my question; what programming language do …

Member Avatar for Eddy Dean
Member Avatar for ishwar

Hi guys, and girls, I 'm trying to create a program in c++ using winsock to see what happens when internet explorer sends a http request to [URL="http://localhost:80"]http://localhost:80[/URL] any tips? Thanx Ishwar

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for trevs234

im new to C++.... sorta. i tried to use it a while ago but i couldn't figure out how to do anything and so now im going to try it again. if anyone could be of assistance that would be awsome. oh yeah, and im pretty much broke so i …

Member Avatar for justobioma
Member Avatar for caspiku

HI I have been using c++ 4.5 for over an year but now it shows 16 bit error. i tried to delete it and so the tcwin45 folder but now whenever i start my computer it shows an error that "it could not search for C:\TCWIN45\PIPELINE\remind.exe search again". Pls. help …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.